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Emergency Board Meeting?


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Please please people start realising that everyone has been quite happy kicking Rangers while they are down. So hard that their feet are now bleeding. Shortly gangrene shall set in. The legs will have to be amputated and the patient will die. The clowns that are running Scottish Football have produced the usual shambles, and not just the ICT board, the whole lot of them.

The fact is the SPL chairmen wanted to be seen to support integrity, passed the buck on to the SFL and they haven't made the decision they were told to make, again supporting sporting integrity (WTF is that?). Now people are shocked.

Oh boy there are none so blind as those that will not see.

All that has happened is the ICT board are waking up. The rest will follow and in record quick time the winners of div 3 next season shall gain automatic promotion to the new 16 team super duper league. Quell surprise.

No one has kicked rangers when they are down, Rangers went into liquidation the Newco applied for league entry and have been told to start where anyone else applying would, in fact they ar lucky they are allowed entry at all considering they have no audited accounts etc

Yep none so blind!

Vitriolic pious nonsense to the end.


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I'm not sure this victory will be as welcome as some think.

What this means is a shortfall around the equivalent that the SPL sends to the SFL.

I can't see the SPL expanding and thus watering down their money. The 12-team league, one promotion place is here to stay at best.

I can't see Killie, for instance, giving money to Alloa when the Ayrshire men are in danger of going bankrupt. The money flow won't happen.

The ones who will really be hammered is the SFL. Expect to see a number of SFL clubs go to the wall as the SPL, not surprisingly, try to save themselves. And quite rightly too. The notion that Scotland should have over 40 professional clubs, when many are part-time and attract only a few hundred supporters is laughable. That's amateur football. Many in former mining communities - a throwback to a long gone age that we have to move away from.

Two leagues of between 14 and 16. That's more than enough. There should never have been a 4th tier to drop into.

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Wow - I have to concede that I am totally fed up reading about all this Rangers crap BUT this must clearly show to the Muppets (and they really are feckin muppets at the moments) that the fan base are mainly furious at this embarrassing statement. In my opinion it needs to be read several times with an "open mind" and it then comes across as being wholly open to different interpretations and is sadly "amateur" in its content. I am one who has been shouting from the rooftops about communication from the club and it has been significantly improved this pre season - albeit in line with the Newco fears. But it is one thing to post information / comments about new signings and football related issues but any political statements should really have been proofread by somebody with a PR background (I would have advised saying feck all at this junction, holding the Board Meeting and then making a positive statement).

Lets have a wee exercise and break this muppetry into sections

INVERNESS Caledonian Thistle chairman Kenny Cameron says the decision to place the 'Newco' Rangers into the third division next season could "spell the end of football as we know it." - that is the most ridiculous opening statement as it immediately makes the hairs on the back of yer neck stand up, It simply broods the expectation of negativity.

Scottish Football League clubs met at Hampden Park this morning to come to a decision on where Charles Green's newco Ibrox club would play,and 25 of the 30 clubs voted the club into the bottom tier.

Cameron has said the club's directors are set for an emergency meeting this weekend to discuss the financial implications of the decision. What was needed to be said was that the board were meeting to review the overall effect on the club and to look at short term and long term action planning. The word "emergency" again is muppetry.

In a statement, Mr Cameron said today was saddening for Scottish clubs, and that no club would escape the consequences. Again that has all been said and does NOT need to be repeated. Kenny may not have actually used the word "saddened" but that is the word that will evoke emotions and appear to be owned by our Board,

The statement, in full, reads as follows: "There will now inevitably be serious consequences for the game in Scotland. Again WE ALL FECKIN KNOW THAT !!

"We have all, as clubs, accepted the views of our stakeholders in making the initial judgement to uphold sporting integrity. Great and add that we as a Board fully supported that decision and will continue to work with the fans to get us through these difficult times.

"All clubs will now have to live with the repercussions of this decision. Scottish football was at a crossroads today in terms of what was on the table for all clubs regarding reorganisation, financial distribution and a road map that would have taken the game forward.

"But this has now been thrown in to disarray by this decision. This is a sad day for all clubs in Scotland." Absolutely shocking - it is a clip from media crap not a feckin statement from ICT - it has been copied and feckin pasted. Smacks of total negativity and a sense that ICT fully agree with th enclosed statements. It could be construed as an "attack" on the SFL.

Mr Cameron added: "None of us will escape the financial fallout from this. There was an opportunity on the table, in terms of the joint agreement tabled at today’s meeting for us all to come together and a genuine willingness to improve the game substantially over the coming years. More media crap and a perceived attack on the SFL -!!

