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Positions/Players Needed for Next Season


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In my opinion, now that it looks like ICT won't get a top six spot this season, it's time to look at what's needed for next season. For me -


Ryan Esson

Johnny Tuffey

Max Johnson

I think I'm right in saying that both Esson and Tuffey are signed up for next season. Obviously these are two class goalkeepers, so there is no real need in bringing another challenger for the number 1 jersey in. I'm not sure what the circumstances are with Max Johnson but he's still a fairly young and up and coming keeper. IIRC he may well be only signed up for this season but it be worth retaining him for another year and he also has experience to a certain level in playing a part in the Newcastle United reserve team.

Renegade's Verdict - No need for any new personnel, unless one of the three leaves.


Ross Tokely (Right Back, Centre Back, occasional Left Back, occasional Right Midfielder + often used as a target man striker when goal is needed with time running out)

Kenny Gillet (Left Back, can be used at Left Midfield and can play at Centre Back)

Grant Munro (Centre Back, occasional Left Back)

Graeme Shinnie (Left Back, can also play at left midfield)

Chris Hogg (Centre Back, but can play at Right Back)

Chris Innes (Centre Back)

David Proctor (Right Back, Centre Back, Right Midfield, Central Midfield, occasional Left Back)

Stuart Duff (Right Back, Central Midfield, occasional Left Back)

Stuart Golabek (Left Back, has been known to play at Centre Back and even more occasionally at Left Midfield)

NB - Ross Tokely signed a one year deal at the start of this season, but has the option to sign for another one.

On the whole, a feel that Innes offers little in any capacity for the team and him leaving would not be a big loss. Golabek may be old but he may offer some experience and cover for certain areas. I feel that Hogg is a good defender and I'd like to see him stay put. Duff, I'm a little unsure about but perhaps does offer cover in a number of different places.

Renegade's Verdict - Punt Chris Innes. Try and bring in perhaps one more centre half, preferably one that has a great deal of height to challenge for a first team spot.


Lee Cox (Central Midfield, can also play at Right Back)

Russell Duncan (Central Midfield, has been known to occasionally fill in at Right Back)

Eric Odhiambo (Striker, Right Wing, Left Wing, Attacking Midfield)

Roy McBain (Central Midfield, Left Back, Left Midfield)

Gavin Morrison (Central Midfield, Left Midfield)

Gil Blumenshtein (Central Midfield, Attacking Midfield, Left Wing, Right Wing, Striker)

Nick Ross (Central Midfield, Attacking Midfield, Left Wing, Right Wing)

Johnny Hayes (Left Wing, Right Wing)

Blumenshtein has been either constantly injured or deemed not good so should not be retained. I feel that despite his bright start to the season, Odhiambo offers little to anything to the ICT squad. He may be quick but he has no first touch, no cross and not much else. His effort levels have also come in to question at times. McBain, like Golabek may be old, but I feel that he may still be able to provide a significant amount of cover and experience for the team.

Renegade's Verdict - Punt Odhaimbo and Blumenshtein. Possibly retain McBain. I feel that ICT should look for perhaps one more winger and a good ball playing central midfielder for next season.


Adam Rooney (Striker)

Richie Foran (captain) (Striker, Left Wing)

Shane Sutherland (Striker, Left Wing, Right Wing)

Dani Sanchez (Striker, Attacking Midfield, Left Wing, Right Wing)

Obviously retaining Rooney is a big issue and if he is to go and strong goal scoring striker is desperately needed. I'd also look at keeping Dani Sanchez.

Renegade's Verdict - Try and retain all current strikers, but even if Rooney is to go, I'd still likely to see another one being brought in. Preferably someone of a Craig Dargo esque physique.

End of Loan

Aaron Doran

Alex MacDonald

Renegade's Verdict - I wouldn't complain if either of these two were brought back for next season.

Name in:

Red is signed up for next season

Green is not signed up for next season but efforts should be made to keep them

Blue is not signed up for next season and should not be retained

Pink is not signed up for next season but should perhaps be retained

So what's needed? IMO another striker (maybe two), a big centre half, a central midfielder and probably another fast winger is what's needed for ICT to have a good squad for next season. While I can't think of many names right now, the only one I definitely keen to bring in would be Gregory Tade, as he cover a number of positions and offers a bit of bulk and speed, a combination of two in one is not something that is currently present in the ICT team. Whether he'd come or not is another issue, especially with Raith being in with a chance of promotion.

What are your thoughts on what is needed for next season?

Edited by Renegade
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Agree with the above but might consider Duff as cover & squad player depending on salary and I'd consider adding Odi & Sanchez to that list of who should go - clearly the step up from D1 has been to big for both of them to make an impact IMO.

We need to free up funds/salary to get a creative midfield player as when Hayes is injured we struggle to create and find a striker who can hit the net be it on loan or a free. Defence needs a player or 2 as cover and competition.

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OUT: Innes, Proctor, Duff, Golabek, McBain, Odihambo, Sanchez & Blumenshtein. Is Tuffey an unnecessary luxury??

IN: A right back (not McCann) a creative midfielder, a wide midfielder & a new striker

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Duncan and Munro are not signed up for next season.

I would like most of the squad to stay together but those i want gone would be Innes, Odhiambo, Blumenshtein, McBain and Golabek.

