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Nick Ross


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three times yesterday all ross had to do was cross the ball from near the bye line, each time he hit the defender resulting in a corner. from hamiltons point of view this is excellent defending, stopping crosses coming in. from an ict view it is crap not getting the ball past the first defender.

butcher talks the boy up because he has to as he has no one else to play while foran is out injured. as soon as foran comes back he will dissapear to the bench where he belongs.

could he please take odiambo with him. the little black hamilton centre forward gave him a lesson yesterday, receive pass, control ball, hold off defender, bring someone else into play.

odiambo receive pass, take a touch like an elephant, loose ball, pressure back on our defence.

No, he does it because he actually rates him. If Nick were to log on and read the criticism he was getting from his own fans, i have no doubt it would shatter a very promising career.

Edited by dan_ict
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No, he does it because he actually rates him. If Nick were to log on and read the criticism he was getting from his own fans, i have no doubt it would shatter a very promising career.

I have no doubt he would rise above it, realise the people posting that sort of garbage have a very blinkered point of view and no idea what they're talking about.

The boy has talent and possibly the most potential we've seen from and 18 yr old at ICT for a long while. With a little bit of encouragement and some decent coaching he will be set for good things, so why people want to start a topic like this is just mind boggling.

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I've only seen Nick Ross play twice this season and on both occasions i haven't been overly impressed but i also wouldn't go ahead and say he was the weakest link. Considering his age he is doing well, There aren't many youth players in the past that we've had that could cope in the SPL. I think because he is replacing one of our biggest players (Richie Foran) he is being scrutinised far more than he normally would.

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Nick is a player who is doing extremely well given his limited experience of top team football, especially SPL standard, and given his age you could say he is way ahead of where he perhaps would be expected to be in his development.

If he continues to develop at the rate he has he'll prove to be tremendous player for us and the added bonus is he's contributing and pulling his weight at the same time!

The folk who are slagging him off obviously know little about football and have forgotten that they once had to learn their trade too...

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Ross is a youngster who has earned his place but has been thrown in at the deep end becos of injury to Foran. Remember the same thing happened to Rory McAllister and how would you compare Ross to Rory ? I would say that Ross has significantly more promise of making it as a SPL player.

But he needs experience - preferably from the bench - and of course he needs to muscle up - but did we not say the same about Barry Robson - or Obdhiambo - or even Rooney.

Ross is the future of ICT and perhaps the finger of blame should be pointing at several of the "experienced" and seasoned professionals who were playing alongside Ross yesterday. And - here comes Hairy Chibber - as it completely frustates me that we continue to play Ross on his wrong foot. I can appreciate Hayes as he does come inside - but Ross to me is more of yer traditional Scottish right winger who uses his pace to hit the bye line. I would prefer to see Hayes and Ross switch - even fer longer periods in a game - and I can accept that he is just keeping the left berth warm fer Foran and Hayes will be first choice on the right - BUT it has to be horses for courses and ya play individuals to their strength and to the ultimate benefit of the team. TB frustrates me in regard to his apparent tactical reluctance to do this.

I agree with IHE !!!!!!

And can ya all push the green button as I need a boost. :rotflmao::rotflmao:

I just did :biggrin:

If Nick were to log on and read the criticism he was getting from his own fans, i have no doubt it would shatter a very promising career.

Stop being so melodramatic !!! Yes there are criticisms of him on here but there are just as many folk batting those criticisms back and saying that he's a young lad with lots to learn who has been thrown in at the deep end and has done reasonably well so far and shows the promise of great things to come. If he is so sensitive about internet forums then heaven help him if he ever progresses to a higher level and the media want to probe his every action !!! Most of the players I have ever spoken to know that internet criticism is the same as criticism at the stadium - it tends to be a small minority of people who no matter what the player does, can never do anything right in their eyes.

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I haven't made my mind up on Nick Ross yet. I only seen him play 4 or 5 times. The first impression of him was "too lightweight". That is still my opinion but I have also seen that he does have some skill and a bit of pace. I remember he played a cracking 2nd half against Stockport pre season, running at and beating players. But, I have also seen him being pushed off the ball too easily, and taking too many touches in front of goal when a first time shot would have done.

Given his age and the fact he has had relatively few games, I'll give him the season to bulk up and get some "real" match time, before slating/praising him too much.

