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Russell Duncan & Grant Munro leaving


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There have been very few players in the short history of Caley Thistle that are as influential and as prominent in the team as Russell Duncan. There is no doubt in my mind that the team are far superior on the field when he is present. I have no doubt about that. Sadly though, Butcher doesn't seem to see things that way. Ever since he came in, he has seemed obsessed with not playing him and signing other similar players to give him a reason not to do so. First there was Brian Kerr, then there was Stratford, there was Stuart Duff, then Duncan got back in when none of these showed to be up to the same standard (and surprise surprise about the same time after he retained his place, ICT started their meteoric rise for the title). Even now, it can be seen that Butcher would rather play Nick Ross and Lee Cox in the centre of field instead of Duncan. Now as promising and up-and-coming that these two players are, both combined don't bring the same bite, presence, experience and hunger to that area that Duncan brings. Any successful team have a player like that in the central midfield area and Duncan brings that to ICT.

And this isn't the first time players seem to have disappeared under Butcher. McBain is another example. I've heard on the grapevine that he and Butcher didn't speak for months! Today somebody posts (and obviously it cannot yet be said how reliable that is) that Duncan has been told he can leave. Sadly, that wouldn't surprise me and if this is true then it would be a grave mistake on the part of Terry Butcher. It's time for him to get regain his rightful place in the ICT starting eleven because his loss would be another club's gain.

Edited by Renegade
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Not saying that I like to see such things happen, it's never pleasant when someone who has been a good servant to the club is moved on, but we probably have the tightest budget in the league and can't afford to keep players just because they are nice guys or have long service, they need to be contributing. It's part and partial of Butcher building his own squad. Players may suite the way we have played now or in the past, but the Manager might have a different view of the future, one where these players don't fit or are not required.

As fans we can sometimes find that hard to swallow, but that's life when it comes to football.

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Thing about both McBain and Duncan is they only really came on to a game in the last year of Brewster. I would have been desperate to get rid of both of them before that. Both of those players I thought were amongst our best in that doomed season. Bit of a risk getting rid of a solid player who seems to inspire the squad. Obviously not in Butcher's plans but really that means replacing him with another experienced player. Don't think we can go with Duff, Cox, Ross and Proctor as the main midfield men. None of them lead like Duncan. I'd have given him another season.

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Thing about both McBain and Duncan is they only really came on to a game in the last year of Brewster.

Can't agree with that. I can remember them being a superb midfield engine for the team as far back as 7-10 years ago, and they've individually had some excellent seasons since then.

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I think this story and this one tell a story. Especially this paragraph:

He said: ?People have asked me if the players out of contract are playing for their futures. It does not matter if you are out of contract, if you have a year?s contract or two years, you are playing for your future in every game. ?It does not make any difference to me whether they have a few weeks, months or years left. You should approach every game with the same commitment and enthusiasm.

Sounds to me like there could be quite a clear out. And McCann back in the fold.

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I've never been Russell's biggest fan but for me he has been one of our best players in the last 2 seasons. He has done the task of shoring up our midfield and protecting our defence very well. For me the mistake has been never giving him a midfield partner with better attacking skills as i think some like that next to him would make it almost the perfect midfield.

As has been said letting him go would be a huge mistake. I think Butcher would be hard pushed to find someone as capable and as committed to the cause as Russeldinho. Butcher talks about having to win ugly all the time...well then he needs a guy like Duncan in his team.

To you at ICT, i hope my thoughts have been made clear to you on this matter.

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Not saying that I like to see such things happen, it's never pleasant when someone who has been a good servant to the club is moved on, but we probably have the tightest budget in the league and can't afford to keep players just because they are nice guys or have long service, they need to be contributing. It's part and partial of Butcher building his own squad. Players may suite the way we have played now or in the past, but the Manager might have a different view of the future, one where these players don't fit or are not required.

As fans we can sometimes find that hard to swallow, but that's life when it comes to football.

I don't care if a players has been here 10 years or 10 minutes. If he is good he should be playing, it's as simple as that. Butcher has come out about how "all the players are playing for the future". I don't believe that. I reckon he has a good idea who he wants rid of and it won't make a difference how or even if they play. I believe Duncan falls into this category. He seems to have wanted rid of him since the moment he arrived. Again, I don't care about what a player has been like previously. I care about the team now, and where it's going, and if Butcher's serious about building his own team and making it the best it can be, then he ain't going to find a better play than Duncan to play a part in. If he thinks that a better team next season will include Kevin McCann and not Russell Duncan, then next season will be his last. Getting rid of Duncan, could potentially be one of the biggest mistake Butcher could make.

Edited by Renegade
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Its no secret that Butch does not like Russell, his face dont fit, and no matter how good you are if the boss does not like you... you are fecked.