"But it now looks as though this will once again be kicked back in to the long grass. A once in a lifetime opportunity to bring forward change may well have been lost. Total negativity.

"The directors of ICTFC are fully aware of the financial implications of this latest decision on Newco. The loss of either our fans or our sponsors was never going to leave any of the clubs in Scotland in a healthy financial position and for some this could spell the end of football as we know it. If the Board are "fully aware" then just be positive and get on with Plan A, B or feckin C.

"Certain clubs in the SFL have perceived the financial information they were receiving as a 'big stick' to beat them into accepting Newco in the First Division. This was definitely not the case, as far as I am concerned. What they were being told was the reality of the situation." By far the worst sentence of the lot IMHO and then he heaps pressure on himself with the use of the "I" word followed by a "they" statement.

The chairman concluded: "We will be convening an emergency board meeting over the weekend to discuss the very serious financial implications for us as a club going forward." Just look at the usage of the words "emergency" and "serious".

And I am afraid that the damage has been well and truly done and this is a statement that will be thrown back in our faces for a long time and one that we cant rubbish or heal with the greatest of apologetic "get outs". My only concern is that we step in the dog poo again with the follow up statement.

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For once I agree with IHE. His analysis of Cameron's naive and embarrassing statement is pretty well spot on. We all knew it would be tougher financially without Rangers in the SPL. What we need is a sensible plan from the board about how we are going to go about alleviating the problem. Cameron merely reitterating the media and Doncaster garbage about it being the end of Scottish football as we know it is pathetic and disappointing in the extreme.

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Inverness Caledonian Thistle Chairman Kenny Cameron announced that, following the decision by the Scottish football authorities to place the "newco" Rangers in to the third division, that the clubs' directors were holding an extraordinary meeting to review the financial situation and agree on a way forward to ensure the financial stability of the club in the short-term and the long term.

Mr Cameron added "None of us will escape the financial fall out from this. The directors of ICTFT have always been fully aware of the financial implications should the final decision be to send the Newco to the third division but we now have to take stock in the light of that decision being finalised."

"We have attempted to communicate closely with our fan base throughout these difficult times and have also stived to uphold the sporting integrity of Scottish Football. There are difficult times ahead for Inverness Caledonian Thsitle and many clubs in both the SPL and the SFL. Despite the negativity and pessimism abounding at the present time we are prepared to support the SFA, the SPL and the SFL in the pursuit of change and reorganisation whilst maintaining the stability of our club and hopefully promoting the survival of clubs in the lower reaches of the game, where our club was standing not so many years ago".

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To be honest I'm not surprised at the statement or the timing of it's release

Since the formation of this club we the fans have been treated as second class citizens not only by this board but by all the previous boards

This club has never been about the fans it's always been about the money and the power struggles at board level while they jostle to get the top positions and the most media exposure

Let's be brutally honest there would have been NO merger had it only been about the football and NOT the money

What we now see is a complete u turn and for them to pander to the Newco Orcs is a despicably low and sickening act

We have become the laughing stock of Scottish football overnight, there are even talks of boycotts on P&B and other fans forums

What's been created is not a football club for the fans but a plastic franchise governed only by money for the businessmen

We deserve better


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To be honest I'm not surprised at the statement or the timing of it's release

Since the formation of this club we the fans have been treated as second class citizens not only by this board but by all the previous boards

This club has never been about the fans it's always been about the money and the power struggles at board level while they jostle to get the top positions and the most media exposure

Let's be brutally honest there would have been NO merger had it only been about the football and NOT the money

What we now see is a complete u turn and for them to pander to the Newco Orcs is a despicably low and sickening act

We have become the laughing stock of Scottish football overnight, there are even talks of boycotts on P&B and other fans forums

What's been created is not a football club for the fans but a plastic franchise governed only by money for the businessmen

We deserve better


Ok so the "merger" has raised its head again via the persistent Dougal - but I have to concede that there are definitely "links" at this juncture. The muppets have decided to join the Self Preservation Society on our behalf.

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Details of the Joint Proposal that the SFL clubs rejected are on the St Mirren Website - http://www.saintmirren.net/pages/?p=13577

You'll note that there's no mention of NewCo being put into Div 1.

I'm no more aware of why the SFL rejected the Joint Proposal than anyone else at this stage as the SFL are remaining tight lipped on it....but something isn't right.

Whether Longmuir, or whoever was responsible for putting the proposal forward, has screwed up in that or not presented it as intended, I don't know.

What is clear is that if you substitute the media spin that "Kenny Cameron was upset at NewCo not going into Div 3" with "Kenny Cameron was upset at the proposal being refused" then you get a whole different, and far more likely, picture.

