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Incentive for the Falkirk Match?


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IMHO the incentive scheme to let kids with an adult go free for the Pars game was a success.

Should ICT be offering an incentive for the Falkirk match and if so what? If they do will it start to alienate season ticket holders who forked out a heap of cash at the beginning of the season?

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IMHO the incentive scheme to let kids with an adult go free for the Pars game was a success.

Should ICT be offering an incentive for the Falkirk match and if so what? If they do will it start to alienate season ticket holders who forked out a heap of cash at the beginning of the season?

Anyone who is an ICT supporter must realise that the youngsters are the future for the club, and anyway which brings them to see games has to be the way ahead.

I am a season ticket holder and have no problems seeing kids taken to matches cheap/occasionally free.

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I will be interested to hear the club's reaction to how this exercise went.  I hope they do consider repeating it.  They will inevitably, though, get one or two letters of complaint about it which I think is pretty sad really.

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this 'success' merely shows the number of kids who cant afford to go most weeks

Totally agree with that, which is why it MUST be repeated.  However, the club also need to see what we on here see in regards to the cost being prohibitive - aswell as getting kids into the habit of attending, they need to lower kids prices to keep them coming back.

I know that our kids season tickets are already among the cheapest in the SPL, but perhaps a small reduction for those who buy now for next season may capture a few of these kids (and the adults they dragged along).  I would also like to see the initiative carried over to the first couple of games next season for the same reasons.

Far too often these things are done with no real positive end result - they drop the idea and those who came just don't come next time.  We need to give them a reason/incentive to keep coming back.

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this 'success' merely shows the number of kids who cant afford to go most weeks

Agree as well and it's something so many of us have said for so long yet the club seem oblivious to it.

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Guest Suspicious Mind

this 'success' merely shows the number of kids who cant afford to go most weeks

Agree as well and it's something so many of us have said for so long yet the club seem oblivious to it.

Not as simple as that.

Could be argued quite reasonably that the success shows how many parents choose to spend money on playstations, gameboys etc not a season ticket for ICT! For many kids a ST is less than the price of one computer game and from where I sit, with four kids, the vast majority of their peers are well resourced in the game sector.

Accept for a one off the price is high but I am prepared to accept this as the for the vast majority the one off only tends to be an OF game and as far as I'm concerned they can put the price up for this market as it will enable the club to charge even more to the away fans, generating more income.

Instead of this repeating thread about the high price of one off kids tickets can we no devote our time and energy to a promotion of the low cost kids ST which can be paid up in installments and give access to an entire season of fixtures including all the OF games! This is where our future long term support will come from.

Alternatively. if negativity is what gets you hot, why not devote time and talent to a campaign to reduce the ridiculous prices of computer games for the PS2/3 and Gameboy? FFS I take my youngest to TCS for a full season for the less than the price of the latest game his auntie bought him!

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Also agree with Suspicous Mind about better Marketing the cheap kids season tickets.  The overall strategy/approach needs looking at, not individual points.

No idea what your average computer/console game offers these days in terms of "hours of playability" but a season ticket offers 27 hours (based on 18 home games) - so not entirely sure the "better value than a PS game" argument stacks up, but the gist of the point is valid enough.

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CaleyD; do you have a kids season ticket?

DJS; If it goes on until the end of the season I will ask for a refund or a commensurate reduction in my Kids ST next year. If that fails to come I will consider not renewing.

Clacher; It may show how people can't afford the full price but I think more likely those that are 'not prepared' to pay the full price (and that's entirely up to them & I don't blame them for taking advantage of the offer). The 'poor' people argument does not work for me. If that's the case the tickets should have been targetted at the poor not anybody who could afford to get to the club shop.

Suspicious Mind; Your playstation and designer clothes and other cost that all people seem to be able to meet convinces me more. I also note that you have bought a kids ST.

