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Ways of Generating a better atmosphere at Caley Stadium

Guest TinCanFan

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Guest TinCanFan

Does anyone know of any ways to generate a better atmosphere at TCS?  A "Singing Section" was started and it didn't work.  The atmosphere got a bit better for a while earlier this season but that has since reduced.  Does anyone know of any ways of getting a better atmosphere at TCS?

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Guest Calum-Red-an-Blue

get a stadium in the town more people will turn up as it will be more accesable for most.and even if it still only has 3 stands the atmosphere will not be blown away from the stadium.

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Guest TinCanFan

1. Put a team on the park that at least appears to be trying

2. Encourage the fans to make noise rather than harass them when they do !

How do TFC achieve such a loud and excitable support?

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1. Put a team on the park that at least appears to be trying

2. Encourage the fans to make noise rather than harass them when they do !

How do TFC achieve such a loud and excitable support?

by following items 1 & 2 .....

1. The team arent that good at the moment but most of them bust a gut to try and win each game so you cant fault people who give 100%

2. The club actively encourage the noise, store the banners for people and even liaise with the noisy supporters groups

There is a third reason and we will see if that dwindles as years go by (not next year though - 99% renewal rate on season tickets) ..... Despite opinions to the contrary, Toronto IS a "soccer city" as there are tens of thousands of immigrants of european, asian, african, or south american origin whose favoured sport is football and also thousands of canadian supporters who have played the game growing up in school (by far the most popular school sport). These people have all been starved of seeing any decent football for years ... TFC's first game this season was like a big sigh of relief !

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1. Put a team on the park that at least appears to be trying

That's really harsh considering what we've seen from these players over the years.

They've been widely applauded for their work ethic by fans, media and our managers and i don't think they've trying any less this season.

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That's really harsh considering what we've seen from these players over the years.

Is it ?

I have been present at games where I have stood and applauded them off the park after a glorious victory OR defeat ... I did it because they tried their best. However, I have been present at many games over the years where they didnt appear to try at all for whatever reason and that is infuriating. Although I wasnt present, Saturday appeared to be one of those games

I may have been a little harsh given the result on Saturday but I had a bad feeling about this game ever since I read an article about ICT "aiming high" and the fact that the Well defence was small in height and hadnt had a clean sheet since the opening day of the season ..... i thought, "oh ****, route one hoofball" ..... and that is what it was.

Much has been made of the lift the players seemed to get when CB came back but on Saturday it was back to the heads going down and worse still a big breakdown in discipline by more than just one player. Tokely will get the brunt because he got sent off, but he was not the only one guilty of a lack of discipline in that game.

As hinted at in other threads something appears to be wrong internally and whatever it is, it needs to be sorted out before it tears our club apart. I dont know the details of what it might be or whether it is players, management, coaches or other figures at the club but from rumblings I have heard there is indeed strife like never before seen and it is doing nothing to keep the players motivated !

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I wasn't there on Saturday either, but i watched these players give their all (though not always playing well) in the four league games that preceded it. The likes of Rosscoe, Caff, Munro, Hastings, McBain, Duncan, Wilson, Bayne and Wyness have been playing out of their skins for this club for years and internal strife or not, i can't believe that they've stopped trying now.

Anyway, to get back on topic, the atmosphere at TCS has always been sh1te, regardless of how much effort the team appeared to be putting in.

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Simply win two games on the trot and the atmosphere will be changed!!

Success breeds happiness and happiness is infectious and soon the supporters will infect the non - supporters, the takings will rise - we will sign one of the top players queuing at the door for a game and this new signing, smiling Mr Ronaldo, will make a difference to the results!!


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Last Saturday was the 1st home game I have missed this season and likely to be the only one I miss (I hope).

Events on the field lead to the supporters getting involved.  We have several chants in the North Stand, and we try, and try again, to generate noise, but the Main Stand people say they don't hear anything from the North Stand!  What's with the acoustics?  We make plenty noise - how come it doesn't get around? even to over there - its not miles away.  Even the rumbling of the feet comes over the tv recordings - are they all deaf in the Main Stand?  Quit the sweeties and start to sing, all of you, or else move over to the North Stand and enjoy the banter (most of the time).

Its high time ICT Fans made more noise at home, just like they do at away games - those who don't go to the away games could learn a lot!  Singing and encouraging your team is infectious and creates a great atmosphere.


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The sooner people just accept the atmosphere at Home grounds is pish the better. How many Home supports can you say you've been impressed with in the last couple of years?

Away supports are always better (in at least 9/10 cases) than the Home fans. Our lack of noise in the North and/or Main Stand is hardly surprising by comparison.

That said, if you pop off to the one of the tea bars and walk away from the North Stand, weh a few folk start up a chant it can carry quite well over a small distance anyway.

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No matter how small the away support you can always hear them from the north.  We do need to improve but I believe that pretty much all the teams in the league have the same issue.  Hibs have been the loudest I have heard.  Ceptic Park and Castle Greyskull are terrible for atmosphere.  St Midden only get behind their team for about 5mins, they seem to prefer to boo them more.

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