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Top sex this season?

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I am willing to stand up and say I am disgusted that this has even got this far. We do not need this kind of low-life smut peddlar smearing his corruption on our club. We cannot be seen to endorse this amoral courtship.

Porn king - fine, but a Rangers fan!?!

Must we fling this filth at our soccer fans!

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Rumour has it that this lad intended to swop a pipe band to California with a High School Girl's Cheerleadingoutfit to Tulloch from there.

I saw the cheerleading U.S. finals on T.V. and was completely gobsmacked. In addition to some lovely young lasses in fetching outfits their  performance was one of breathtakingly  fast and furious acrobatics beautifully synchronised throughout. Now THAT'a show that would draw in the crowds at tulloch for sure. But we don't need this guy to arrange it - Mr Savage can call me anytime.  :016:

As for Ms Orr, well, Connie there is  fine group of firemen on a Calendar here --maybe if ya grease ma haun wi siller I can do something to lighten life's little burden for you. Hmmmmmm.....? :015:

The problem with a geezer like this is not the sex which is universally accepted as a perfectly normal activity but the links to criminal elements who have a finger in  the pie at all times.  :012:

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HEY!  If you boys are getting pole-dancing and the likes, what are us girls getting eh EH?!!

Football and pornography at the Tulloch, whatever next!! 

Women like pron too and don't deny it :blah01: I am sure there will be lots of plastic/latex merchandise in the club shop for you. 9" vibrating goalposts and the like.

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I think Birmingham City's owners made money in porn, but there was no resistance from the fans. They maybe don't have morals down there!

Think it's David Gold....something to do with the Sunday Sport et al. And you're right....there are no morals in this neck of the woods.  :004:

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