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I want my webpage to show up in google


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I created a very basic webpage, mainly to direct peeps to a facebook group/campaign i started. I used one of these free webpage creator sites. I want the page to turn up in google searches.

I had a look into how to do this.....but im thinking that because i dont get HTML view in the online web page creator program...i cant cut and paste the Meta Tags i need into the appropriate place... under the "head"

Does anyone know an alternative method of getting my page to turn up in search results?

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There's no guaranteed way to bring your site to googles attention and get it listed quickly, but from my experience (and a practice that has served us well) is to sign up for a Google Webmaster Tools account, add your site and submit a site map.

Sitebuilders aren't great in terms of allowing you to optimise the guts of them, but there's plenty of information, pointers and tips to be gleaned from using Webmaster Tools that you can use.

Avoid the temptation to take the advice of websites and people who offer quick fixes and guaranteed ways to get you on the frontpage of Google search etc. The majority of them can do more harm than good in the long term and it's a minefield trying to work out what's good advice and what's not.

Avoid link exchanges, link farms etc and concentrate on trying to get links to your site placed on other valid sites which are similar to yours or contain info that ties in with the info on yours. Sticking a link to your site in your signature here might help as we have a pretty solid Google ranking, make sure you list a link to your website on your facebook page/s and try to get people to share it on theirs.

At the end of the day there's really no substitute for building a good honest site with original content that you keep fresh. Google will list you when it's good and ready, I've had sites listed the same day and others that have taken a few weeks.

Hopefully that'll give you something to be getting on with.

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Thanx for the reply Don. Much appreciated. I did have a look at Google Developer tools, but apart from most of it making no real sense to me, the part i did understand, didnt seem to be acheivable, as it appears as tho you have to be able to access HTML code and the site i used to build the site are more of a WYSIWYG fashion.

Anyhoo...here is a list of the available upgrades.http://members.webs.com/s/premium/?ss=navigation_SiteBuilder .If you see anything there that would help get the site to appear on search engines, i would appreciate some feedback. I cant afford the top option, but the $8 one i can cover every month. Or...maybe you think the upgrades wont help achieve anything? Id really appreciate any input.

Heres my site.http://antibedroomtax.webs.com/

Im affected by these changes. Im going to be forced from my home, into a totally inadequate property, meaning i will no longer be able to have my 3 kids to stay. my youngest is autistic and THRIVES when he is with me. The rest of the time, at home, at school etc, he is "HIGHLY stressed". If i am no longer able to take him. I really worry about the consequences for his well being. Hence why im fighting for myself, my kids and near 700 000 low income/vulnerable families who are going to be affected by this viscious, cold hearted reforms

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It's not Developer Tools you want, it's Webmaster Tools - http://www.google.com/webmasters/

You definitely should not need to pay anything for additional services.....try the following (taken from info on the webs.com support pages)

To verify ownership of your website with Google, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Google Webmaster Tools and sign up for an account:

  2. Once you sign in, you'll automatically be directed to your Home page in Google Webmaster tools.

  3. On your Google Webmaster Tools Home page, look for the red button that says: "Add A Site" and click on it. (A dialog box will pop up requesting the URL of your website.) Make sure you only insert the URL (example: http://mywebsite.webs.com WITHOUT adding index.htm)

  4. After doing so, you'll be directed to a "Verify Ownership" page. On that page you'll see two tabs. The first tab will read: "Recommended Method" and the second tab will read: "Alternate Methods". Click on the tab that reads 'Alternate Methods'.

  5. Click on the circle in front of the first sentence that reads: "Add a meta tag to your site's home page."
    (Directions to add a specific meta tag will appear.)

  6. Scroll across and copy the meta tag.
    (IMPORTANT: Open a new tab in your browser to continue as you'll be coming back to this page in just a minute)

  7. Sign in to your webs.com account.

  8. Select, (1) View Control Panel > (2) Website Settings.

  9. On your Website settings page, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. There, you'll see: Google Webmaster Tools and a box to paste your meta tag into.

  10. Paste your meta tag in the box and click, SAVE.

  11. You must now publish your website.

  12. After publishing your site, go back to your Google 'Verify Ownership' page where you copied the meta tag.

  13. On that page, look to the bottom and click on, Verify.

  14. You'll receive a, Verification Successful notice.
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I tried the whole add a site thing in google webmaster tools things. How would you feel about trying it for me? Its kinda gobledegook to me. I could give you the login details for the website etc. Its a good cause too.....chances are...you know people/families about to be affected by these reforms. I m desperate to raise awareness, but cant get this to work for me.

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OK.....i got the "meta tags" added to the site.

I got the sitemap submitted. Im getting the following: General HTTP error: 404 not found

HTTP Error: 404)

Is there anything else i can do to get the site to show up in search engines (mostly google)?

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Your site is now listed on google - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=search+engines&rlz=1C1CHNU_enGB341GB341&aq=0&oq=search&sugexp=chrome,mod=3&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&gs_nf=1&tok=v-EhvqUMVyiNfty9LyEdKw&pq=search%20engines&cp=31&gs_id=3&xhr=t&q=http://antibedroomtax.webs.com/&pf=p&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHNU_enGB341GB341&sclient=psy-ab&oq=http://antibedroomtax.webs.com/&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=f93d8c59aa692005&biw=1440&bih=785

That means you are now into SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to try and improve the listing and get it ranked higher up on search results.

