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A plea from the heart

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i think what brewsters gone through since leaving makes him a very interesting candidate for the top job, now would be about the only time he could come back and do well, leaving it another 5 years (for example) would be a mistake.  hes had the stuffing knocked out of him but seems to have started this season well, he may finally be ready to hang up his boots.  i would hope his previous arrogance would have taken a hammering, all the better for his future prospects.  i dont think him being a manager in the past should be an issue, nor should the manner in which he left, we can be more mature than that.  id hope he would view coming back as a big step forward for himself and an admission he's f#cked up elsewhere.  he knows the club well and we all know him, if he has changed as a man then he should be given a second chance

he'd certainly get the best out of the front line and nicolae in particular.  i sometimes wonder if not being fit enough really is our biggest problem, the squad we have is far more talented than they get credit for.

it would give the players and the fans a lift,, id certainly give him my support.

christie remains in place for now though and saying the above is probably very premature, im sure there would be a number of candidates should he step down this week.

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I would initially wish to comment that RIG, Chibber and caleyonup are sanctimonious tawts who rarely have the ability to read the feckin bottom line. It may also surprise their limited intellect that I am more informed than they will ever be. This thread and the Cometh the Hour were designed to be feckin supportive of the man himself and feck all to do with anything else. I am not pressurisng CC to resign for any other reason than his feckin health. If he comes out and comments otherwise then that is fine.

Read my contributions to the threads again and try to look deeper at the words. I feel very angry and bitter at the moment and I would love to point the finger but I suggest that you try to read deeper into some of my other more recent posts. You can only manage when you are feckin allowed to.

Better stop now - enuff said.

And again I beseech - You will always be a legend in my eyes and many others. You have helped ICT out in their hour of need but it is time to put yourself and your family first. Gracefully throw in the towel before things get any worse.

Does that really sound like a slagging !!!  Feck Aff.  :33:

Who shall we get in then?  Colin Hendry? He seems to be doing well for himself.

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Guys like Ferguson of Manchester United have a real temper and have lost it on more than one occasion. But I could not see Mr Christie ever throwing a boot at any player and I get the sense that he is different in other ways from that Manager.

Powder puffs can have tempers but can also be ignored whereas  Managers who command  respect apparently don't give a hoot what people think of them and have a determination to reach that goal that is constantly in the forefront of their mind and are prepared to go through anything,  and do, to get there.  These are tough S.O.B's and no mistake.When they are kicked in the teeth they get up spitting blood and just get on with it regardless and don't stand about waiting for sympathy.

But , from words written that I have read in the past, Ferguson was seen by many at the clubs where he worked as a barsteward and feared by many players and he got results because of the single-minded intensity of his attitude and instilling in players  the sense that  woe betide them if they did not play their heart out or to the full extent of their ability. It is doubtful if he fell down crying at the stress of the job. In short he leaves the indelible impression that in terms of toughness he is a cut above the average. Like it or lump it he is , for want of a better word, a "winner".

If CC is a kinder gentler man then so be it but that is not an indicator by itself that he is a failure. Nothing is ever what it seems and perhaps the worst stress that he may find galling is the fact that there may be too many fingers in his pie. Is there any question at ICT of nepotism?

I find it interesting that at least one player who seems to have attracted almost universal attention from a majority of posters on here as to the alleged inadequacy of his performance was again in the team selection recently and again on the bench at St Mirren..this could  simply be because the coach felt he did not have an adequate replacement but personally speaking I wonder.

As for Mr Brewster I think that bringing him back would be a mistake , and no mistake, if you will pardon the pun. John Hughes of  Falkirk with his passion, honesty of purpose and courageous frankness would be  not a bad choice as a potential replacement in the event that CC decided to move on ----and he could bring Latapy with him  :023: But then again......... the wages?

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One last question - If Charlie was a puppet who was pulling the strings ?  :008:

I just can't believe Charlie was anyones puppet nor can I believe that our Romanian striker was his signing. He is far from stupid and I'm sure he could see the problems in the dressing room over money. Nothing personal, but I honestly think this signing could break up our harmonious squad.

Good luck Charlie, whatever you decide to do. 

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If there are problems in the dressing room over the signing of a quakity international player, then the players want to take a long hard look at themselves.

In effect they're saying.....we don't want anyone here better than us. That's an appalling attitude. The only way our club is ever going to progress is by continually signing players as good, or better, than what we have.

This attitude in the dressing room is effectivly saying we don't want any big names at our club.......which is bollox.

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If there are problems in the dressing room over the signing of a quakity international player, then the players want to take a long hard look at themselves.

In effect they're saying.....we don't want anyone here better than us. That's an appalling attitude. The only way our club is ever going to progress is by continually signing players as good, or better, than what we have.

This attitude in the dressing room is effectivly saying we don't want any big names at our club.......which is bollox.

I agree but I still feel the problem was not the signing of an international player, it was the fact that his remuneration package was leaked to the public and all of a sudden 2+2=5. I don't know how you would feel if someone working with you was earning 2,3 or maybe even 4 times more for doing the same job. That would seriously p.ss me off.

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I find this use of higher income/better player signing,  causing unrest in the camp, a load of rubbish!

