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Bin Laden Killed by US troops


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im probably going to be shot down but im quite cynical on this. im not sure that i think this will achieve much other than to further radicalize potential terrorists against the coalition of the willing or whatever it is we happen to be called these days. dont get me wrong i am impressed they got him and i think it is a good thing but for my eyes all it will do is prove to be a temporary blip at best in the terrorist activities. his money will have gone into the right hands to allow things to continue and the "leaders" on the ground will be itching to take things up a notch to prove how strong they are percieved

well done america...................

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Seriously though, I don't think anyone is suggesting that Bin Laden was operationally dangerous but he was a figurehead for the jihadist movement. Killing him is a boost for the West. As for his death radicalising potential terrorists, anyone inspired by his killing to take up arms would have been likely to do so anyway.

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To be honest, I thought he'd been dead for years. All we got were easily imitated audio tapes and videos that didn't quite look genuine. Well done but doubt there'll be a shred of difference. At least it might stop the racists and easily-led accusing Obama of being a terrorist.

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In terms of security and terrorism in general I think the effect of this will be minimal.

It has long been said by experts that he was not in control of Al-Qaeda anymore as it has morphed over the last 10 years from a single organisation with a few pockets in certain countries into more of a "franchise" operation with many heads that encompasses radicalism all over the world and which spurned literally hundreds of splinter groups who may or may not use the title 'Al-Qaeda in ....' as part of their name.

However, their will be benefit for some .....

Obama has virtually guaranteed a second term as president now and this will be the defining moment of his presidency in the same way that people remember Kennedy for his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis or Gorbachev for Glasnost and Perestroika.... and Bush for getting a pretzel stuck in his throat. Obama was even gracious enough to include GWB in his speech so that the announcement seemed inclusive to all Americans rather than a personal achievement.

Psychologically it is a major victory for the allied soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their home countries. Lets take people's opinions over whether the wars are right or wrong out of it for a minute, thats a separate debate ... the USA has now achieved what has been its #1 goal over the last 10 years and that was to get Bin Laden alive or dead. Whether he wielded any power these days is irrelevant, he was the figurehead and now he is gone. Some will make him a martyr given the fact that he allegedly went down fighting, but for others it may be demoralising and will show that it might take a while but the allies will be dogged and get their man eventually.

For all those who were affected directly by 9-11 and I mean those who lost loved ones in it rather than just those of us who watched the horror unfold on TV, it will bring a degree of closure to a festering open wound. The New York Post headline this morning was "We Got the Bastard" and thousands gathered at Ground Zero to celebrate and/or reflect on getting this closure after nearly 10 years.

For the conspiracy theorists, they can now move on from Obama's birth certificate or the 'truth' about building 7 and wonder whether this is true .... Buried at sea less than 24 hours after the action because his birth country would not take his remains and because Islam requires burial within 24 hours will somehow become a beacon for others to claim he is not dead or that he was taken alive etc .... photoshopped photos are already turning up ion the web so anything the US government releases will be seen by the conspiracy theorists as bogus !

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Buried at sea

I know I'm wrong and a lot of people will disagree with me for this, but I'd like to think he was treated with all the respect he deserves

(ie kicked out of the back of a helicopter from 10,000 ft.)

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Buried at sea

I know I'm wrong and a lot of people will disagree with me for this, but I'd like to think he was treated with all the respect he deserves

(ie kicked out of the back of a helicopter from 10,000 ft.)

Near enuff.......being buried at sea pretty much flies in the face of Muslim Burial traditions!

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Buried at sea

I know I'm wrong and a lot of people will disagree with me for this, but I'd like to think he was treated with all the respect he deserves

(ie kicked out of the back of a helicopter from 10,000 ft.)

Near enuff.......being buried at sea pretty much flies in the face of Muslim Burial traditions!

It would be more appropriate for him to be simply taken in a laden bin and disposed of in the local council tip

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9/11 was truly horrific and there have been other incidents - and no doubt the security services have prevented other attrocities as well but I can't help thinking that the powers that be rather overstate the threat. Just think of the impact of a bomb of the London underground and how easy it would be to plant one there. The fact that there has been no such incident makes me think that whilst there may be a lot of muslims with passionately held anti western philosophies, there are very few who believe mass murder is a justified tactic to advance that philosophy. It is a sobering thought that the last act of terrorism in the UK was nothing to do with international politics, it was about Scottish Football. Perhaps now that the Americans have got Bin Laden they can be invited in to sort out the moron(s) threatening the lives of those associated with Celtic football club and those of postal workers and others who might just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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9/11 was truly horrific and there have been other incidents - and no doubt the security services have prevented other attrocities as well but I can't help thinking that the powers that be rather overstate the threat. Just think of the impact of a bomb of the London underground and how easy it would be to plant one there. The fact that there has been no such incident makes me think that whilst there may be a lot of muslims with passionately held anti western philosophies, there are very few who believe mass murder is a justified tactic to advance that philosophy. It is a sobering thought that the last act of terrorism in the UK was nothing to do with international politics, it was about Scottish Football. Perhaps now that the Americans have got Bin Laden they can be invited in to sort out the moron(s) threatening the lives of those associated with Celtic football club and those of postal workers and others who might just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Where were you on 7th July 2005. Three bombs in the underground and one on a bus killed 56 people, including the suicide bombers, and injured over 700.

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Unfortunately, this make bin laden a martyr to some deranged fundamentalists.

Revenge and justice are two different things.

Pity he wasn't taken alive to face justice and ridicule in a court room. That would have done more damage to al-qaeda than a bullet in their leaders head.

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Unfortunately, this make bin laden a martyr to some deranged fundamentalists.

Revenge and justice are two different things.

Pity he wasn't taken alive to face justice and ridicule in a court room. That would have done more damage to al-qaeda than a bullet in their leaders head.

taking him alive would never have happened in my eyes...for two reasons

1 he would never have surrendered, that would be seen as losing face and shaming to him

2 the americans would not have wanted the headaches and hassles involved with trying to guard,maintain,prosecute and sentence him

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