Granted, KC should have made sure that was clear when he made his statement, or should have made sure that people were aware of the joint proposal in the first place and the confusion could have been avoided, but que sera. Most people on this forum are capable of joined up thinking, most know a bit more about KC than to immediately jump to the conclusion that he was trying to stitch the fans up (has he ever done so before?) and there's certainly those among us who should be capable of setting aside their "rally against the establishment" attitudes long enough to realise that their ramblings are actually doing more harm than good TO THE CLUB.

Ultimately people will believe what they want to believe, all I'm saying is look at what KC has actually said and look at what is words being put into his mouth by press and posters on this forum. Think for yourselves and don't allow others to do the thinking for you....the future of ICT could very well hinge on the conclusions you come to, especially for those who want to drive the man out the door.

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I have looked at the statement many times and heard it on the radio and I am still of the opinion that what has done us more harm than good is the statement the Chairman has made made

Edited by gordieict
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Bottom line from me - I am not blaming Kenny - as per usual this club have a convenient scapegoat. It is not "his" statement - or please feckin tell me that it isnt!!. It is the voice of the Muppets and it will be seen as the voice of Inverness Caledonian Thistle. The statement should NOT have been issued. There was no need for it. It is sheer amateurism. It has probably lost us money. Read the statement - it is not that open to misinterpretations. Of course the media will play on the words. That has to be expected. But look at the suggested straight "comments" attributed to KC. If they are misrepresentations from the media then lets issue that statement ASAP.

I admire your support of KC and the club, not only today but for a long time, but your statements aimed at trying to deflect the blame on to the supporters of this club reek of "muppetry". The problem is that the issuers of the statement were not capable of joined up thinking not the members of this forum.This statement has caused the damage. The statement was full of feckin "ramblings"

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I dont think that was what was being voted on. I think that was put out two days before the meeting as an attempted sweetener. That whole statement talks about puting together a working party to look at league reconstruction.

The two votes on the table were 'to allow Rangers into SFL' and 'which league they should be put in'.

The SFL couldn't alone vote on the linked proposals as these need to be agreed by all registered football clubs in the country. The proposal will effect the junior leagues as well as the 42 senior clubs so cannot be voted on by only the SFL

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Bottom line from me - I am not blaming Kenny - as per usual this club have a convenient scapegoat. It is not "his" statement - or please feckin tell me that it isnt!!. It is the voice of the Muppets and it will be seen as the voice of Inverness Caledonian Thistle. The statement should NOT have been issued. There was no need for it. It is sheer amateurism. It has probably lost us money. Read the statement - it is not that open to misinterpretations. Of course the media will play on the words. That has to be expected. But look at the suggested straight "comments" attributed to KC. If they are misrepresentations from the media then lets issue that statement ASAP.

I admire your support of KC and the club, not only today but for a long time, but your statements aimed at trying to deflect the blame on to the supporters of this club reek of "muppetry". The problem is that the issuers of the statement were not capable of joined up thinking not the members of this forum.This statement has caused the damage. The statement was full of feckin "ramblings"

I'm not trying to deflect anything, nor am I defending the issuing of the statement or the way it's structured. I can see how/why it is being misconstrued and only trying to put over how I believe it should be read.

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I dont think that was what was being voted on. I think that was put out two days before the meeting as an attempted sweetener. That whole statement talks about puting together a working party to look at league reconstruction.

The two votes on the table were 'to allow Rangers into SFL' and 'which league they should be put in'.

The SFL couldn't alone vote on the linked proposals as these need to be agreed by all registered football clubs in the country. The proposal will effect the junior leagues as well as the 42 senior clubs so cannot be voted on by only the SFL

Of course it was on the table...how could it have been rejected if it wasn't?

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most know a bit more about KC than to immediately jump to the conclusion that he was trying to stitch the fans up (has he ever done so before?) - nicely done as he is merely a scapegoat - and there's certainly those among us who should be capable of setting aside their "rally against the establishment" - the statement does nothing but stoke the fires - attitudes long enough to realise that their ramblings are actually doing more harm than good TO THE CLUB. - Nice emphasis on the capital lettering.

Think for yourselves and don't allow others to do the thinking for you....the future of ICT could very well hinge on the conclusions you come to, especially for those who want to drive the man out the door. very emotive wording - the future of ICT hinges on the conclusions that the fans make from this statement ??

I have posted a break down summary further up this page - tell me and others what has been miscosrued ?

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I've already made my point/s on the reading of the statement throughout the thread.

People can take them or leave them as they wish and draw their own conclusions...just as I have done with yours and others.

