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Joining a gym??

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Expensive! I really can't see the point of paying about 40 quid a month to look at a wall when you can go and run in the wonderful outdoor for nothing.

You'd be amazed at how good an overall fitness regime you can devise for yourself without the cost of going near a gym.... where the training of the staff can be... to say the least... variable.

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Expensive! I really can't see the point of paying about 40 quid a month to look at a wall when you can go and run in the wonderful outdoor for nothing.

You'd be amazed at how good an overall fitness regime you can devise for yourself without the cost of going near a gym.... where the training of the staff can be... to say the least... variable.

£40 aye right. Am just talking about local boxing clubs not big leisure centers. I agree about the running, i don't use the tredmill just the weight machines.

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Guest Lauraness

Back to the original thread. How much does it cost to use these gyms? i just use the fitness suite in the P.E. department in my free periods but the summers coming up and the school will be closing.

wait a minute........FITNESS SUITE???? what kind of posh school do you go to? we had a medium sized ROOM for our P.E.

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Back to the original thread. How much does it cost to use these gyms? i just use the fitness suite in the P.E. department in my free periods but the summers coming up and the school will be closing.

wait a minute........FITNESS SUITE???? what kind of posh school do you go to? we had a medium sized ROOM for our P.E.

Posh :015: :015: :015: I'd hardly call a state school on the west coast of scotland posh. It is just a gym  filled with weight machines, bikes, rowers, punch bag, one tredmill.... that sort of thing. It's more a case of what tinky school did you go to :002:

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Guest Lauraness

i must admit i went to the tinkiest school in the whole of Scotland apart from any in dingwall.....they must put money into schools down where you are or something.....

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Guest Lauraness

they must be pinching our money too then cause my school was falling to pieces and had boarded up asbestos huts and dodgy carpets

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no a poor borstal called Inverness High School

Ahh - the High School ..... memories  :017: .... at least the Asbestos Huts are boarded up now ... When I went there we used to have to go to the old huts for Maths and some science classes and the far away ones that were a bit more modern were used for maths and history .....

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Guest Lauraness

hahahahahaha sorry grandad all the asbestos must have went to my head!!!!

poooooor grandad with a sore foot, how awful is that, ill send u some inverness grapes and a get well soon card..............xx

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Fitness Suite? Don't worry about it! It's just gone the way all other terminology has in education.

Pupils have become Students, The Remedial Department has become Support For Learning, asking kids questions has become "Assessment is for Learning",  the timetable has become the Curriculum for Excellence..... and the ricketty old weights machine in the corner has become the Fitness Suite!

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I consider myself lucky... we have a state of the art (50s style) gymnasium at work that a mate of mine and I use for circuit training at lunchtime. Picture a traditional primary school assembly hall... stage and wooden floor... well that's our gym. One bench, lots of chairs and punchbag ( :017:).

We take our own weights, plan our circuit to make the best use of this magnificent facility then grab a quick shower on the way back to the office.

Fitness is what you make it... if you do nothing, you'll get nothing. If you do something, you'll get something....  :011:

Of course our equipment is sh!te, but it feckin works!  :010:

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I consider myself lucky... we have a state of the art (50s style) gymnasium at work that a mate of mine and I use for circuit training at lunchtime. Picture a traditional primary school assembly hall... stage and wooden floor... well that's our gym. One bench, lots of chairs and punchbag ( :017:).

We take our own weights, plan our circuit to make the best use of this magnificent facility then grab a quick shower on the way back to the office.

Fitness is what you make it... if you do nothing, you'll get nothing. If you do something, you'll get something....  :011:

Of course our equipment is *beep*, but it feckin works!  :010:

Punchbag :015:, i'd love to see you hit that thing.... weakling :011:

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In my day they were referred to as ..schoolboys and schoolgirls. Now they are students.

In my day they were reasonably well-dressed, mostly school  blazer, flannel pants, tie etc.

Nowadays they look as if their pants are all about to completely fall off, and most "Students"  look as if they have been dragged through a hedge backwards. And they look at me and call me an old fashioned fort; why life is soooo unfair.


FW suggested you would get a raise if you were seen to be pressing yourself up against her during your exercises. Why, mercy, don't worry about the money aspect man, just enjoy your raise .Never look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak....... :015:

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Fitness Suite? Don't worry about it! It's just gone the way all other terminology has in education.

Pupils have become Students, The Remedial Department has become Support For Learning, asking kids questions has become "Assessment is for Learning",  the timetable has become the Curriculum for Excellence..... and the ricketty old weights machine in the corner has become the Fitness Suite!

Aye Charles, just a hint of weary cynicism creeping in there, though I bet you love it really. You cannae have many years left I'll wager, less than me at any rate....

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Fitness Suite? Don't worry about it! It's just gone the way all other terminology has in education.

Pupils have become Students, The Remedial Department has become Support For Learning, asking kids questions has become "Assessment is for Learning",  the timetable has become the Curriculum for Excellence..... and the ricketty old weights machine in the corner has become the Fitness Suite!

Aye Charles, just a hint of weary cynicism creeping in there, though I bet you love it really. You cannae have many years left I'll wager, less than me at any rate....

...I thought that when he taught (?) me...can't be long now CB.

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