Innes is past his best, Odi and Blumenshtein are unrequired passengers and Golie and McBain are far too old. Butcher has hardly used them which speaks volumes.

I think Sanchez is defnitely worth retaining. He had shown in the games he played that he defnitely has a bit of quality to offer.

For me we need a new right back, a new center midfielder with an attacking approach, a left winger and a faster striker.

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For me our defence is our downfall. It is something we seriously need to look at. Punt Proctor and Duff. Resign Hogg and look at where we can play Tokley at his strongest. We seriously need to look at getting long term replacements and Tokley and Munro.

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Is Tuffey an unnecessary luxury??

Not really, GK is a key position and one that cannot be filled and covered up with a lesser player unlike some outfield positions or have the formation or type of play adjusted to compensate. If Esson gets injured or looses form etc we need someone experienced and capable to step in.

Simply if we let Tuffey go (for a nominal fee) then Esson picks up an injury early in the season we will not have anyone capable til the Jan window when we will need to get a loan etc. Some may say having 2 quality keepers is a luxury, at this level its got to be a necessity.

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Thoughtful post from Renegade, who has put a lot of effort and thought into that - whilst I don't agree with all of it he makes a good argument for his point of view.

I bet I'm in the minority, but I think Duff is a decent player to have; in fact I think he's the best right back we have in the squad now Rossco's lost a yard of pace. I have nothing against Proctor either, though as they offer a similar degree of versatility I suspect we might only choose to keep one of them.

For me, Innes, Golly and McBain do not offer enough even for a place on the bench in the SPL. Blumenshtein hasn't been fit enough to justify another chance. These four surely have no future.

Odhiambo, after a bright start to the season, has been utter guff since October, though at 21 he might be worth holding onto for another year.

I'm quite up for re-signing everyone else. I'd definitely have Doran and MacDonald back if the opportunity was available.

What do we need? I think Kencar has identified our needs correctly. In particular I would say a target man striker would offer us something different.

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One thing that I hope ICT take notice of in the signing of players for next season, is the style of play. If ICT carry on with the hoof-it-up-the-park-aimlessly-to-no-one style, they'll be heading nowhere but down next season. Mixu and Killie have shown us that attacking, entertaining football can lead to a good deal of success in the SPL and I for one hope Butcher takes great note of that. However, I fear that he will not and that will be his and the team's downfall. This team needs creativity, this team needs to attack.

Edited by Renegade
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I know Terry & Mo have another season on their contract, but I'd like to see an extension for them coming at the end of the season. Think that kind of stability (or as stable as it gets in football) might help persuade players to move/commit to ICT over the summer.

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I would say keep everyone apart from Eric, even though he smiles a lot. Duff gets a hard time because he's Ginger and, if we got rid of Proctor, then we get rid of the Proc's patter from the match day programs. It's not all about the football. We will need another striker, a two footed winger that tracks back, and a creative midfielder. Maybe a target man as well. Easy Peasy.

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I'm quite sure he and Malpas are signed up until the end of next season. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Butcher is named as McCoist's assistant at Rangers next season, with - along with Butcher's blessing - Maurice Malpas taking over the manager's job. God help us if that happens, Malpas is a horrible manager.

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I'm quite sure he and Malpas are signed up until the end of next season. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Butcher is named as McCoist's assistant at Rangers next season, with - along with Butcher's blessing - Maurice Malpas taking over the manager's job. God help us if that happens, Malpas is a horrible manager.

I really hope you're wrong about Butcher, although i can't see him being assistant to anyone, far less an untried boss like McCoist.

The only success Terry and Mo have had is as a management team. You don't break up a winning partnership.

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Butcher was assistant manager at Partick Thistle for a time, just before he went off to Brentford. I'll tell you this though, no matter how untried McCoist may be, Butcher would never turn down Rangers. Not in any capacity IMO.

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I'm quite sure he and Malpas are signed up until the end of next season. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Butcher is named as McCoist's assistant at Rangers next season, with - along with Butcher's blessing - Maurice Malpas taking over the manager's job. God help us if that happens, Malpas is a horrible manager.


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Before this afternoon I would have been happy with what we have got plus a couple of loanees - but I have just had a booxy afternoon with an old mate - a football agent and the two guys he is posh hotelling with - two other football agents,

Unfortunately Rooney and Hayes are on the radar - but one of the agents said that Rooney was a target fer Preston and Burnley but that ICT are looking fer a swop deal - and the name of Barry Nicholson was heralded. They also said that Rory McAllister's agent was really pushing a move to ICT but was currently askin fer too many spondoolachs to try and draw in Abedire and Dungdee.

They also said that - due to the Orion links - there was rumours of Eastern European loanees and especially a teenager from Brazil ??

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They also said that - due to the Orion links - there was rumours of Eastern European loanees and especially a teenager from Brazil ??

I really hope it's Naymar because I was at the Emirates the other week and I got really, really drunk, and I threw something at him so I would like the chance to say sorry to him.

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They also said that - due to the Orion links - there was rumours of Eastern European loanees and especially a teenager from Brazil ??

I really hope it's Naymar because I was at the Emirates the other week and I got really, really drunk, and I threw something at him so I would like the chance to say sorry to him.

More chance of signing Naelifts - and how do you say sorry in German ?

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