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I has to be pointed out that you can count on one hand or so how many 18 year old players have come into the SPL teams. It usually means the club thinks a lot of the players, as most managers would try play an experienced older player to fill the gap. It is a big pat on the back for Nick that Tel and Mo think he to be good enough. Our 3 league games so far has shown him to have a reasonable game, an excellent game and a reasonable game. You could say he has been as consistant as our team.

I certainly beleive he will be an important player in our future

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.... mmmmm, werent TB & MM responsible for bringing through a couple of not insignificant youngsters at Motherwell when they had no choice but to turn to youth during adversity ?

.... If they think he is good enough then that will do for me. He is not the finished article but fer gawds sake he IS only 18 so will make mistakes and will succumb to pressure .... but he doesnt look out of place coming in as the 'squad player' being used to fill in for the player who would be first choice ....

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Criticism does not have to be negative and destructive, though Scotty.

A sentence of balanced positivity is worth a hundred negative, etc blethering criticisims.

Internet is merelty up front and center so it highlights the crap too much.

Ross , at 18, has to given 100% encouragement and anything negative should be dealt with in the form of advice and instruction--AND that should be left to the coaches.

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three times yesterday all ross had to do was cross the ball from near the bye line, each time he hit the defender resulting in a corner. from hamiltons point of view this is excellent defending, stopping crosses coming in. from an ict view it is crap not getting the ball past the first defender.

butcher talks the boy up because he has to as he has no one else to play while foran is out injured. as soon as foran comes back he will dissapear to the bench where he belongs.

could he please take odiambo with him. the little black hamilton centre forward gave him a lesson yesterday, receive pass, control ball, hold off defender, bring someone else into play.

odiambo receive pass, take a touch like an elephant, loose ball, pressure back on our defence.

Any idea how many times he actually did what he needed to do with the ball? Given that 100% success on crosses is "difficult" maybe the trade off in getting corners is not too bad. Ross was no worse than most on Saturday, and better than some. We win as a team, we lose as a team.

If there has been one stand out this season for me, it's Odiambo's improved touch in getting the ball with his back to the defender and turning him. Most un-elephant like. Again, no worse than most on Saturday. The Hamilton guy's name was Hasselbaink, on his debut, in a team going forward and applying all the pressure. Eric might, I suggest, have looked just as good in a similar position.

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I think Nick should be young player of the month :twothumbsup:

I think young Nick should be player of the month :twothumbsup:

Im sorry what?!?!

What did you think you heard? For the record I agree with johnboy and miss.

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I think Nick should be young player of the month :twothumbsup:

I think young Nick should be player of the month :twothumbsup:

Im sorry what?!?!

What did you think you heard? For the record I agree with johnboy and miss.

AS much as i hate them arent james forest and paddy mccourt young players and is stokes now 1 year too old?

And PLAYER of the month not even young player, you've got to be kidding have you not seen the form that miller is on (hope he keeps it up for scotland)

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Dont agree to be perfectly honest! He's is definietly not ready to seriously compete at this level! Atm he is far too lightweight! Im not saying that he will be a bad player, he's defo one of our better prospects - maybe a low SPL, Top Division 1 player in the future but nothing more tbh!

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Dont agree to be perfectly honest! He's is definietly not ready to seriously compete at this level! Atm he is far too lightweight! Im not saying that he will be a bad player, he's defo one of our better prospects - maybe a low SPL, Top Division 1 player in the future but nothing more tbh!

Of course he isn't...he is only 18 and still learning.........and if it weren't for the fact that we have a small squad because of financial strictures...he wouldn't be seriously competing at this level..he would be sitting on the bench waiting until the game was won to get a go on the pitch at the tail end of the game........or getting games once the prospect of relegation was past, and gaining experience that way.

Unfortunately, ICT has limited options and has to make the best of what it has available to it..

Beats me how those of you trashing Nick Ross's ability are not out there managing SPL football clubs........because you obviously feel you have more ability to recognise a promising player than Terry Butcher and Maurice Malpas....after only seeing him in three games, while they have watched him in training for the last year or more.

And it astounds me that you have the cringe factor to the extent that you will happily trash an 18 year old with three starts under his belt..when, from what I can make out......the only players who were rated better than him in the Courier were Esson, Proctor, Munro and Rooney. Anyone care to start a thread trashing Odiambo, Hayes, Duncan or Cox........who do have the experience....are less lightweight and who performed no better than Nick Ross.


I thought not! :irritated:

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That's your opinion.

And pretty much mine!

you've made your points then, move on, those longer term posters on here will know my long term disliked player, I don't harp on about him its not his thread.. your points been taken and others have put up better defences for him... let it lie.

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