I could sit here and play twist and spin with you all day...we both know each others capabilities in that regard and we both know it would end in stalemate (or Scotty kicking both our asses) and nothing would be gained.

If people are going to crucify the guy, then be clear on why they are doing so. Is it because of a poorly worded/constructed/timed press statement, or is it because they truly believe he is bad for the club and is trying to stitch up the fans.

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I've already made my point/s on the reading of the statement throughout the thread.

People can take them or leave them as they wish and draw their own conclusions...just as I have done with yours and others.

I could sit here and play twist and spin with you all day...we both know each others capabilities in that regard and we both know it would end in stalemate (or Scotty kicking both our asses) and nothing would be gained.

If people are going to crucify the guy, then be clear on why they are doing so. Is it because of a poorly worded/constructed/timed press statement, or is it because they truly believe he is bad for the club and is trying to stitch up the fans.

I think the last paragraph is very important and while I don't think Kenny has been bad for the club up to now I do think that the statement has done untold damage to his reputation amongst his own fans and reflects very badly on the club to fans of other clubs

Edited by gordieict
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I dont think that was what was being voted on. I think that was put out two days before the meeting as an attempted sweetener. That whole statement talks about puting together a working party to look at league reconstruction.

The two votes on the table were 'to allow Rangers into SFL' and 'which league they should be put in'.

The SFL couldn't alone vote on the linked proposals as these need to be agreed by all registered football clubs in the country. The proposal will effect the junior leagues as well as the 42 senior clubs so cannot be voted on by only the SFL

Of course it was on the table...how could it have been rejected if it wasn't?

Did they reject the proposals or did they ignore them on the day? Did they realise that those proposals were put in front of them to attempt to sway judgement on Rangers? My point is those proposals should not have been handed to SFL alone but sent to all SFA registered clubs to allow them all to digest the content and then look at how best to make the way forward a sensible and productive one.

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WAS THIS STATEMENT MADE BY KENNY CAMERON a) personal OR b) made by Kenny Cameron on behalf of the Board of Directors ??

WAS THIS STATEMENT circulated for proofreading and acceptance by ALL the other members of the Board of Directors AND/OR Terry Butcher ??

IF NOT - who gave the "final" go ahead to pass this statement on to the press ?

DON - I actually think that we are both doing the same thing here but the statement was wholly and utterly WRONG. I am more interetsed in establishing who the spineless muppets hiding under the rock are who were, in my opinion, THE people who should hold the responsibility and take the flak for this debacle.

If this was misrepresented by the media lets have a statement from an emminent MUPPET and lets have a statement from the feckin CLUB.

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I dont think that was what was being voted on. I think that was put out two days before the meeting as an attempted sweetener. That whole statement talks about puting together a working party to look at league reconstruction.

The two votes on the table were 'to allow Rangers into SFL' and 'which league they should be put in'.

The SFL couldn't alone vote on the linked proposals as these need to be agreed by all registered football clubs in the country. The proposal will effect the junior leagues as well as the 42 senior clubs so cannot be voted on by only the SFL

Of course it was on the table...how could it have been rejected if it wasn't?

Did they reject the proposals or did they ignore them on the day? Did they realise that those proposals were put in front of them to attempt to sway judgement on Rangers? My point is those proposals should not have been handed to SFL alone but sent to all SFA registered clubs to allow them all to digest the content and then look at how best to make the way forward a sensible and productive one.

My understanding is that it was sent to all SFA registered clubs.

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I would not crucify Kenny Cameron. I wouldn't even apportion blame on him other than his statement, and the resultant press barrage, was ill thoughout and ill adviced. There wasn't even a need to say anything other than the club are calling a board meeting to look at the financial implications for the coming season.

His comments, however, have caused damage to the club. Many on here are angry and some threatening to turn away from ICT. There are calls for boycotts of ICT from fans of other teams on P&B.

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WAS THIS STATEMENT MADE BY KENNY CAMERON a) personal OR b) made by Kenny Cameron on behalf of the Board of Directors ??

WAS THIS STATEMENT circulated for proofreading and acceptance by ALL the other members of the Board of Directors AND/OR Terry Butcher ??

IF NOT - who gave the "final" go ahead to pass this statement on to the press ?

DON - I actually think that we are both doing the same thing here but the statement was wholly and utterly WRONG. I am more interetsed in establishing who the spineless muppets hiding under the rock are who were, in my opinion, THE people who should hold the responsibility and take the flak for this debacle.

If this was misrepresented by the media lets have a statement from an emminent MUPPET and lets have a statement from the feckin CLUB.

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