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Ritchie Hart


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I do not have a problem with him leaving the club as he brought ICT into disrepute by his behaviour last summer.

He was very lucky to be kept in employment.

Saw him at a recent reserve game and didn't think he was particulalry good.


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I know the opinion on Ritchie Hart has been polarised (rightly or wrongly) by the incident last summer.

From a footballing point of view, however, he has been a good servant to the club - I don't think anyone can argue too much with that.  He was another of Pele's clever little signings, a guy with a fantastic engine and, on his day, a great range of passing.  Part of the fun with him was that you never knew whether you would get the good Hart (crunching tackles, bundles of energy, great delivery and a threat from long range) or the bad Hart (hands on hips, gash crosses and caught on the ball). 

In the end, one can only speculate about whether he might have moved onto the next level if he hadn't been stifled by constant visits to the treatment table.  We haven't seen enough from him in the last couple of years to justify a new contract for him, I suppose.

So in conclusion, thanks Ritchie for your contribution to ICT's rise over the last few years, and best of luck over the bridge, where you should be able to kick some first division *** next season.

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I do not have a problem with him leaving the club as he brought ICT into disrepute by his behaviour last summer.

He was very lucky to be kept in employment.

My feelings exactly.  However, I suspect we'll be in the minority prepared to express this view.

Brought ICT into disrepute..?

He only went to a fecking rock concert and smoked a fecking joint....

Presumably you would like to see a form of Sharia Law introduced to deal effectively with the Richie Harts of this world.?

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Brought ICT into disrepute..?

He only went to a fecking rock concert and smoked a fecking joint....

Presumably you would like to see a form of Sharia Law introduced to deal effectively with the Richie Harts of this world.?

Wasn't a joint.

If I decided to take Class A drugs to a festival and was caught and charged, then I dare say I would bring the school I teach at into disrepute. My job and career would certainly be over.

So I consider him extremely lucky to still have the chance to carry on his career, and be supported by his current employers.

Lets leave your personal affection for drugs aside. Richie Hart has been supported well by the club and fans for doing a very silly thing, which hopefully he has learned from. As a professional sportsman he did indeed let a lot of people down, as well as himself.

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Presumably you would like to see a form of Sharia Law introduced to deal effectively with the Richie Harts of this world.?

Don't make presumptions on my behalf if you don't mind.  I wonder if your knowledge of Sharia Law is any better than your awareness of what Class A drug Hart was proved to be in possession of.  I knew my view (and Neksor's) would not be popular but it is how I feel.  Drugs and sport don't mix. I think ICT would have had more integrity had they sacked him

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My view is thus.............along with Barry Wilson...Ritchie has played his part for ICT and its now time to move on. I dont believe he has the ability to be consistant at this level, so quite happy for him to move on and free up a wage.

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Bottom line is that he was by no means assured of having his contract renewed by ICT (3 months to go and comments in the press like Hart, Barry and Patti still have a chance to earn a new one - very uncertain) so it would appear he has decided to drop down a level (I do believe County will be in Div1 next season so it is only 1 level) and guarantee his future.

Its a short career and players need to make the most of it. Also, as has been said elsewhere, he wants to stay in the area for personal/family reasons (a bit of a change from most who leave !!) so County or Elgin would have been the only choices. I think he has made the right one.

For his contribution to ICT we can only say thanks. He was, at times, an integral part of a good team and like others who have left before him such as Golly, Caff and others he has certainly played his part in our success.

The Rockness incident was certainly unfortunate for both the player and the club and to clear up confusion from above, the offence admitted to was nothing to do with a joint but posession of cocaine which officers found on a CD and in another wrap in the car. [LINK].

We could argue till the cows come home (and have already done that) about whether it was bringing the club into disrepute or something he was doing in his own recreational time but at the end of the day it did affect the club negatively in the press and that is part of the cost of being in a higher profile job. If it were you or I then barely a word would be mentioned, but if it is a successful and well known person in any field, be it entertainment, sport or business then its gonna hit the papers when you do something stupid, criminal or both.

Whatever your opinion of this episode, both sides of the argument can make valid cases and therein lies the problem. ICT were in a no-win situation. Sack the player and possibly have to deal with some costly legal machinations for unfair dismissal centred around the claim of it being in his own time, or reinstate him and incur the wrath of some for condoning drug use.

