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Whats with the pre semi-final nerves?


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IHE and Doctor Smirnoff are available for Stress Management sessions outside the Iona Bar on Sunday morning. As poor old King Beastie appears to be suffering more than most I will provide him with a free massage.


I'm even more nervous now!

Can I just book the appointment with Dr. Smirnoff only, leaving you free to tend to your other unfortunates clients?

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IHE You have an amazing range of talents. I think if you opened up a health centre in Canada you would do very well.


Why I see a Moose moseying in right now from the S. American pampas with that glint in his eye and thinking.-- "IHE, IHE and a back massage,...shoot! if he isn't there when I arrive I will just have to scratch my back on yonder Douglas Fir. It looks big enough for a itchy Moose like me".


OOPS! There's a Beaver but he's a tad wet right now  and he will have to wait in the midday sun until he dries out a bit.

A couple of cockroaches from that skid row hotel approaching--that's a double payment for IHE --they are accompanied by their lice.

I can go on,  but maybe I should quit whilst I am ahead... :crazy:


I'm Itchy by name and itching to give a massage to all them thar critters, Festus...eh? :notworthy: O.K I'm off to put out me shingle....

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