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Ref Still Right When Shown To Be Wrong


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This is where the assistant should assist. For Fletcher to have no appeal is beyond belief. I feel for the guy, he didn't do anything wrong, he played the ball.

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This is where the assistant should assist. For Fletcher to have no appeal is beyond belief. I feel for the guy, he didn't do anything wrong, he played the ball.

He does have an appeal but it is a long shot

The only way he get can it residend is that if UEFA decide it wasnt a red card and residend it but this has never happened before though :rotflmao: this is gutting for me as being a man utd fan also

The thing i dont understand is, is that refs are told before the game do not book anyone who is on a yellow card unless you totally have to and do not send anyone off unless totally necessary which fletcher's tackle wasnt surely just a penalty or a penalty and a yellow card would have done

Edited by caleyrule
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After match highlights showed that Fletch did make contact with the ball, the ref made a decision which was wrong.

He was in a better position that most people and should have seen that the ball changed direction quite clearly, just another referee feck up, hope our guy on sunday has a good game.

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According to UEFA:

"Manchester United have the right to protest the decision within 24 hours of the match. However, the protest is only admissible if the referee made an error and mistakenly identified and cautioned or sent off the wrong player. There cannot be an appeal against a factual decision taken by the referee and there is nothing to indicate that the referee made a mistake in identifying Fletcher as the player he penalised last night."


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Am I alone in thinking that it was a foul and since it was in the penalty box therefor a penalty ?

I know that Fletcher got some of the ball but, in my opinion, the height of his foot at the time warranted the referee giving a free kick.

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Thought it was a great tackle. One of the highlights of the game in fact. Striker straight through. Last man makes an amazing last ditch saving tackle. One thing is for sure, skill should not be punished.

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An incredible tackle, well done Fletcher. Just unfortunate Football decisions, as said, are still in the dark ages!! Ridiculous he misses the final, really feel for the fella!

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Am I alone in thinking that it was a foul and since it was in the penalty box therefor a penalty ?

I know that Fletcher got some of the ball but, in my opinion, the height of his foot at the time warranted the referee giving a free kick.

Its funny. A lot of people are still unsure of whether it was a penalty or not and it's because they watched it on STV/ITV. I watched it on RTE and they had an extra couple of angles (From where O'Shea was at left back) and it showed that it wasn't just a 'skiff' on the ball but he made great contact and it was a great tackle.

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We thought the referee was bad last night


the ref tonight was totally shocking didnt give chelsea 2 pens which we were defo a pen sent a barca player off when it wasnt a sending off totally shocking

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caleyrule it was 4 penalties.

Well i cant see how u got 4 pens but saying that i lost the will to life after that referring performance i just hope we thrash barca in the final as barca can only play one way through messi and take him out and there dodgy defence its all ours

if only it was that easy :rotflmao:

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As the Chelsea players are saying....Uefa didn't want another all english final.

Drogba and Ballack should not be punished at all for their actions at the end. No one should. Uefa should see that they cocked up big style in appointing that sort of ref for a massive game.

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Did you not watch the game???!

Malouda pulled down IN THE BOX.

Drogba shirt pulled and tripped.

Pique handball.

Eto'o handball.

1...2...3...4! Tom Henning Ovrebo SCUM

Roscoe23 you a chelsea fan?

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Ha Ha... Chelsea out... shame!

They are boring to watch and Barca / Man U will be a far better game for football fans.

The ref was rubbish for both sides, did nothing to stop Chelsea players diving every time.

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Aint it strange that these Chelsea fans all seem to be popping up since they got bought by that Russian bloke? But anyway, with the Fletcher thing, that is a prime example of why the video ref should be brought in.

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The thing i dont understand is, is that refs are told before the game do not book anyone who is on a yellow card unless you totally have to and do not send anyone off unless totally necessary which fletcher's tackle wasnt surely just a penalty or a penalty and a yellow card would have done

The referees are NOT told that, and to suggest otherwise is quite ridiculous.

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watching the game over here ,the tv replay proved it was not a penalty within seconds.

This is used all the time in hockey , a much faster game , so as I first said its time to bring the game up to date

and get it right. It is 2009 not 1909.

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