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The bad news confirmed

Guest birdog

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Absolutely agree rosco. The state of this forum in the last week has been mediocre, full of self appointed sanctimonious Jeremiahs who apparently know far more than anybody else, including the board themselves. They confidently tell us that Warnock was a candidate despite his clear explanation that it was a non-starter,

Sometimes newspaper stories take on a life of their own. Take the one this week linking me with the manager's job at Inverness Caledonian Thistle. It began when I was spotted filling up with petrol at a garage near Glasgow. Within the hour I got a call from a journalist asking if it was true I was in for the Inverness job. I said, "I bet some of the refs in England would like me to go that far away". I added that Sharon and I had never written off managing in Scotland, that we had family there and liked visiting. I also talked about when Sheffield United played at Inverness pre-season, how I enjoyed visiting the Highland Games and what a lovely place it was.

Within hours I had had nine journos calling. I explained, without being disrespectful to Inverness, it was not quite what I was looking for, and I was not in a rush to get back into work, simply on a break with the family.

It did not seem to do the trick. By Thursday the BBC website had me on a shortlist of three and the papers were following suit. I had not even spoken to the club. Finally, David Sutherland, the former chairman, rang me. I said, "Let's put this to bed, I'm not interested. Best of luck with whoever you do appoint." Just to repeat the message, I'm not a candidate, never was, and with due respect to Inverness it is not a job I fancy at the moment.

they rubbish the board and try smearing individuals, on the basis of some pub gossip. They include, surprisingly,  the admin of the site, who may be excused for being on the other side of the Atlantic, and thus prey to the gossip-mongers, but not for publicy backing the wee free fundamentalist tendency.  Pathetic. No doubt they will spend the rest of this season gloating over every setback or defeat, smugly telling us that they told us so, and it is all the board/Brewster's fault.

It has certainly made this site less than essential for Caley Thistle fans, unless you subscribe to doom-filled self defeating miserabilist philosophy spouted ad nauseam by about half a dozen hard core gurners. Gurning is sadly par for the course, but the malicious and unfounded rumours people tried to spread from here were hysterical, completely wrong and over the top. And they certainly don't represent a cross section of fans. Good luck to Craig and the boys, I hope they make you choke on your paranoid conspiracy theories (and your grudging soor-plum-sucking 'good wishes' to the new manager).

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Absolutely agree rosco. The state of this forum in the last week has been mediocre, full of self appointed sanctimonious Jeremiahs who apparently know far more than anybody else, including the board themselves. They confidently tell us that Warnock was a candidate despite his clear explanation that it was a non-starter

The explanation which came after the fact was an effort to rectify a piece of PR spin gone badly wrong. I am sure the complete truth will come out very soon ... however, in the meantime, perhaps you may want to take time to reflect on various articles (or the fans' meeting) that also brought other direct quotes from both Mr Warnock and also from our board where he was a candidate, not a candidate, had applied, had not applied, had been talked to, had not been talked to, had not heard from Inverness despite being easy to find. etc etc etc. There is a lot more to it than simple press speculation. However, at the end of the day Brew is now manager and we must get behind him.

they rubbish the board and try smearing individuals, on the basis of some pub gossip. They include, surprisingly,  the admin of the site, who may be excused for being on the other side of the Atlantic, and thus prey to the gossip-mongers, but not for publicy backing the wee free fundamentalist tendency.  Pathetic. No doubt they will spend the rest of this season gloating over every setback or defeat, smugly telling us that they told us so, and it is all the board/Brewster's fault.

I may be on the other side of the Atlantic but email and telephones are wonderful inventions that at times can put me right inside the TCS ! I havent been party to 'pub gossip' since my last trip back to Inverness but I do reserve my right to form an opinion based on information received from a number of differing sources, the context of which is surprisingly similar.

I have posted numerous times that I will take no pleasure in gloating over any setback or defeat or smugly say I told you so. I am a Caley Thistle supporter before anything else and despite my misgivings about the appointment of CB (which once again, I will say is based on his record at DUFC, nothing else), he will get my full support.

see Deja Brew thread for the full comment.

