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Should Grant remain as captain

Alex MacLeod

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Tokely and Hastings would do a decent job but how long will they last here?  Munro should be with us a for a good few seasons.  Black could be a very different kind of captain.  Duncan is in a good position in that defensive midfield role.  Does he do much organising though?  Can't remember much.  Ultimately, a leader on the park is what we are most lacking (that, and a goalscorer).  Bringing in someone like Pressley (no, I don't think he come as a player only but just imagining), like Dods and Mann before him would be ideal.

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If you had asked me this very same question during most of last season then I would have said 'No'.  It was my view back then that the armband was effecting him as a player and distracting him sufficiently to be impacting on his performances.

However, I agree with much of what he's said to the reported insomuch as he's grown into the roll and embracing it more and more with each game.  I also think that a large part of his dip in performance early in the season was attributable to not having someone playing alongside him in whom he had full confidence and he found himself often doing the work of two centre backs.

He's gone through the "pain" of learning and come out the other side and I don't see anyone in the current squad who would be more suited to the task.....for that reason I think he should remain as the Captain.

On the subject of Brewster having not given him any assurances yet...that's just the nature of things right now.  We don't have a clue as to who the squad will be next season (and I suspect Brew also has little clue).  The final decision has to wait until we know that otherwise you risk telling someone they will be Captain, then signing a more suitable character and either not having the best person in the roll or upsetting the person you have given it to early by removing it from them.

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Should Grant be captain .... ? absolutely.

as mentioned above, he had a rocky start but has seemed to grow into the role. He still has a bit of growing to be in the Bobby Mann or Darren Dods class but he is definitely capable.

My only caveat would be if the club signed someone who oozes leadership qualities ..... not going to happen but as an example, lets say Steven Pressley

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yes, but i sometimes feel that he doesnt nessecarily get the respect he deserves as captain from some of the boys, though this could be having been one of the boys to now being alpha male

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