In this case ICT made what I think is a sensible decision. re-instated him to the squad and let him play out his contract as it was only one more season. I have a feeling that Richie could have played superbly in every game from now to the end of season and still not have been offered a renewal as both ICT and a significant number of fans wanted a clean break.

I am sad to see him go as I like his style of play, his passion and his commitment, and I can also forgive him for his stupid mistake (I've made a few myself, just never ended up in court over them) but it is probably the best thing for all concerned.

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I do not have a problem with him leaving the club as he brought ICT into disrepute by his behaviour last summer.

He was very lucky to be kept in employment.

My feelings exactly.  However, I suspect we'll be in the minority prepared to express this view.

here here. Lucky to keep his job and his good wage after the incident, not sad to see him go but i wish him all the best...

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My feelings exactly.  However, I suspect we'll be in the minority prepared to express this view.

Oh I doubt sanctimony is on the wane, in the Highlands or in Berkshire; never fear, there'll be a new bout coming to a tabloid campaign near you soon (you could just buy a few back-issues of the Sun/News 'n' Screws/Spectator and distribute them among the community if you're needing a fix).

Good luck Richie, you've put in some sterling work for ICT and played some of your best football latterly before your drugs ****-up. I think Brew's daft to let you go: I'm no SPL football manager, but then nor is he.

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Good luck to Richie Hart who played hard for the club. Judge him on his football commitment --he was given a second chance and as far as I know he did not fluff it a second time.

Sanctimony--right on!

Remember holy-er than thou brigade---"there but for the grace of God go I". And if you have led such a perfect life that you  don't remember ever having made a  mistake that you know was very poor judgement on your part then I say you are unlucky because you haven't learnt that to err is human. :018:

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Good luck to Richie Hart who played hard for the club. Judge him on his football commitment --he was given a second chance and as far as I know he did not fluff it a second time.

Sanctimony--right on!

Remember holy-er than thou brigade---"there but for the grace of God go I". And if you have led such a perfect life that you  don't remember ever having made a  mistake that you know was very poor judgement on your part then I say you are unlucky because you haven't learnt that to err is human. :018:


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I?ll be sad to see Richie go but at least it will spare us more of Mr PP?s rizible drug puns!

As the dust settles on Richie?s ICT career, I won?t recall the shame of the bust but the potential that was all too evident before he had such a long line of bad luck due to injuries.

Good luck over the bridge Richie, if I see you on the A9 I?ll give you a toot.


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Guest backonthebrew

Sad to see him go. I think his greatest strength was when he came on as a sub and really lifted the team. I wish him all the best at County.

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I am very sad to hear that he is leaving ICT and feel that the players of County will benefit from his playing skills and experience. It will be a shame that we will no longer have the super sub sitting on the bench waiting to whip his shirt off and come on.

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I?ll be sad to see Richie go but at least it will spare us more of Mr PP?s rizible drug puns!

As the dust settles on Richie?s ICT career, I won?t recall the shame of the bust but the potential that was all too evident before he had such a long line of bad luck due to injuries.

Good luck over the bridge Richie, if I see you on the A9 I?ll give you a toot.


Pot and kettle

Wrong move for Richie, inevitable maybe, but a downward step, shame, as he is a handy guy to bring on and drive hard at tiring defences.  I Would imagine he will be a hit playing for County in the First division.

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As a player, I like Hart.  He offers a lot from the midfield and played a big part in getting us where we are today.  However, there's little room for sentiment in football these days and we have other players who now offer what he did/does and there's little doubt we needed to slim down our midfield.  Off-field antics aside, Hart hasn't done much in the last couple of the seasons, partly due to injury and partly due to other players keeping him out of the team, and for that reason alone it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep him on the books.

His involvement with drugs last year is an easy "excuse" for people to throw about as the reason we are letting him go.  I don't deny that it is possible, or indeed likely, that it influenced the decision, but the truth of the matter is that this team is moving forward and that is going to bring casualties among the guys who have been there a long time and been committed to the club....that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes and we can't afford to be keeping players on the books just because they've served us well in the past - What we need are players who will serve us well now and in the future.

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