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Your a fickle bunch! When the Brewster was at Inverness, you had one of the fittest teams in the league, you were a b*st*rd to break down and equally hard to beat. Surely its better to have someone you know rather than someone who will use the old excuse that it wasn't his squad, if he fails you. It would also be interesting to see if the curse can be lifted with his return.  :001:

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The state of this forum in the last week has been mediocre, full of self appointed sanctimonious Jeremiahs who apparently know far more than anybody else, including the board themselves

Sheesh, I don't know about you pal, but if I don't like a book I stop reading it - I don't write to the author to tell them it's a pile of crap. Here you are, using the same mechanism that those who don't like the way things have gone use to let off steam, to moan that you don't like the way they've gone about it. Pot... kettle...

At the end of the day it's a bit of fun, Hello! meets the News 'n' Screws. Mee and Caley100 are on opposite sides of the fence on this, but do you reckon she's gonna chin the guy next time she sees him? Well, she might if he botches her car  :004: Are the board preparing legal action against IHE et. al? Doubt it.

<--In a comedy Scouse accent--> Calm down, calm down!

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If the sanctimonious Long Man is referring to my good self - then how I have I got it so feckin rite. My beef has been the treatment of CC and the plan to change if he fell by the wayside. Go and put your blinkers on and sniff the erses of the untouchables. Football business is mostly done behind the scenes - perhaps I am guilty of letting the real fans in on what has really happened. Wonder what the appointment of Duncan Shearer will do ?

As fer Brew - I think that he will do the business. And this is the first major mistake that the Board have made. And perhaps you are also a Board member or a feckin relative. Hide behind yer "tag" ya ersehole. Yet another attempt to squash the truth.

And Mee may well **** Caley 100.  :015: :015:

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The Long Man ...posts ---13

Scotty................ posts----3,491

Case rests.. :018:

Long Man if you want to attack the Administrator(s) just mull over this:-

Scotty and Caley D have put hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours into setting up, modifying and  controlling  this website  to allow YOU the privilege of commenting in an open public forum. And they do not get paid for this, so you are at liberty to desist and cease posting if you don't like  it. But at least be respectful of others rights if you stay.!

Indeed these two Admins are , in my opinion, possessed of  as much knowledge and common sense as anybody on here and studying their posts going back for years may be a formidable task for you but would be time well invested  and well worth while in terms of  your learning curve.

And don't forget  they have just as much right to their opinion as you but significantly they don't end up attacking you in the same vein as you have commented upon their posts.

That's it--I will stop whilst I'm ahead and still cool. :33:

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Guest WynessLegend

Also I think if anyone else uses the phrase "call yourself fans" they should donate money to charity. 99% of the posters on here are obviously ICT fans and just because we aren't as enamoured as some 'happy clappers'  about Brewsters comeback our loyalty shouldn't be questioned  :018:

Just thought it deserved to be aired a third time, as it is basically what I was going to reply to beachcombers post

And ........ how about airing it a fourth time with a more relistic appraisal.

20% of the posters on this board are true supporters of the club.

65% are sad chat room geeks

5% are probably on here by mistake

and the views of this board probably represent the views of around 3% of the support.

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Guest TheSmiddy

And ........ how about airing it a fourth time with a more relistic appraisal.

20% of the posters on this board are true supporters of the club.

65% are sad chat room geeks

5% are probably on here by mistake

and the views of this board probably represent the views of around 3% of the support.

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Lets not overlook directors and senior management of ICT who, this past week have probably contributed around 20% of received posts....

Their contributions fortunately, all have one thing in common - they are very, very easy to spot....  :014:

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Lets not overlook directors and senior management of ICT who, this past week have probably contributed around 20% of received posts....

Their contributions fortunately, all have one thing in common - they are very, very easy to spot....  :014:

And lets not overlook the contribution of you Johnboy whose hits posts make up 80% of the remaining hits...  :015: :016:

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Lets not overlook directors and senior management of ICT who, this past week have probably contributed around 20% of received posts....

Their contributions fortunately, all have one thing in common - they are very, very easy to spot....  :014:

And lets not overlook the contribution of you Johnboy whose hits posts make up 80% of the remaining hits...  :015: :016:

not on my board since I discovered the IGNORE function - best thing since sliced bread :rotflmao:

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At the end of the day, I dont care whether someone agrees with me or not. I have taken far worse abuse than the couple of little bits on this thread that are only mildly offensive .... water off a ducks back and all that. although I do thank those who have leaped to my defence.

