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SITE UPDATE - Comments, Bugs, Problems


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Despite months of development and a few weeks of testing it's near certain something will have slipped through the net, so please use this thread to report any issues/bugs/errors you happen upon.

Please feel free to heap praise on us for our hard work - cheques can be made payable to me, or you can just give me cash next time we meet  :015:  :tic01:

Feel free to ask questions if there's a new button or feature you don't understand and once we've had an opportunity to catch our breath we'll post up some information about getting signed up for the predicition leagues etc etc.

We don't mind criticism, so long as you keep it constructive - posts such as "that's chit" and "I don't like it" will be ignored unless you say why.

Current Issues / Resolutions

1.  Problems with Login Boxes - [works in Firefox and IE7 but not IE6]. status: resolved.

2.  Site Preview on Hover no longer working - Feature Removed. status: resolved.

3.  Avatars missing - result of moving sites over - resolve by resetting within your profile. status: resolved

4.  Password reminders have bad links and produce an error when clicked. status: resolved.

5.  Ignore function not working properly. code changes applied. status: appears resolved - monitoring.

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Hi Guys

Just encountered some problems while logging in on the front page. While the page was loading, the username and password boxes were active, i.e. "clickable", but as soon as the page was fully loaded, they were not. I overcame that by tabbing between the fields and managed to login by continueing to tab and by hitting enter (even the login button didn't work for me).

Could it be my browser settings?  :024:

I'm running M$ Internet Explorer 6.0 on M$ Windows 2000 Professional in a corporate environment.


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I had exactly the same problem as Premier ICT, i clicked the username box to enter my details but as soon as the home page fully loaded the page froze, i couldnt click on any links or the log in box or even scroll down the page. The way i got round it in the end was by finding the address of the forums page and then logging in through on of the tabs there. I'm running IE on xp in a corporate environment. I logged in at home last night through firefox and had no problems with logging on in the home page.

Not sure if its a browser issue or an administrative rights type issue (had them in the past with different websites) but thought i'd let you guys know anyway.

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for those having troubles - click on forum on the main menu and then the login button on the forum menu - that should work.

going to move this topic to the main forum as users who arent logged in cant see this one and therefore cant see the workaround they can use until we fix it.

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for those having troubles - click on forum on the main menu and then the login button on the forum menu - that should work.

going to move this topic to the main forum as users who arent logged in cant see this one and therefore cant see the workaround they can use until we fix it.

When i first tried the homepage today almost instantly it froze and i couldnt click on any of the links. The second time i tried it i managed to click on the text box and it froze shortly after and the third time i tried it i clicked on the forum link on the menu but nothing happened and once again it froze. Got the forum page bookmarked now so dont have to go in through the home page.

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very strange !!! I too could replicate the problem using Internet Exploder (but not Firefox which is my browser of choice) but after managing to login once using IE, the login box now appears to be working when i try it again after logging out .......

strange thing is, that during months of testing (using both IE and FF), this issue did not occur once so I am thinking it may be session or cookie related rather than browser related. Both myself and CaleyD are investigating !

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Guest TinCanFan

I forgot my password and got the email to change it but when you try and click on the link it gives you it doesn't work but I finally got logged in when I typed the whole link address into the address bar.

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very strange !!! I too could replicate the problem using Internet Exploder (but not Firefox which is my browser of choice) but after managing to login once using IE, the login box now appears to be working when i try it again after logging out .......

strange thing is, that during months of testing (using both IE and FF), this issue did not occur once so I am thinking it may be session or cookie related rather than browser related. Both myself and CaleyD are investigating !

I havent had any problems with firefox and that is the browser i use most often, its just at work i'm limited to IE, cannot install any other browsers!  :008:

On the whole though i like the changes made  :022:

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think we have narrowed it down to cookies ! if you dont already have a cookie set for the site, the login module doesnt want to work. one thing we omitted to do yesterday was to rename the default login cookie to the same name as we used before (we have done that now). now need to figure out why its killing all the links !

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A query here as opposed to a bug - mind how, when you rested the cursor over a members globe icon for their site, it would show up a mini preview of their site?

This feature no longer appears to work for me. Has it been disabled?

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A query here as opposed to a bug - mind how, when you rested the cursor over a members globe icon for their site, it would show up a mini preview of their site?

This feature no longer appears to work for me. Has it been disabled?

yes. - wasnt working properly - was trying (and failing miserably) to show previews of just about anything that was a link !

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Got your emails guys.

I had the same page frozen type scenario.

I deleted cookies temp internet files but seemed to be the same.

I somehow stumbled into the site now and eventually logged on. Will check it over later.

I am using IE 6

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My previews are working, have you just fixed them???

forgot to add, windows xp as well

Just noticed, a lot of avatars are missing, except Scotties............it's my site and nobody else can use it. :029: :blah01:

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Just noticed, a lot of avatars are missing, except Scotties............it's my site and nobody else can use it. :029: :blah01:

just reset it in your profile - some seem to have worked, others didnt (including Don's !)

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A query here as opposed to a bug - mind how, when you rested the cursor over a members globe icon for their site, it would show up a mini preview of their site? This feature no longer appears to work for me. Has it been disabled?

My previews are working, have you just fixed them???

While this feature doesnt work quite the way it should, it doesnt impact anything else as its a single line of code in one of the files .... if enough people use it we may consider adding it back in ... just dont complain that some of the preview images are wrong !

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I forgot my password and got the email to change it but when you try and click on the link it gives you it doesn't work but I finally got logged in when I typed the whole link address into the address bar.

under investigation. believe this is because we are using SEF URLS now and its doing something screwy to that link.

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