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Cto Gold


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We have had a lot of 'gold' over the yearsand its a shame we couldnt keep the posts from when we were on rivals or sportnetwork .....

One of the classics that must be in there is the "test new photos" thread ..... more red crosses than a medical convention.

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oh my!!!

hey boys.... and girls.... and jb... and heeli.... and howdi..... and.....

oh stop me!!!

i do have a nice likkle engine on me.... altho i do have a bust exhaust and i sound like a boy racer..... which is not always a bad thing of course!!!

know any good machine...icts?


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Not all of the "HMS Sneck" tales have been lost.........

In 1994 a small submersible called the HMS Sneck was constructed and launched, despite considerable disagreement regarding its colour and its capabilities. As the years progressed the vessel grew in stature and in reputation. On 15th May 2004 this fine vessel finally became a first class submarine, with a potential crew of 6000, and gained a berth amongst the Premier fleet.

However the emergence of such a new and unexpected addition to the first class fleet caused a fair degree of anxiety and apprehension within the ranks of the Submarine Premier League (SPL ). Plans were concocted in an attempt to scupper the HMS Sneck.

In order to show its sea worthiness it was ordered to sail in unknown waters with a reduced crew for 12 months. Against all expectations the crew of the HMS Sneck boldly voted to traverse such difficult seas and promised an even stronger vessel in the future.

Tragically on Tuesday 1st June 2004 factions of the SPL fired a bureaucratic torpedo into the midriff of the HMS Sneck. It was envisaged that the damage inflicted would cripple the vessel and place it with no other option than to silently forego its SPL status.

BUT the HMS Sneck is a survivor and made of stonger stuff. The vessel is presently floating proudly in choppy seas and refuses to submerge and it will not wilt for love nor money. The damage inflicted by its so called peers will only serve to strengthen the resolve of its loyal crew. It is also envisaged that if the refloating and rebuilding plans are forthcoming that the HMS Sneck will return to its rightful place in the Premier fleet in the not too distant future.

And the moral of this tale is..FECK THE SPL..LONG LIVE AND PROSPER ICT.

As the days went by the proud little HMS Sneck floated defiantly as the waves grew bigger and bigger. The storm clouds were gathering but the gallant crew battoned the hatches and vowed to fight to their dying breaths.

And then suddenly in the early evening of Thursday June 3rd 2004 a flotilla of friendly vessels came to view on the horizon. HMS Jam Tart and HMS Hibee sailed to either side of HMS Sneck and promised to help flotate the crippled vessel and allow its crew time to rethink and regroup. And on the distant horizon the two biggest nuclear submarines HMS Billyboy and HMS Tim Molloy watched on in apparent admiration.

The pirate subs were noted to have submerged and their gloating crew, especially on the stricken HMS Plastic Whistle, were gloating no longer and the prospect of walking the SPL plank became a distinct possibility once again. The sharks of the Scottish media hovered around the mutinous, greedy five submarines whilst a school of 10000 loyal dolphins cried in delight and soared into the sky on an evening when the sunshine finally broke through again.

The proud little HMS Sneck remains disabled but has the momentum and the energy to soldier on and looks to the starboard and to the port and delights in the glorious green,white and maroon supporting fleet.


As darkness falls on the eve of Wednesday 9th June 2004 Little HMS Sneck floats quite calmly on the surface of a calm sea, disturbed only by some ripples of waves caused by the constant engine noise of the HMS Plastic Whistle. The repairs to the HMS Sneck have been completed although the tiny vessel continues to propel in circles whilst decisions about its future persist. Semaphor signals from other members of the flotilla seem to suggest that not only will HMS Sneck be joining the premier fleet but may also be allowed to base itself in the local waters of the Moray Firth.

At the present moment the confused, frustrated and weary crew of the HMS Sneck only wish that their outcome could be quickly agreed and would be happy to sail to a port on the North Sea if necessitated. The stature of the HMS Sneck is growing day by day and the little battler is gaining approving nods from around the Globe. The Media sharks circle in small groups but usually it is short lived and they are attracted by the movements of the other submarines and the stench of rotting flesh eminating from the HMS Plastic Whistle.

One thing is for sure, that the HMS Sneck will proudly and bravely remain in situ until the second D-Day of the year comes around on Tuesday 22nd June 2004. On this specific beach landing however there will be minimal unfriendly fire and hopefully the HMS Sneck and its loyal crew will deservedly end that fateful day sailing triumphantly up the Moray Firth and prepare its waters to welcome and engage in competitive friendly warfare with the "giants" of the Sea.


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I am with Scotty - The Test New Photos thread was a classic....as they say from small acorns and all that....

It seemed quite unbelievable as it unfolded - a pure classic comedy thread....

Also the old web-site members annual footie tournament was a good read as each round unfolded....sadly the authors creative rightings have been dulled by the copious amounts of vodka that he has consumed since those good old days.... :rotflmao:

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Here's a classic from Sophia on the Dean McDonald thread, God knows what she was on about:

Welcome to the Highlands of Scotland, the most beautiful part of the British Isles.

I hope your stay here is long and fruitful for both you and the club that you will play for.

As none of us know your father you will have to understand that you will start from a very low base, lets say -72. If we did have some knowledge of your paternal heritage you would probably start from, oh about -27.

Don't be too concerned by the lack of initial respect. You will find that if work hard you will soon run into the positive until ........ well perhaps you would want to ask Stuart Golabeck what the reaction was to his display on the 1st game of last season.

kencar, that is the most cynical post I have read today!

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