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CC to go in the summer


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Caley Thistle's public relations machine finally lumbered into life last night to insist all is well at the Caledonian Stadium.

More than 48 hours after being asked to comment on manager Charlie Christie's weekend outburst at his players, the club yesterday chose to turn its attention on the Scottish media.

The Inverness manager did not deny hinting at quitting the club when questioned on Tuesday, while director of football Graeme Bennett admitted he had been made aware of Christie's veiled threat to resign on Sunday.

No action was taken until four days later following a meeting of club directors and the manager yesterday.

With Christie's comments in the public domain, Caley Thistle forced into a response yesterday - despite initially issuing a brief statement two days previously which insisted the club would not comment on events in the dressing-room.

Rather than clearing the matter, there appear to be more smoke and mirrors in the latest statement. The spin from Inverness on budget day would have made Chancellor Gordon Brown proud.

Caley Thistle chairman Alan Savage insists the club will continue to move forward with Christie at the helm following the talks.

Savage said: "We needed to hear Charlie's own thoughts, rather than media versions of them, and we've had a frank and open discussion, from which I've emerged very reassured.

"Directors were as surprised as supporters by the media stories, as we have offered Charlie every encouragement and backing. He's made it clear how disappointed he is at how his emotional response has come across.

"Charlie has expressed regret for uncertainty caused. We've drawn a line under it, and we go forward together."

Drawn a line?

Either Christie wants to be manager or he does not.

The manager can explain.

Christie said: "It's a great relief to get the opportunity to have such a discussion and explain the facts. I know it's a quiet week for club football, but media accounts of what I said were a million miles away from my real intent."

Now all is well again - despite the two-day delay in relaying the good news to supporters.

Christie continued: "I never, at any time, said I was on the verge of quitting, and it's been a distressing few days having that spin put on what was an emotive outburst at players after a surprise defeat.

"But I was immensely gratified at our normal team meeting on Monday when players said they felt the team had stepped forward another level in the past 12 months."

Savage, it seems, has been reassured all is rosy once more at his club. It is back to business as usual, he claims, and the whole matter has been blown out of proportion.

The Caley Thistle chairman said: "I know fans have been baffled by stories since the Dunfermline game, but the bottom line is a very promising young manager, who has achieved much in 14 months, is staying at Caley Thistle.

"We're now looking to continue progress on various initiatives with next season in mind. The board and management team are fully united going forward. We've had a good discussion today, it's back to business as usual and we're working with Charlie to write new chapters in this club's extraordinary success story."

Having caused the furore in the first place, it is fitting that the Caley Jags manager has the final word.

But even then, the seeds of doubt remain sown.

He said: "I'm my own harshest critic, but in recent months we've beaten Rangers twice and been 90 seconds from a Scottish Cup semi-final, so we have made progress.

"I look forward to the challenge of making more progress next season and can assure the fans that I'm very committed to this club on an ongoing basis."

Ongoing for two months, two years or two decades.

That is for Christie and his directors to decide.

P & J

Interesting to note Paul Third seriously getting the digs in at ICT here, or is that just me?

All seems straight forward enough, what the fcuk is this guys problem.

Every question has been answered... what is he complaining about?

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Why let the facts get in the way of a good story  :014:

I am reliably informed that this has all come about due to a misheard conversation!! What was actually said was "Christie to go on holiday in the summer"  :016:

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"He said  (chaz): "I'm my own harshest critic, but in recent months we've beaten Rangers twice and been 90 seconds from a Scottish Cup semi-final, so we have made progress."

am i missing something here.  is he actually claiming the celtic result as some sort of success  :017: ..... there was a topic on here 3 pages long about that being the most painful defeat in our history, everybody was angry and the general disapointment on the site was as bad as ive ever seen.  have a bit of f#cking respect for the fans who suffered because of your tactical errors

beat rangers twice under plg is NOT progress, beating anybody over a couple of games is NOT progress, progress would be improving our form against motherwell, dunfermline, st mirren and falkirk.

bollocks is he his harshest critic.  get your head out of your arse, pack your bags and go find a real job with your zero proffesional experience and qualifications, best of luck!  :018:

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"He said  (chaz): "I'm my own harshest critic, but in recent months we've beaten Rangers twice and been 90 seconds from a Scottish Cup semi-final, so we have made progress."

am i missing something here.  is he actually claiming the celtic result as some sort of success  :017: ..... there was a topic on here 3 pages long about that being the most painful defeat in our history, everybody was angry and the general disapointment on the site was as bad as ive ever seen.  have a bit of f#cking respect for the fans who suffered because of your tactical errors

beat rangers twice under plg is NOT progress, beating anybody over a couple of games is NOT progress, progress would be improving our form against motherwell, dunfermline, st mirren and falkirk.

bollocks is he his harshest critic.  get your head out of your arse, pack your bags and go find a real job with your zero proffesional experience and qualifications, best of luck!  :018:

more pish?? :014:

'am i missing something here.  is he actually claiming the celtic result as some sort of success  :017:'

Yes clacher, yes you are!! He is claiming that quarter final + 88 mins of success in the scottish up + keeping us safe from relegation from the SPL for another year is better than we have ever done before, thus progress has been made.

'beat rangers twice under plg is NOT progress'

How many other teams have managed it this season?? :024:

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I have just read the newspaper article - is there anybody else out there that is psychologically minded as I have to desist from ripping shreds out of it. It puts a plaster on a wound that needs stitches. I still expect that an operation will be carried out by the end of the season - it begins with C and ends in ostomy.

