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Being a mod's like being a ref or a teacher, you have to deal with the 1% of spoiled, immature, selfish gits (insert your own name here, you know who you are) who think they deserve special treatment even though they're at it behind your back all the time (sir, he chucked a rubber at me! No I never, he started it!).

Except you don't get paid - you just have to keep thinking of the other 99% that don't whinge all the time.

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I have never had any problems with the Mods on this forum

You treat the forum with respect and they dont bother you, they only have to take action if you arent having respect towards the forum or members of the forum

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I'd pick MissICT. :huh: And no, I wouldn't. I get enough herding cats at work.

I don't think MissICT would be a bad a choice... I can't think of anyone more committed to ICT than she is.

It might even help create a better balance than exists at present...

Maybe I could re-write my question at the top of the thread...

What about a vote from the grass roots membership for the selection of just one addition to the moderating team?

A kind of ordinary people's representative!

Such an election surely wouldn't do any harm... might even create a bit of fun, which God knows seems to be in short supply around here these days.

MissICT for me!


Looking at the mods at present they look to me as being from ' grass roots' they are dedicated ICT supporters and voting a peoples representative will achieve nowt.

I mean what would somebody do that is different?

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Looking at the mods at present they look to me as being from ' grass roots' they are dedicated ICT supporters and voting a peoples representative will achieve nowt.

I mean what would somebody do that is different?

It's just an idea Caley100...

It might just give the youngsters in our support more interest in the club, and this forum, if they thought they had someone on board who might show more interest in their concerns...

I suspect that many in MissICT's age group will more than likely be OF supporters...

Anything that might help change that trend is surely worth thinking about..

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I suspect that many in MissICT's age group will more than likely be OF supporters...

Unfortuantely this is the case that most of people in our age range our supporters of an OF, but there is seeming to be more and more young people supporting ICT now, so hopefully its a sign of things to come

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Being honest JB...I dont think I would like to be Moderated by a teenager. Methinks the power could go to their head and they would end up being a nightmare. You NEED a certain amount of maturity to moderate on a forum, and i certainly dont personally think that Mods should be under the age of 25 (in most cases). They just arent worldly enough

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I doubt this would ever happen as there is no problems with the current mods but cant see any harm in discussing it

I agree with you on that, and SMEE you are spot on in IMHO, in recent weeks a hand full of people have been of the opinion that they should be Mod's but show no real credibility, but its a big long drawn out thing that would really wind my up talking about it..

Who would mod the new mods??? they would need it just look at the splinter group, its a mess..

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I have never had any problems with the Mods on this forum

You treat the forum with respect and they dont bother you, they only have to take action if you arent having respect towards the forum or members of the forum

bingo !!! spot-on

However, as you are now making a considered argument JB, I will give you a considered answer rather than a flat out NO.

I very much doubt we would ever allow a "vote" to decide on a moderator and I have several reasons for that, the main ones being respect and trust. I can honestly say that for one reason or another I respect and trust each and every moderator on this site. Every single one of them is either a personal friend who I have known from going to the football over the years, or more recently (since I moved over here) through their postings on the site.

When we last added mods we had a shortlist of people we felt could do it and we asked them all. Some turned us down as they didnt want the responsibility, others accepted the challenge. They were chosen not because they always agree with me (or Don) but because they have been long term members of the site who consistently make rational points without descending things into chaos. Do I always agree with them? No. Do they always agree with each other? No ... but that is what we wanted ... a few folk with strong and varied opinions and values that would argue their points in the moderator forum.

(Too) Frequently we have found ourselves in a situation where we have received complaints about one thing or another or one poster or another and unless it is a clear cut and major breach of site rules, or something really innocuous that just needs a tweak like editing out a word the swear filter didnt catch, we will almost always discuss things at length between us and come to a consensus. Because we have a varied bunch, we get a lot of opinions expressed in those discussions and I feel that this makes our decisions more rounded in most cases. Major decisions and/or complaints are not dealt with by one person, but by a group so that we can try to avoid the possibility that any "personal grievances" will cloud a decision ..... this is the major reason we expanded the moderator team a couple or three years ago.

I do believe we have a good mix and age is not a barrier to being asked to do it. If a poster comes on here, takes part, posts in a decent manner over time, perhaps contributes to the site by way of editorials or match reports or something like that then we would be likely to notice this. If a slot for a mod then became available they would certainly get considered based on their contribution to the site .... this is one reason we considered, and then asked Andrew Fraser to be a mod for example and I think he became a mod around the time he left school for uni.

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It always amazes me when people claim the site is over moderated.