I think Russell has a spirit and determination about his performance on the park that makes up for his wee bit lack of skill, he would always be in my team.

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Remember all the talkof him surpassing his previous season goal tallies at the start of the season..,

If he is going, then thank you Russell for your contributions.

Edited by Top Six Next Year
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Yup, I will jump on the Russelldinho bandwagon too .... He is one of those unsung players and I totally agree with the "winning ugly" comment made earlier. If he is going, then I too think its a mistake, but it's Terry's mistake to make, not ours !!!!

The comment about "playing for your future in every game" could equally apply to managers who are "managing for their future in every game". None of us know what TB's plans for the squad are for next year or who he hopes to bring in and I would say this comment is equally as telling as some of the others ..... "We have our targets, there are some good ones lined up which is exciting. It will be interesting to see how the new players gel and what they can do.".

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Not saying that I like to see such things happen, it's never pleasant when someone who has been a good servant to the club is moved on, but we probably have the tightest budget in the league and can't afford to keep players just because they are nice guys or have long service, they need to be contributing. It's part and partial of Butcher building his own squad. Players may suite the way we have played now or in the past, but the Manager might have a different view of the future, one where these players don't fit or are not required.

As fans we can sometimes find that hard to swallow, but that's life when it comes to football.

I don't care if a players has been here 10 years or 10 minutes. If he is good he should be playing, it's as simple as that. Butcher has come out about how "all the players are playing for the future". I don't believe that. I reckon he has a good idea who he wants rid of and it won't make a difference how or even if they play. I believe Duncan falls into this category. He seems to have wanted rid of him since the moment he arrived. Again, I don't care about what a player has been like previously. I care about the team now, and where it's going, and if Butcher's serious about building his own team and making it the best it can be, then he ain't going to find a better play than Duncan to play a part in. If he thinks that a better team next season will include Kevin McCann and not Russell Duncan, then next season will be his last. Getting rid of Duncan, could potentially be one of the biggest mistake Butcher could make.

No need to have a coronary.

Duncan would be one of the first names on my teamsheet every week as well and I wasn't saying I agreed with any decision that MIGHT have been taken to move him on (or otherwise), I was just making the point that there's little sense in keeping a player on the books if he's not seen as part of the plan for the future.

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Duncan will be very much missed by lots of fans :( he's given a lot to caley and a total unsung hero! I have to say, Terry has made a poor descision there!! Russell has been there for longer than I have supported caley! Gives 100% every game :')

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I heard today from a very, very reliable source that Duncan was in tears at the stadium today. Most likely after being told he isn't going to be kept on next season. Gutted for him, and it's a huge loss for a team that plays and operates a lot better when he is involved.

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Great shame if he is indeed being let go. Adds stability and steel to our team that I don't see from some of the other players who are played in his place. If Butcher is going on about players fighting for contracts etc then I really canne see what Duncan had done wrong on the park as in my mind he has always been one of our most reliable guys. All I can think of is that his face just doesn't fit and to shun such a long serving player for that IMO is at best unfortunate and worst petty and unprofessional if he is doing a job on the park.

Maybe he just slept with Butcher's missus! :tongueincheek:

Regardless, if he is away I wish him the very best and every sucess in whatever the future holds for him.

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The Duncan enigma, one of lifes great unsolved mysteries I suppose.

He certainly has the passion for the club that is missing in others and won't hide, regardless. It looks grim for him though, always the fall guy when Butcher changes things around, so no surprise if he were to be given his jotters. Shame really, as he would also be on my shortlist for the team.

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I know with some, there's always the temptation to boo a former player but I hope it doesn't happen here. I know not everyone agrees with my assessment of his early career but when ICT started to slide, Duncan really stood up to be counted. Probably became the de facto captain then, as the actual one, Munro, didn't seem to have that leadership personality. He deserved another contract. Not the most gifted of players but when the going gets tough, I hope ICT aren't short of a blunt-nosed midfielder prepared to just do his non-eye-catching job and snuff out that surging midfielder.

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Like many others, I'll be sorry to see Duncan go. I fear it is the thin edge of the wedge for the old guard. McBain a few weeks ago, Duncan now, how long for Munro, Tokeley, Golabek? Not long I suspect. Inevitable I suppose. I hope Terry has some good replacements lined up. That's a lot of experience to lose, especially if they all go together.

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Well, unless Butcher has something amazing lined up (and doubt he does) then he's blown it with decision. This could well be the decision that kicks off the beginning of the end as his time as manager of ICT.

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Poor decision, Duncan wears his heart on his sleeve & plays for the badge. 100% committed & 100% wrong decision by Tel. We are weaker without him.

He will get an SPL contract & we will regret letting him go. Good luck in the future.

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