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English MEDIA Hype


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How's everyone coping with the bile we are being subjected too already??

I think yesterdays step-by-step coverage of England leaving for Germany, arriving in Germany, checking into there hotel, getting put to bed was just a sickening precursor of what's yet to come from the TV, Radio & Papers over the next few weeks.

Today we are being subjected to hourly updates on Englands first training session & the latest on Rooney's foot. Saying they still haven't told us what the squad had for breakfast!! Obviously there is no other news happening around the world??

I did have to laugh today as some broadcasters on the radio this morning. They were having a go at the 'arrogance' of the German FA for reserving there hotel up until the 1/4 finals!! This coming from them!! Pot and kettle springs to mind :015:

Can I point out that I'm NOT having a go at the vast majority of the England supporters. Most of them are just getting behind there team which we can all relate too. However there are some who buy into all this OTT this media hype and just lose the plot - they need to be derided, especially when fail to win the World Cup (fingers crossed) :015:

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I actually found it quite funny that they had a program about their travels which probably lasted longer than the trip itself :015:

I was flicking between channels and caught the "The players have 7 pairs of boots each" line which was enough for me.

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Yes I have already reached saturation point with 'England in the world cup'

It is a shame as I might otherwise the tournament. Even the other games will have english commentary teams which will make the whole thing unbearable.

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I don't even bother listening to the commentary on TV anymore - its the worst of the lot.

Most of the commentators on Radio Five Live aren't too bad with a couple of exceptitions

I'm determined to enjoy the World Cup though. I just wish we had the option of getting some unbiased broadcasting

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Too much. And to top it there is a programme now running with Ricky Tomlinson trying to trace the 66 shirts! For feks sake.

Hopefully Uri Geller will do his usual bit, urge England to touch a photo of Rooneys foot and ferk it up for them (again) !

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I just wish we had the option of getting some unbiased broadcasting

I'm not sure about ITV, but the EBC will have an option to turn off the commentary and hear only crowd noise so that will save me punching Motty through the TV!

And at the end of the day, every TV and Radio does have an off button!

p.s. You could do what I'll be doing to avoid their first game, and the worst of the commentary, watch Scotland take on the Springboks on Saturday at 2pm! :021:

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****, does nobody remember how obnoxious and arrogant we were in 1974 when we qualified and they didn't? They're only getting their own back!

Remember the immortal line from the official Scotland world cup song which went something like, "England cannae dae it 'cos they didnae qualify." To me, that beats anything they ever did for sheer in-yer-face gloating and arrogance.

Just get over it. They're not going to win it anyway, thank fork! :006:

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Guest Bonzo

Can we not have all the anti English thread merged into one so it's easier to just ignore them?

Well said Junior, I started objecting - but it's no good, you just get shot down in flames.

What about a seperate Xenophobia Forum?

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Ach don't be so touchy. :004:

I was only having a go at the OTT media coverage which, you can't deny is already verging on hysteria - there's no way you can deny that!!

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Personally, I like how it is anti-English for Jack McConnell to say he wouldn't support England in the World Cup, but perfectly fine for David Beckham to reply by saying he probably wouldn't support Scotland if the roles were reversed....

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Guest Bonzo

......... I think the real difference is that one is the Scottish First Minister, and the other is a footballer ....................................

Sure, the media hype is getting a bit crazy - but I think that all adds to the excitement of the World Cup.

I'm sure that those who can remember the far distant days when Scotland had a Football Team worth its salt can also remember similar hysteria from this side of the border.

As for the TV coverage. I'm amazed that people actually believe there are good Scottish Football commentators? Would you rather hear Archie MacPherson than John Motson? Half time analysis from Pat Nevin? Sorry, but it's the Scottish commentators who make me turn the volume down and switch to Radio 5.

Anyway, we all have our own opinions on these things - qand there's no way either side will change its views.

Football's about passion, and if you genuinely hate a Team it can make a match every bit as enjoyable as watching a Team you want to win.

(I can't truly moan about Xenophobia - my hatred for all things Australian will make their games enjoyable for me.)

So, let's all just enjoy the World Cup in whatever way we want!

(But maybe lay off the English just a little?)

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Pure and Simple:

Scots love to see England lose and English feel the same about Scots.

It seems there is no place for fun and a bit of ribbing. There is nothing posted anywhere on this site that is racist. It's all been good clean fun in perhaps a "jealous we're not there" kind of way. The Aussies have taken more of a verbal bashing than anyone!

Political Correctness has taken over.

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Damm right we are jealous :015:

Trouble is our National team is at best VERY average so there is little chance of us qualifying for a major championship in the forseeable future!! D'oh!!

Not sure I remember much hysteria when we actually managed to qualify for the World Cup - well other than 1978 but I was only 7. By the time 1982 came round I had realised we were actually rather rubbish :004:

If you look at every nation in the world you'll find that they hate someone - more often than not a close neighbour.

England actually have a longer list than most..... us, France, Germany, Australia, Argentina, being the prime examples

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