If I wish to employ someone new, at a higher income than my current employees, what has that to do with them??

If, by so doing, I am saving their current incomes and also allowing them to earn higher bonuses they wish to complain or worse still, reduce their workrate??

I do appreciate that football players are not always quoted, by the press. as having high IQs BUT surely anyone with half a brain would be able to see the personal benefit a star signing could bring to any organisation!

If they are not happy now when they had a decent guy as manager, wait until they get their bum felt by the new boy. He will not let dressing room politics stand in his way of progressing and they may be at Bishop Briggs shortly wishing they were part of a team playing in the SPL!

Water, Well and Dry comes to mind!!

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Bishop Briggs ?  not another new club for us to beat in a competitive competition :029:  Think you meant Borough Briggs  :003:

I agree about the wage thing that players should be able to accept a star signing on a higher wage than them, I also think if i was one of them I would be pretty much peed off that I'm not at least getting a rise (doesn't have to be to the same amount, just a rewarding amount) myself to show that the club are happy that I'm contributing to the team, I'd also be the first one to stand up and say look if someone is playing poorly they should also be getting a wage that merits that poor performance, the sad thing is players have a set wage at the start of contract and for that to be changed a new contract must be offered, so players rely on "win bonuses" , "goal bonuses", "clean sheet bonuses", whatever is offered to be rewarded and this will always happen in football its part and parcel of a game, If a player thinks he's better than that he must be thinking he's better than the club...No :018:No player is better than the club, Accept yer wage and get on with it, if you don't like it ask for a transfer and see how far you get, The club can do without pre-madonnas in the dressing room.

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Borough Briggs it is!!

Don't quite understand why, if I employ someone on a higher wage than you, you should require a wage increase. You are being paid to contribute so why want more - what is different from the situation prior to my employing this person, as far as your income/effort is concerned?

You may be peed off but the way forward for you is to achieve star rating as well and make all the rest peed off!

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I would initially wish to comment that RIG, Chibber and caleyonup are sanctimonious tawts who rarely have the ability to read the feckin bottom line. It may also surprise their limited intellect that I am more informed than they will ever be. This thread and the Cometh the Hour were designed to be feckin supportive of the man himself and feck all to do with anything else. I am not pressurisng CC to resign for any other reason than his feckin health. If he comes out and comments otherwise then that is fine.

Read my contributions to the threads again and try to look deeper at the words. I feel very angry and bitter at the moment and I would love to point the finger but I suggest that you try to read deeper into some of my other more recent posts. You can only manage when you are feckin allowed to.

Better stop now - enuff said.

And again I beseech - You will always be a legend in my eyes and many others. You have helped ICT out in their hour of need but it is time to put yourself and your family first. Gracefully throw in the towel before things get any worse.

Does that really sound like a slagging !!!  Feck Aff.  :33:

"try to look deeper at the words" :rotflmao:

"it may also surprise their limited intellect that i am more informed than they will ever be :015:

i do understand what your vast intellect is trying to imply, just reckon your talkin oot yer erse

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Totally agree with Absent Friend - Bringing in a higher paid player should encourage the others to try harder!  After all, if Marius does the business they will all benefit in the end, but one man does not make a team - pull together boys, please!

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If there are problems in the dressing room over the signing of a quakity international player, then the players want to take a long hard look at themselves.

In effect they're saying.....we don't want anyone here better than us. That's an appalling attitude. The only way our club is ever going to progress is by continually signing players as good, or better, than what we have.

This attitude in the dressing room is effectivly saying we don't want any big names at our club.......which is bollox.

Perhaps what they are saying is, "why should I work my balls of to get a start on the pitch when someone can walk in on 4 times my salary and then expect me to perform 110% in order that he can shine and move on"

One last question - If Charlie was a puppet who was pulling the strings ?  :008:

To hazard a guess as to the answer there may be deemed to be a very savage thing.

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It was often said last season by various members of the media - usually after a decent result - That Caley are a good bunch of journeyman pros who are prepared to work hard for, and support one other.

That kind of spirit very often results from a scenario in which all are paid roughly similar amounts....

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awww you must be having a laugh. 3 games gone and you want cc to step down.never heard such utter pish.can i suggest you visit the doctor and beg for valium  if you dont have some,  in the hope it might calm you down.

lets get behind the club not cause more problems

May I remind you of your first contribution on this thread.

And then your second:

well i hope the rumours are just that. have every faith in charlie and now is way too soon for panic buttons. that said he does take things to personally and if his health is suffering and he cant adapt to the pressures of the job then fair play to him, your health should come first

And then, like a complete and utter ersehole, ya actually prove yer dimwittedness with a pathetic attempt to ridicule me.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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If there are problems in the dressing room over the signing of a quakity international player, then the players want to take a long hard look at themselves.

In effect they're saying.....we don't want anyone here better than us. That's an appalling attitude. The only way our club is ever going to progress is by continually signing players as good, or better, than what we have.

This attitude in the dressing room is effectivly saying we don't want any big names at our club.......which is bollox.

Completely agree. There is a reason some players get paid more than others. That's because they are better than you and more valuable. It's the same with every job.

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