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Boardroom Banter


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I have't posted much on the "ICT" forum here for some time. This is partly because of a clash of interest with my journalistic activities (especially in the "goldfish bowl" of the SPL) but also to a large extent because the tone of the whole thing has changed so much for the worse over the last five years or so that this is something I would no longer want to be associated with. However I am, belatedly, prompted to do so now by some of the content of this and other related threads.

It is a strange irony that the higher Caley Thistle went in Scottish football, the more carping, whingeing and discontented the tone of some comments became on this board. It is also worth noting a corresponding shift in the identity of the regular contributors involved over the period.

Caley Thistle has been an amazingly successful football club which took Inverness from the Highland League to the SPL in a decade, kept the city there against all expectations for five years, and did so in a manner which was within its means and leaves the club debt free. This season the club was eventually relegated by the smallest of margins (of which more in a moment.)

Inverness Caledonian Thistle has been one of the major success stories in Scottish football but yet there are still fans who appear to make it their life's mission to spread discontent, to a large extent through the medium of this forum. This has already been suggested by the likes of "absent friend" and also "mainstander" whose earlier intervention on another thread seemed to precede an unprecedented period of silence from one of the more notorious dissidents.

On this forum there has been a constant (albeit unrepresentative) stream of people who seem to think they know how to run a business better than the Board, how to run a football team better than the manager (whoever he may be) and how to play the game better than the players.

The arrogance and self satisfaction frequently shown is breathtaking! But of far greater concern is the effect that the rantings of this unrepresentative minority have had on those who are doing their best to make Caley Thistle the best they can.

In the course of business, I find myself behind the scenes at the Caledonian Stadium two or three times a week. I speak extensively to people who work for the club, on and off the field, and I can testify to the demoralising effect that the rants of a hardcore of discontented knowalls have had on these people - even though they are perfectly aware that they are simply the delusions of a disaffected rump.

It can't be very pleasant to come into your work in the morning to the awareness that a cabal of discontents, most of whom do not even have the moral courage to use their real names, continue to snipe at your best efforts and to undermine your honest attempts to do your best for Inverness football.

Now let's return to the wafer thin margin by which Caley Thistle were relegated. There must be so many factors which, if they turned out only slightly differently, would have resulted in survival. And indeed one of these must be the demoralising effect which the constant public comments of a handful of the unenlightened had on the morale of the employees at the sharp end of ICT's survival bid. Perhaps these snipers should now examine their consciences and ask what role THEY actually played in what has just happened?

Under the circumstances, the term "supporters" seems singularly inappropriate here - it might be far better to ask who the REAL "Muppets" are?

PS - anyone inclined towards the "Well I pay my money and I'm entited to my opnion" reaction need not bother responding. This argument has been well overwhelmed by the sheer crassness of what we have increasingly had inflicted on us here in recent years.

PPS - anyone tempted to suggest that I am not entitled to an opinion since I don't actually pay for entry to the ground should not bother replying either since it will be like water off a duck's back.

Thank you Charles, totally agree. The level of hatred and abuse displayed on CTO by some is sickening.

What amazes me even more is how, with the undoubted self belief and knowledge displayed by many, they have time to post as they must be busy with their day time jobs as CEO's of multi nationals, nuclear physicists or whatever other top level role they currently occupy. It amazes me that the world doesn't come to a standstill when the posting levels are high on site.

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I will accept it as a compliment that I am seen as a friend of the establishment!

The establishment that is ICT covers all parties that make up this super club and whilst I accept that they do not all pull in the same direction all the time, the common aim is the betterment of this club.

If you were kind enough to read my offerings on here you will note that I do not 'sit' on my hands however I also have the courage to differ where I see fit so maybe that makes me a friend of the establishment.

Being downright rude, especially when not in knowledge of the facts, and posting personal attacks is not, in my book, very clever so maybe that makes me a friend of the establishment..

I find IHE's contribution to this forum extremely amusing and not, on occasions, without substance however some of his utterances I would not applaud so maybe that makes me a friend of the establishment.

OK, perhaps a poor choice of words on my part. By the establishment, i simply mean those who are in power i.e. the board and major shareholders. I felt that there was a tone the posts of yourself, mainstander and Charles Bannerman, that suggested we fans should shut-up and let the people who know best get on with running the club in the way that they see fit. I feel that the level of dissent expressed on these boards over the last two seasons has been a perfectly natural response to some of the decisons that were made by those in charge.

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Guest birdog

PS - anyone inclined towards the "Well I pay my money and I'm entited to my opnion" reaction need not bother responding. This argument has been well overwhelmed by the sheer crassness of what we have increasingly had inflicted on us here in recent years.