Believe it or not, for every 1 "act" of moderation by a moderator, there's at least 100 "acts" of self-moderation where people think better of something they've typed and delete their own post. So in that regard, everyone on here is their own moderator.

Also, for the most part we only moderate where someone has reported a post or complained about something....every user has the ability to report a post, which kick starts moderator discussion on a point....so again, users do have some responsibility in terms of site moderation.

What some people (and they are a minority) need to get a grasp of is that if they have a post moderated, or they receive a warning for a rule breech then it's not personal....and attacking the moderation/admin team with personal insults and making derogatory remarks about their character is not going to do them any favours or win them any friends.

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Being honest JB...I dont think I would like to be Moderated by a teenager. Methinks the power could go to their head and they would end up being a nightmare. You NEED a certain amount of maturity to moderate on a forum, and i certainly dont personally think that Mods should be under the age of 25 (in most cases). They just arent worldly enough

You what? <_<

So you think that under 25's are old enough to die on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, but too young to cope with the responsibilities of moderating the caley message board?

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Nobody forced them to join the army, they joined for the excitement i'm sure.

You can drive a car at 17 but cant vote or legally buy a drink.... its an old argument, moderators may have to count to ten, or step back a bit and have a deep breath, young people tend to be a bit impetuous.

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Nobody forced them to join the army, they joined for the excitement i'm sure.

You can drive a car at 17 but cant vote or legally buy a drink.... its an old argument, moderators may have to count to ten, or step back a bit and have a deep breath, young people tend to be a bit impetuous.

I think some posters on here seem to have some kind of misconception that all young people are chavs.

I can assureyou that there are plenty of sensible individuals in their teens and early twenties who cope perfectly well with university courses which entail high levels of stress and intellect, and also cope perfectly well in careers which entail high levels of responsibility. And conversely there are plenty of middle aged puerile lunatics, as you will encounter in any average weekend in Inverness city centre.

Just taking this forum as an example, of all the 'trouble makers' which the moderators have encountered, what proportion were youngsters? In my experience, most flaming comes from posters who are supposedly 'old enough to know better'. <_<

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Just taking this forum as an example, of all the 'trouble makers' which the moderators have encountered, what proportion were youngsters? In my experience, most flaming comes from posters who are supposedly 'old enough to know better'. <_<

I would say a small proportion of "trouble makers" were youngsters and they tend to only give us headaches because of their over-enthusiasm !!! There are a few notable exceptions to that generalisation, but I would definitely say that we get far more grief from some of the more "mature" posters.

As noted in my answer above - age is not a barrier as far as I am concerned.

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no. it is for moderators to discuss complaints we receive as well as other developmental ideas for the site. There is enough back seat moderating on the normal forums without opening up that one too.

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Would it not be a good idea that eveyone can view the Modorator forum. Something like this goes on on P&B and it might be good for suggestions and complaints and stuff.

No it doesn't.

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Would it not be a good idea that eveyone can view the Modorator forum. Something like this goes on on P&B and it might be good for suggestions and complaints and stuff.

No it doesn't.

There's a complaints and suggestions board that was what I was alluding to (or at least there was one).

Edited by Renegade
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Quote from Scotty on another thread. (now closed)

sorry. the topic of forum bans is not up for discussion or a decision by site members. The moderators will periodically review sanctions against a poster and make a decision based on our site rules.

This is a general point...

Shouldn't site members have a say in the appointment of moderators?

Can I be a Mod pls, I think I should be I've posted heaps.

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Being honest JB...I dont think I would like to be Moderated by a teenager. Methinks the power could go to their head and they would end up being a nightmare. You NEED a certain amount of maturity to moderate on a forum, and i certainly dont personally think that Mods should be under the age of 25 (in most cases). They just arent worldly enough

I don't think I'd like to be moderated by someone who's every post is something to do with her love-life (sorry we just don't care).

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Being honest JB...I dont think I would like to be Moderated by a teenager. Methinks the power could go to their head and they would end up being a nightmare. You NEED a certain amount of maturity to moderate on a forum, and i certainly dont personally think that Mods should be under the age of 25 (in most cases). They just arent worldly enough

I don't think I'd like to be moderated by someone who's every post is something to do with her love-life (sorry we just don't care).

I think this highlights the Maturity, I agree with you there Renegade for a change, I think in fairness the points been made, and most of us agree there is nothing wrong with who we have now and who its run.

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Can I be a Mod pls, I think I should be I've posted heaps.

No... You're completely wrong Gorgeous one...

I've already mentioned that on this thread in a reply to a comment from Hielandee.

Would you want to become a mod?

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