What about 'poor' parents who have sacrificed in many areas to afford their ticket which they bought in bulk in order to be loyal and/or fiscally prudent. What about kids who may have forked out a proportion of the cost of the ticket themselves or get the ticket as a present at the expense of something else? My boy has paid half of the cost of one if the limited edition shirts from his own savings...are they going to give a few of those 1000 shirts out for free to his classmates as well?

If you bought a Limited Edition Car on the understanding that only 250 of this spec were to be made and 6 months later they brought out another 250 of the same limited edition would you be a bit miffed?

As a one-off I am all behind it and I agree it worked.  As a regular feature it's simply unfair to the loyal....unless they decide to offer a refund or similar cost of next year for those holding kids STs this year.

P.S. How about anybody posting on this thread stating whether or not they have forked out for a kids ST; it will affect their perspective on the situation.

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Most people buy a season ticket for one of two reasons...

1.  Less hassle on matchdays and are gauranteed a regular seat.

2.  Save themselves some money over a season.

#1 is a no brainer and I can't see these people having any issue with a "Free Ticket" incentive till the end of the season.

Those who fall into #2 will have no cause to complain unless the deduction of the "free tickets" would make the season ticket a more expensive option.

A standard childs season ticket in the North Stand costs £80 representing a saving of around 70% (based on 18 home games at £15).  So in order for a kids season ticket in this area to become a more expensive option the club would have to let kids in free for 13 home games.

For the Family area it is approx 50% saving which equates to 9 free home games.

For the Main Stand it is approx 65% saving which equates to 12 free home games.

I really can't see where you would have any reason to complain that your kids season ticket would not still represent good value for money if the club were to offer free entry for kids till the end of the season.

OK, so the saving will not be as big as you had expected, but it is a saving all the same which is part of the incentive of a season ticket.

For the record I do not have a kids season ticket - I have a sneaky suspicion I would struggle to convince the turnstyle operator that I was under 16 stone, never mind 16 years of age  :015:

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Aye all good points...and quick maths... but we are mainly talking perspective and principle here are we not?

Buy a limited edition car when you are informed that there will be '250 but maybe extended to a maximum of 500' and when they extend it you will not feel cheated. Expect there only to be 250 and then find out they have decided to continue the spec indefinitely but at 5K less than you paid for it and you would be miffed.

There may be some who disagree with any free tickets, others who don't mind if they have done it all season as long, as you say,  they get their guaranteed regular seat.

There may be those who are really hard up and buy a season ticket as a big gift, birthday or even half ticket for xmas and feel cheated and decide not to next year.

It's all a matter of perspective and we are arguing 'what ifs'. But you need to consider these points.

My position BTW is once, twice, even thrice over a season is fine and good policy. If they are not hooked by then they are just abusing your hospitality :003:

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Aye all good points...and quick maths... but we are mainly talking perspective and principle here are we not?

I suspect that many people who complain do so on the basis of persoective and principle, but thats not what it is all about at all.  I honestly don't think the majority of those who may complain realise the extent of the savings they are getting with a kids season ticket and how fantastic the deal really is.

OK, so the pay at the gate prices are high, but even if they dropped them to £10 for kids in the North Stand I would not expect to see much, if any, reduction on the kids season ticket as a result as it would still represent a 55% saving.  A saving I am sure those who have kids season tickets at present would continue to take advantage of, to do anything else is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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Can we really look at 'free child tickets' in isolation?

Could this new 'free' child perhaps take a new parent, or two, along as well?  Assuming they pay the full price, does this not then impact on the 'free' cost of the childs ticket?

I find it difficult that say, 300 children turned up without parents and indeed none of the said 300 children will not want to return or if they dragged along grown ups none of them would not want to return.  I make the point accepting that it was the wrong game to sell as a good day out.

I do feel therefore to make a case against 'free' child seats using the limited edition point is a tad blinkered, is it not a bit more like complaining about buy two, get one free being unfair.

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