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Ryder Cup golf....


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This has been an excellent tournament

Can't believe Garcia is getting such a thumping though after his performances the last 2 days, European team have been superb the partnerships of Westwood/Clarke & Garcia/Ole have been key

I want to go play golf now but it's pi55ing down in Stirling  :006:

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Some absolutely fantastic golf, the Americans just weren't good enough and they knew it.

Watching the singles today and it got to the point where it was just bang bang bang, game over.  The scoreboard was dominated by Blue the whole 3 days but in the space of about 10 minutes we seemed to drive home the final nails.

Outstanding perfromance by the whole European team, think every man managed to contribute something to the overall score!!!!

Think Lehman pretty much summed it up when he commented on the fact that we capitalised on every error and missed putt they made and the fact that in the fourball the players were backing each other up when it was needed and the Americans just didn't seem to have the same cohesion.

When you look at the World Rankings for both teams the Americans were by far the stronger looking Team on Paper but the bookies seemed to know better as we started the tournament as favourites and never looked like being anything else.

Garcia's singles performance will be lost in the overall euphoria but it was good to see him keep on battling despite things not going his way early on.  If your going to get beat then do it in style and I think he managed that with his chip in on his final hole.

Westwood's performance in the singles was kinda lost in the excitement of the matches which were out earlier.....5up after 7 holes!!!.....would like to have seen how Westwood would have held it together if the Cup hadn't been decided when he was around the 12th or 13th and DiMarco kinda took the shine of the Finale with 2 balls in the water on the 18th.

How funny was it when Tiger's caddy dropped his 9 Iron in the water....think it shows how much Tiger has matured as a player and person cause he just laughed it off, a few years back he would hav spat the dummy and probably thrown the guy in after it.

The whole atmosphere of this years RC seemed to have improved and their didn't seem to be some of the same tension as we've witnessed in previous years.  No signs of the "Typical Yank Arrogance" which we have almost come to expect from them in everything they are involved in and I think it made for a far better tournament.

Just how much feckin Champagne do these greens need???  Why can't they use water on them just like everyone else.....Posh Barstewards  :015:

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I thought it was a great event.... some superb golf, despite torrential rain this morning, and the course like a quagmire the whole day.....

Have to say though, if a caddy of mine had dropped a 9 iron into the water, he certainly would have been tossed in after it.....

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Engrossing stuff, and absolutely delighted for Darren Clarke when he finished his match, very emotional moment, and shows the cameraderie that exists between the players.  Paul Casey should go and put a couple of lines on the lottery for this week, he is on fire at the moment.  Tremendous golf at one stage today, you would have thought it was highlights you were watching as guys were pitching in or holing tee shots all over the place and thirty forty and fifty foot putts dropping were the norm. 

Great entertainment. :clapping04: :clapping04: :clapping04:

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Engrossing stuff, and absolutely delighted for Darren Clarke when he finished his match, very emotional moment, and shows the cameraderie that exists between the players.  Paul Casey should go and put a couple of lines on the lottery for this week, he is on fire at the moment.  Tremendous golf at one stage today, you would have thought it was highlights you were watching as guys were pitching in or holing tee shots all over the place and thirty forty and fifty foot putts dropping were the norm. 

Great entertainment. :clapping04: :clapping04: :clapping04:

Oh.... If only someone could write a report like that on an SPL match...... Can't see it happening in my lifetime.....!!!!

  :clapping04: :clapping04:

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absolutely delighted for Darren Clarke when he finished his match, very emotional moment, and shows the cameraderie that exists between the players.

I was happy to hear Clarke acknowledge Tiger Woods for the behind the scenes support he gave him prior to the competition. Tiger knows only too well how hard it is to lose a loved one and then try to play sport in the public eye a short time later. Well done to Darren and equally well done to Tiger !! You are both gentlemen.

I would also like to see a few people - Bernard Gallagher and Thomas Bjorn in particular - eat their words over Woosnam's wildcard selection. It could have backfired spectacularly but history will show his picks of Darren Clarke (3 out of 3 points in the games he played) and Lee Westwood (4 out of 5 pts) were inspirational ... the crowd reception for Clarke undoubtedly played a part in motivating the European team and Westwood played all 5 rounds without losing (3 wins, 2 halves) so a few slices of humble pie are required .....

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Just back last night from a long weekend of saturation golf in York......sheer bliss,5 rounds of golf and the Ryder cup on telly when we were'nt playing,and doon the pub drinking beer and talking about golf when that wasn't on,if there's a better way to spend a weekend eh cannae think of it.Watching these guys fair puts the handicap golfers game into perspective,absolutely awesome , good comment Mannie, twas like watching constant highlights with 20 and 30 footers rolling in with unbelievable regularity......roll on 2008  :clapping04: :clapping04: :clapping04:

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