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I think that P&J article serves to make the reporter look like an utter f@nny to be honest.

OK, so things got a bit heated in the dressingroom after the match and things were said which never should have been said.  These things have been leaked to the vultures of Scottish Media who automatically assume they've got another "manager Quits" story on their hands and start digging out the template they keep in the top drawer for such occasions.  They're out with the tippex replacing the managers name with CC's and are all ready to roll with the story but ICT have the audacity to wait until they are good and ready to talk to the press instead of jumping because the reporters say "now".

ICT, yet again, have chosen to do things their way, to take a sensible and rational approach - and because that doesn't meet with the approval of the gutter press they serve up this load of contrived tosh.  It is so selective in it's quotes and the way they are delvivered it's no wonder people are reading stuff between the lines which doesn't exists.  Ih the journalist had spent more time concentrating on the ACTUAL story instead of trying to invent some conspiracy then we may be better placed to judge for ourselves. Their is so much spin in that article that it will be a week on Friday before Paul Third recovers from the resultant dizzy spell.

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The mole has spoken. The journalists have made up the rest. The fans have made their points. And now Mr Savage has publicly expressed support for the management team and acknowledged what is needed to take this team forward. Personnally I think now would be a good time to let the various threads die and to get behind the team for the next eight games.

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OK so Charlie was pretty mad in the dressing room on Saturday, porbably about 7 on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is "that wasn't great lads" and 10 is Fergie at his absolute most ballistic in the old Trafford dressing room.

Then a player goes and spouts HIS version of that to the P and J and other papers.

Then the P and J spins it a bit more on Tuesday.

Then, possibly a bit late in the day, the club responds with a statment which tells the rest of te world "the P and Js talking p!sh".

Now the P and J havent actually done the club or Charlie many favours in the past. They stick the boot in when thery can and their never wrong of course.

So they respond as they did on Wednesday.

Simple as that.

Otherwise I agree with Alex. Let it drop.

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defintion: witch hunt, often involving moral panic, mass hysteria and mob lynching, but in historical instances also legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft trials.

The classical period of witch-hunts in Europe fall into the Early Modern period or about 1450 to 1700, spanning the upheavals of the Reformation and the Thirty Years' War, resulting in tens of thousands of executions.

Many cultures throughout the world, both ancient and modern, have reacted to allegations of witchcraft either by superstitious fear and awe, and killed any alleged practitioners of witchcraft outright; or, shunned it as quackery, extortion or fraud. Witchhunts still occur in the modern era, in many and various communities where religious values condemn the practice of witchcraft and the occult.

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Indeed HC, witchhunts DO still occur in the modern era and these days the victims are mainly users of fossil fuels.

In post Renaissance Europe strange old women were needlesly persecuted ... in 1950s America it was alleged Communinsts... and in 21st Century Britain it's poeple with cars and central heating who are demonised on fabricated evidence.

Carbon Dioxide... the 21st Centruy's answer to witchcraft.

But, to avoid getting bounced to "Anything Goes" I would conclude.... don't worry Charlie, the Little Green Men (and I don't mean Jinky Johnston and Fergus McCann) will ensure that man's fundamental need for something to victimise will soon focus away from you and on to people who use conventional light bulbs.

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Indeed HC, witchhunts DO still occur in the modern era and these days the victims are mainly users of fossil fuels.

In post Renaissance Europe strange old women were needlesly persecuted ... in 1950s America it was alleged Communinsts... and in 21st Century Britain it's poeple with cars and central heating who are demonised on fabricated evidence.

Carbon Dioxide... the 21st Centruy's answer to witchcraft.

But, to avoid getting bounced to "Anything Goes" I would conclude.... don't worry Charlie, the Little Green Men (and I don't mean Jinky Johnston and Fergus McCann) will ensure that man's fundamental need for something to victimise will soon focus away from you and on to people who use conventional light bulbs.


This post has been passed as carbon neutral.

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can appreciate that charles bannerman has a good reputation and respect from pretty much everybody, maintained by him only really posting in topics relating to the media or correcting posters who claim to have 'insider' info ~(doing so in an articulate, informed manner always) and never getting involed in the personal tit-for-tat or cliched football guff that makes up most of this messageboard.

its been said before but obviously its in his proffesional interests to be backing charlie christie (and i guess any senior ict personel) but anybody else noticed him being a bit cocky lately?  instead of arguing against aqusations of cc being too inexperienced, fortunate to be in a top job or of him making too many mistakes, he just tries to belittle us with psychobabble 14 year olds get taught in school these days?  its out of character and im not a fan! 

cb, being smug when talking about the media or athletics coaching to those who know nothing about either is fine but it doesnt give you the right to be so self-righteous when attempting to pass your own personal opinion on something you think you know enough about to be so or especially on those who disagree with you.  you really arent the only person on here who knows about football or managing a proffesional team in any field!  ****, even ive got lackies that have to say sorry when their late or have to squirm when im asking them about mistakes theyve logged on our computers, an im a bairn compared to half the users of this site

stop talking p1sh about communism, carbon dioxide and ultimately the subject thatll be paying your bills (for aslong as youre sure hes safe in his role), cc.  then carry on helping us neanderthals see between the lines of p n j football stories

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Clacher, I think CB was trying to put a bit of lighthearted fun into this whole topic. What I cant see though is why it would be in his professional interest to back Charlie Christie. He's a school teacher and part time journalist for the BBC so what has he to gain?

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