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Who should replace Brewster?


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Or could we sack Bennett as well and use the saving of his clearly wasted wage to offset Brew's compensation? CC could double as Director of Football and probably do a far better job.

Bennet could be sacked no problem as i was under the impression he was only paid expenses??

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I'm not a shareholder, so not privy to that sort of info, but if the director of football lets things get to this state then it's time for the man to stop putting in his expenses claims. Maybe there's a non-exec job going at Bear Stearns...

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Greame Bennett is employed part time as director of football I believe. He is also a shareholder and board member. I dont honestly think he is to blame for Brew's re-appointment. Nor do I think he's doing a bad job in his role which is to negotiate with current and potential players that the manager wants. I wonder if Greame would make a better manager.

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I'd like to see Robbo back as he was the man who got us into the SPL and has the managerial experience to do something with the club.  He is good at attracting players and can work wonders on a scant budget.  Plus an ICT legend.  Bring back Robbo you never know Parkie might come back to.  Again everyone is forgetting Parkie leaving I would suspect down to Brewster aw well.

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Greame Bennett is employed part time as director of football I believe. He is also a shareholder and board member. I dont honestly think he is to blame for Brew's re-appointment. Nor do I think he's doing a bad job in his role which is to negotiate with current and potential players that the manager wants. I wonder if Greame would make a better manager.

Alex, are you saying that the Director of Football has no responsibility for the comings and goings of players? So if he presided over Brewster shipping out the entire first team squad and bringing in the Govan Community Boys Rehabilitation Under-21s as a replacement, he'd be blameless cos, hey, he's just Director of Football? Perhaps I should be made Minister for North Sea Oil on the basis that, whilst I use oil, I know hee-haw about its production, wouldn't do anything if I did, and would hire someone who I thought knew a bit more and let them get on with it. Sheesh...

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Think we need to get realistic here.  Can't see any manager in the SPL wanting to come to Inverness.  There's no transfer budget, so little to leave for.

That leaves SFL, an older player looking to manage or unemployed (or a foreigner but where do you start?).  I'd be fine with either Paterson or Robbo (let's face it, he would have walked over broken glass for Hearts).  Williamson seems to have a bad rep these days but he did excellent with Killie and not bad with Hibs.  Could do worse.  I'd probably take a closer look though at some of the SFL managers.  Paateleinen would have been a great catch had we got him.  Gough I thought did a decent job at Livi, even with their chair.  Butcher wouldn't be a bad shout either.  He's had a lot of clubs but I think he did well at Coventry and Motherwell.  Didn't have a chance at Sydney of Burnley and was only average at Sunderland.

It was mentioned before CB but how about Pressley (with an experienced 2nd in command)?


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There are a few names being shouted now, and with some saying 'we'll take anyone right now' it must prove to the board (and CB himself) that the club is heading in the wrong direction under him (brewster).

Personally I think Robbo would be a great addition, with CC or BW as number 2.

Malky obviously doesn't have the same impact as Parky did, and this too is effecting things.

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John Collins

Jim Duffy

Craig Brown

Robbo's record away from us speaks for itself - appointing him would be a step in the wrong direction

I've had enough of inexperienced managers.  It's time we appoint someone who knows what their doing.

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John Collins

Jim Duffy

Craig Brown

Robbo's record away from us speaks for itself - appointing him would be a step in the wrong direction

I've had enough of inexperienced managers.  It's time we appoint someone who knows what their doing.

With my other half being a die hard Hibee, I've heard nothing good about Collins lately - would be a little nervous if he were to take charge...  :024:

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Being outside of the country, I am not really up to speed on who is doing well outside the SPL these days and although I would like Yogi for reasons mentioned in my earlier posts, its unlikely that any SPL manager would want to move to ICT as we are almost the "real" bottom club right now. Because of this, I cant really throw many names in the frame. However, I can add my wishlist .....

... Someone with managerial experience, at a reasonable level but not necessarily in the SPL

... Someone who will get the players' respect because of what they have achieved as both a player and/or as a manager

... Someone with the ambition to succeed and the people skills to take fans, players and officials along on the ride

... Someone who is strong and will not allow outside interference to mess with the team structure

If the pressure becomes too great on CB, and I believe it will, I just hope the board do not treat us the way they did over his appointment to replace CC.

If you have already decided that someone needs to sew the initials JR on the managers trackie top then just come out and say it ... don't trot out some pie in the sky names. We have all seen the picture of him in Orion gear so it wouldn't surprise us one little bit and any delay or the usual (inept) spin would just be more "mushroom tactics" (kept in dark, fed on ****). note: I like JR and would give him my support but he is not the right choice IMHO.

If on the other hand the board are going to actually look for a qualified candidate and pick the best man for the job then CC and the DOC will do fine until you have found him and there is no reason to delay the inevitable......

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We need to get rid of the following first:






Get Sutherland back in as chairman, I don't care who comes in as DoF, with the wage budget cleared from Niculae we could maybe get a half decent manager, I noticed someone mention Craig Brown, I think him with Christie and Wilson by his side would be our best choice at the moment.

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