I have spent a long time running this site officially or before that as "officially endorsed" and during that time I had to sanitise virtually every post I made on any controversial subject. Since the site reverted back to being unofficial, I am no longer hog-tied with that restriction and it has been refreshing to finally be able to express my real views on various subjects. I have posted many things in support of both the club and the board when others were skeptical and found that those attacking me now were the ones who were supporting me then. I now find myself in the opposite camp where those who might have thought I was a 'yes' man are supporting me whilst others attack me. c'est la vie, life's too short, etc etc etc.

There are a lot more twists and turns surrounding the last week's events than any of us knows (or will probably ever know). I have obtained startlingly similar information from a number of sources who as far as I know are unconnected to each other. Some of that info doesnt sit well with me and I have said so on here. That is my right. Some of it may be pub gossip, some of it may be incorrect, I dont know for sure, but as I said, it was very similar and came from disparate sources which leads me to believe there is at least a modicum of truth to it.

However, the purpose of starting the other thread "Deja Brew" was to draw a line under all this bickering, conspiracies and counter conspiracies. The board have offered the job to CB and he has accepted. His comments about some fans not liking the appointment make me believe he may be a different man in this second attempt with ICT and because we are all ICT fans I do believe we should get behind him and the club.

Do I believe he is the man for the job ? Based on his performance at DUFC, no I do not. However, I hope I am proved totally wrong as his first spell at ICT wasnt that bad in terms of results. I can accept why he went to DUFC (dream job etc) and (if it is true) I can appreciate that he tried to make sure the club was properly compensated when he left. As he is the man in the hotseat, then I will support both him and the team as anything else would be folly. If he fails, so do ICT and I do not think any of us want to see that.

Do I believe the selection process was exhaustive? No I do not. I am of the opinion that CB was having his old parking place sign dusted down within minutes of CC's resignation and if he had been appointed within 24-48 hours there would not have been half of the outcry that there has been. If you give credence to the rumours that CC had previously offered his resignation on two previous occasions, it may even have been a wise move to have a "Plan B". There may have been some perfunctory "chats" with alternative candidates during the week but a lot of what was issued to the press (and perhaps spun a little further by them) was a smokescreen, as was the fans' meeting. It may have been done with the best intentions, but it was badly handled IMHO.

However, as I said in the other thread, it is, as far as I can recollect, the first time in 13 years that I have taken issue with something the board has done so I believe we can forgive (but not forget) and get behind them too. They need to know that they cannot treat us like idiots. There are a lot of intelligent, insightful and sensible fans out there, and not being part of the prawn sandwich brigade doesnt automatically make those fans less intelligent, less important, or less able to comprehend whats going on.

Will I gloat if CB fails ? ABSOLUTELY NOT. CB is the manager the board have chosen. Some fans are happy with his appointment, some are not. He has been tasked with lifting ICT off the bottom of the league and making sure that we are not relegated. If he manages to accomplish this then I will quite happily eat my humble pie, admit I was wrong to doubt him and enjoy the rest of the season. If he fails, then we will be relegated and as we have seen, its a very hard job to come back up after that. If that happens, then I wont be gloating or saying I told you so or taking any pleasure from it whatsoever as my team will have entered a dark period. I was a supporter long before Craig Brewster came along and will still be a supporter long after he is gone. If anyone wanted to gloat in those circumstances, then despite my misgivings about the man, I would believe the gloaters were not real ICT fans.

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The ignore function doesnt work properly

I believe it does now - clacher took me to task about it when we did the upgrades at the end of the season and I fixed it - the admins cant tell if it works or not because we cant ignore anyone, nor can we be ignored  :004: (you can ignore us but you still see our posts).

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Guest Yorkshire_ICT

Just heard on Sky Sports news Brewster confirmed as manager :029:, not a lot of details they didn't even know if he was signing in a player/manager or manager role.

Hardly bad new is it really. Anything is better than [REMOVED] Warnock.

[modbreak=Edited by CaleyD] Name Calling Removed [/modbreak]

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A forlorn hope, I know - but if all or any members of the board who come on to this site, even just for a wee look, were to seriously take cognisance of this paragraph from Scotty's post above....

it might just help make the world, which revolves around Inverness and Inverness Caley Thistle a better one in which to live.....


However, as I said in the other thread, it is, as far as I can recollect, the first time in 13 years that I have taken issue with something the board has done so I believe we can forgive (but not forget) and get behind them too. They need to know that they cannot treat us like idiots. There are a lot of intelligent, insightful and sensible fans out there, and not being part of the prawn sandwich brigade doesn't automatically make those fans less intelligent, less important, or less able to comprehend whats going on.   

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