What you need now is a Google Analytics Account. There'll will be some code you need to add to your site and I imagine there will be something within the Website Settings page where you add that in the same way as you did with the Webmaster Tools Meta Tag. This will allow you to monitor your site performance.

Do some work on Keywords on your site to make sure your mentioning all the words that people will use when searching for information on the subject of your site. Content is everything and everything else is wasted effort if you don't get that right.

Apologies for not being able to offer anything more "hands on" in terms of assistance, but I'm pretty much up to my neck (and beyond) with other stuff at the moment. Happy enough to take time to point you in the right direction when I can though....and that way you get to learn a bit as well.

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Thanx Don. your help is appreciated. I will just need to look into the whole getting high up on search results, or perhaps somehow rename the page or whatever, as i cant see many people typing in Anti bedroom Tax site web address. I will get there somehow lol

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Talk about draconoan rules!

Here in Canada we also need to augment our income by renting out "basement suites" that we may have in our detached homes to meet the ever-increasing property taxes that the Municipal councillors (usually the mayor) think we can afford .

One Local Mayoress stated publicly that her intention was to increase the rates by 4% per annum regardless of what the inflation rate was (for the past few years it has been about 2%-2.5%. ) and despite the fact that the economy is sinking and sinking and people 's finances are getting tighter and tighter. Now a petition against this already has about a thousand signatures appended to it and her chances of being re-elected have diminished considerably.

However, these municipal politicians would think twice before going any further by starting to add taxes onto the taxpayer based on the criteria the British Government appears to be doing, as you say.

Meanwhile the Westminster politicians' moats no doubt continue to be cleaned out at taxpayers' expense as their very generous pensions and expense accounts remain uncut?

Oh and the pensions of Brits who retired to countries that are ex-Commonwealth continue to never be increased for inflation since the day they started without any rational argument being put forward to justify it. However, live in the U S of A , or Germany, or Spain and you get an annual increase. Go figure that one. WHY? Because the Governemnt can do it and they always select the most weak members of society to do it to whereas the rich and the getting-richer get tax breaks coming out their ying-yangs.

However, this may all change in the not too distant future..............

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This bedroom tax sucks. Im going to be FORCED from my HOME, into taking a one bed property, as i cant afford to cover the cuts for anything bigger. This means i will no longer be able to have my three kids to stay. My youngest is special needs. he is "highly stressed" at home with his mother and at school etc, yet, when with me, he is so happy and at ease. How many families is this going to tear apart.

Imagine a reform that doesnt recognise Foster Children as part of the family unit. Imagine the reform that forced disabled, who live in specailly adapted homes from their homes. Apart from anything, the smaller properties just do not exist in the required numbers

In ONE council area in north of England, there are currently 2500 people on the waiting list for a one bed property. The council in question, has 16 such properties! What is it going to be like once these reforms kick in next april?

All this is going to acheive, is a lot of people forced from their homes, into inadequate properties, along with a pile of debt and quite possibly homelessness. it is the most VICIOUS peice of legislation by any modern day UK Govt.

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I can confirm....it is me. I have to say...they put my case across very well. Only thing that wasnt mentioned, which would have drummed up more support...is the fact that disabled people living in adapted homes and Foster Carers (whos foster kids will not be classed as part of the family unit) who will also be affected, were not mentioned. It was more centred around my case.

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What are you talking about DC? I have had nothing but support from people on my facebook profile.I had about 50 "likes" when i posted a pic of the page to my profile. I have even had strangers pm me and say they support what im doing. And as far as my facebook group goes...im closing in on 1000 members in just two weeks, so im not quite sure as to the critscism to which you refer?

But of course.....the page i set up gets the odd troll here and there. Such behaviour is to be expected from no marks with sad little lives, who want to drag everyone down to their level. We have had to boot 4 people from the group. At least two of them were from a rival group...who hate the fact that we are stealing their memebers. Serves them right for being such trigger happy little hitlers on their group. The other two were just out and out trolls, who think they are rock mcginty, sat behing the safety of their computer

And i dont live alone in a 3 bed house, i have 3 kids who reguarly stay with me. They just spent about 4 weeks of the summer with me. But hey.....i was given this 3 bed house, due to housing policy, so if anyone has a bone to pick, go pick a fight with albyn housing

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Hmmm...even if it is the HN fb page....6 people AGREE with the tax .....yet i have near 1000 in two weeks who disagree with the "tax".

Such people mainly complain, coz they think its crap that they have to live in sub standard living conditions, yet they are happy to see me and my kids forced out of our HOME to go and face worse living conditions that these people moan about.

There but for the grace of god go i!

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  • 3 months later...

I remember a while back when I was setting up my web site I was told to put the product first in your web title or domain


For instance I sell books, lots of major companies sell books so you are behind the eight ball for starters


You cold have a web site entitled for the sake of argument


www.Invernessbooks.co or you could call it




I dont know whether it's true or false but the second one would search easier than the first


you can steal another companies search which I think is illegal but I know it's done.


Again going back to books, you could write Amazon books on the first line of your web site, so any one searching for Amazon may get your web site


Again I have no idea if these things work.

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