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McSwegan Non Story in the HN.

Guest Sandy Cromarty

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

If proof were needed of how little the print media sports journalists know about football then look no further than todays article in the Highland News Blatt on Gary McSwegan, the gist of which is that McSwegan is ready for a first team place after 'impressing in the reserves', does the erstwhile 'scoop' know how many reserve games he has played? and was the scoop at the reserve game on Tuesday when Gary only played 45 minutes? plus the fact he was gifted his first goal by Rory McCallister who undoubtedly in most fans minds is THE player who now deserves a first team spot.

And then McSwegan is touted by the scoop as the wise old man who has 'played in the Ibrox cauldren many times' and he knows 'his teammates are in for a tough challenge', but Gary condescendly tells the readers, ' they are looking forward to it' and that 'playing in games like that is what football is all about'?????

Hello hello junior newshound, lets get with the programme, ICT are not a Highland League team in the Scottish Cup playing at Ibrox for the first time, it may come as a surprise to you but we have played there before and we are in our third season in the SPL, another surprise for you and Gary may be that more than a few of the present players and our manager have  beaten Celtic twice over the last few years and have already drawn with them this season, more than Rangers have done.

Cauldrons?? away and bile yer heed in one!

Or better still get a job wi the Sunday Post and revive The Francis Gay column where you can tell yer readers all aboot the bonnie flooers in the Kirk on a Sunday.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Is it any wonder then that you are both mentalist physcho's?

And BTW, Daphne Broon could have written a better piece on Sir Gary McSwegan.

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We don't always see eye to eye Sandy, but I agree with your sentiments regarding the quality of the article in question.  We (IMO) have passed the stage where any match we play against any team in Scotland should be considered a David and Goliath match up.

The article comes across as being written by someone who has spent the last 3 years (or more) on planet Mars and has little comprehension of what we have achieved/continue to achieve.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Aye D, it really is a terrible article and it is what we have come to expect from the national press in Scotland but not from a local blatt and for further aggravation we have the whole page opposite devoted virtually to a Rangers Team profile, virtually player by player with his past teams and his form etc, I thought it was Rangers Programme or Fanzine I was reading, it is feckin shocking on the eve of a game to get this from a local paper, I cannot for the life of me imagine any other local paper in Scotland doing this to their local team and this could only have been written by a Rangers fan.

You'll have noticed also that the HN headquarters are having an extension built, they could have saved a lot of money by just erecting a circus tent at the back as they have enough clowns and comic singers working there to fill it.

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