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Romanians Attacked In Ireland

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Did you see the recent poll by the Daily Mail? Travelers were found to have very poor health due to them having appointments in one place, moving on (or getting moved on), then having to book an appointment elsewhere with the appropriate waiting around. So, health boards were asked to treat them before they were moved (on). This led to a really balanced poll in the Daily Mail to ask:

"Should the NHS allow gypsies to jump the queue?"

Anyway, it went viral on the net. Before the Mail closed the poll, the result was that 94% of responders thought that, yes, gypsies should be allowed to jump the queue :015:

Edited by starchief
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Sorry - but I will take this a step forward - All of a sudden the use of the word ***** would appear to be accepted if the phrase Romani Gypsies is used. I have travelled to Romania and witnessed the plight of the gypsies/the ***** and my friends have provided aid to their children.

I was banned for a jocular usage - in relation to the tinks - this Ireland scenario evidently relates to racism at its worst - which I deplore - why is it now acceptable to use the terminology on this site ?

Lets take it a stage futher - the Romani ***** are being racially attacked in Ireland - but they are just as fearful of the treatment from the upper classes in Romania - and that is why they are fleeing.

This thread TOTALLY smacks of double standards.

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Sorry - but I will take this a step forward - All of a sudden the use of the word ***** would appear to be accepted if the phrase Romani Gypsies is used. I have travelled to Romania and witnessed the plight of the gypsies/the ***** and my friends have provided aid to their children.

I was banned for a jocular usage - in relation to the tinks - this Ireland scenario evidently relates to racism at its worst - which I deplore - why is it now acceptable to use the terminology on this site ?

Lets take it a stage futher - the Romani ***** are being racially attacked in Ireland - but they are just as fearful of the treatment from the upper classes in Romania - and that is why they are fleeing.

This thread TOTALLY smacks of double standards.

I see where you are coming from but in my view they are fleeing Romania as they are offered better opportunities rather than being fearful of the upper classes in Romania

Edited by stevico1
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Unfortunately for both the native and immigrant populations Northern Ireland is still a land embedded with suspicion. Everyone of my generation or older can remember hearing about explosions, shootings and attacks between two groups that claim to be of the same faith. It would be novel to think that after various peace agreements the suspicion and bitter sectarian hatred would have disappeared, Sadly as far as coverage in the mainstream British media is concerned it has been swept under the carpet. In many areas of Belfast loyalist paramilitary groups control the street enforcing vigilante rule on people; including public humiliations and knee capping. There are some estates that certain groups of people just do not dare to venture into.

The Romanian refugees would not have been housed in the most affluent areas of Belfast; carelessly they would have been thrown into the proverbial lions den. Their customs to the average person may seem peculiar, their English skills would be sub Manuel from Fawlty Towers and dare I say it they may not be used to living in such sanitary conditions. I hear horror stories from some people about families of migrants from the east along the lines of "they use the back garden as a rubbish tip" and "they just throw their dirty nappies out of the window." I can't comment on whether these statements are factual as I never saw these make shift landfills in person. To me these statements are just hear say. It is not my opinion that it is right to generalise racial groups be it in a racist or reverse racist way. These are merely an example of the sort of things that are often muttered about the Eastern Europe population in Scotland.

If comments such as the ones in the above paragraph can have such a negative effect in this country where the suspicion levels are above average, yet nowhere near as high as Northern Ireland. The New neighbours of the people of Belfast automatically become the enemy. Sections of the community automatically revert to the old "us versus them" mode. The groups become targets for the paramilitaries and local gangs of thugs. Worst of all nobody will speak out for fear of being branded a "grass."

Both groups suffer because the immigrant population ends up ghettoised, making the problem worse in the long run as those willing to integrate into the mainstream Northern Irish population struggle to do so; meaning they are back at square one. The Native community end up living in fear. Not just of the strange new neighbours, but of their own kind. They become scared to speak up against intolerance and in extreme cases, violent crimes. Just like we have seen over the past few weeks. The police in this case have attempted to nip the problem in the bud as quickly as possible and for the first time in a while I can honestly say that the media may have helped this case by showing the public disgust in an impersonal level as to not cause more victims. One thing is for certain. This case has highlighted the problems that we liked to think had faded away, are still very much alive.

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I have met a number of Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian nationals over the last few years and have found them all to be a damn sight more pleasant than many a native of these lands. I have one question for SMEE. If you were on the bus and a couple of drunken natives came on and started to pick on someone would you then have a dislike for all Scots? That is a scene that is all too frequent on late night buses across the central belt.

As for referring to the different gypsie sects and the word in its proper spelling being abusive. How was that arrived at. We are here talking about the mis-treatment Romany Gypsies. We could, just as easily be talking about the mis-treatment of Scottish Gypsies. Or, as they prefer to be called, Gypsy Travellers. Like any other group or sect there are good ones and bad ones but it seems easier to tar all with the same brush.

Someone has witnessed a problem with a couple of east europeans so all from the east are bad. Anothers experience could be with a Pakistani so all Asians are made out to be bad. The same applies to Gypsies, be they Scottish, Irish, Romanian or Egyptian.

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No - I can appreciate that some individuals could consider the word to be abusive but I am relating to a term which we have sarcastically and jocularly used in reference to Ross County fans - perhaps the word Tink or Peg seller will be erased next.

Travelling tinkers used to be proud to admit to that - Romani gypsies are proud of it - why dont you relax, play some gypsy music and come down off your sanctimonious cloud.

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Anyone reading the above and suggesting a blue pill at 60/65 to solve the problem - think hard about that - the demise of your favourite football team.

When I first read this I thought you were recommending Viagra for pensioners.......

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Anyone reading the above and suggesting a blue pill at 60/65 to solve the problem - think hard about that - the demise of your favourite football team.

When I first read this I thought you were recommending Viagra for pensioners.......

Funny, you should bring this up!!

I wonder how hard it would be to get it through the House?

Would the Members stand for it?

Sorry off topic!

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