PPS - anyone tempted to suggest that I am not entitled to an opinion since I don't actually pay for entry to the ground should not bother replying either since it will be like water off a duck's back.

Charles, I take it that this will be your last post on this subject since you are known for entering into a debate, making your stance known then refusing to comment when someone points out the big mistakes in your post? SEE HERE You are, of course, entitled to your opinion but I truly dislike people with the high and mighty attitude who believe that their view is the only one worthy of notice and refuse to answer when their view is attacked. That sort of stubborness invalidates any opinion you hold in my view.

Oh and by the way, I also still view you as a bigot due to your refusal to reply in the linked thread, it worries me that children are influenced by your views in your main job.

EDIT Alex Watt, if you are wondering. The staff at ICT know my name as my username features heavily in the email address I have used many time to write to Mike Smith and signed with my own name and Season Ticket number just so he could find me if he ever wanted to.

Edited by birdog
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Guest birdog

I have't posted much on the "ICT" forum here for some time. This is partly because of a clash of interest with my journalistic activities (especially in the "goldfish bowl" of the SPL) but also to a large extent because the tone of the whole thing has changed so much for the worse over the last five years or so that this is something I would no longer want to be associated with. However I am, belatedly, prompted to do so now by some of the content of this and other related threads.

It is a strange irony that the higher Caley Thistle went in Scottish football, the more carping, whingeing and discontented the tone of some comments became on this board. It is also worth noting a corresponding shift in the identity of the regular contributors involved over the period.

Caley Thistle has been an amazingly successful football club which took Inverness from the Highland League to the SPL in a decade, kept the city there against all expectations for five years, and did so in a manner which was within its means and leaves the club debt free. This season the club was eventually relegated by the smallest of margins (of which more in a moment.)

Inverness Caledonian Thistle has been one of the major success stories in Scottish football but yet there are still fans who appear to make it their life's mission to spread discontent, to a large extent through the medium of this forum. This has already been suggested by the likes of "absent friend" and also "mainstander" whose earlier intervention on another thread seemed to precede an unprecedented period of silence from one of the more notorious dissidents.

On this forum there has been a constant (albeit unrepresentative) stream of people who seem to think they know how to run a business better than the Board, how to run a football team better than the manager (whoever he may be) and how to play the game better than the players.

The arrogance and self satisfaction frequently shown is breathtaking! But of far greater concern is the effect that the rantings of this unrepresentative minority have had on those who are doing their best to make Caley Thistle the best they can.

In the course of business, I find myself behind the scenes at the Caledonian Stadium two or three times a week. I speak extensively to people who work for the club, on and off the field, and I can testify to the demoralising effect that the rants of a hardcore of discontented knowalls have had on these people - even though they are perfectly aware that they are simply the delusions of a disaffected rump.

It can't be very pleasant to come into your work in the morning to the awareness that a cabal of discontents, most of whom do not even have the moral courage to use their real names, continue to snipe at your best efforts and to undermine your honest attempts to do your best for Inverness football.

Now let's return to the wafer thin margin by which Caley Thistle were relegated. There must be so many factors which, if they turned out only slightly differently, would have resulted in survival. And indeed one of these must be the demoralising effect which the constant public comments of a handful of the unenlightened had on the morale of the employees at the sharp end of ICT's survival bid. Perhaps these snipers should now examine their consciences and ask what role THEY actually played in what has just happened?

Under the circumstances, the term "supporters" seems singularly inappropriate here - it might be far better to ask who the REAL "Muppets" are?

PS - anyone inclined towards the "Well I pay my money and I'm entited to my opnion" reaction need not bother responding. This argument has been well overwhelmed by the sheer crassness of what we have increasingly had inflicted on us here in recent years.

PPS - anyone tempted to suggest that I am not entitled to an opinion since I don't actually pay for entry to the ground should not bother replying either since it will be like water off a duck's back.

Okay Charlie, since the dust has settled and I have had my wee rant about your viewpoint, I have to admit that some of your points are valid but your stance of refusing to see the viewpoint of others as being just as valid is, to put it lightly, frustrating. Life is not black and white, it is a multiple shades of grey. Yes, ICT have performed amazingly well in their achievements so far but is it really that unreasonable to expect better from those running the club? Brewster's second spell, IMO, was a major mistake which should not have happened. If we could tempt someone of Butcher's calibre in January then why not when the board decided to take the easy and predictable option at the time Brewster was employed? I have held, and posted, my thoughts on the matter since before the announcement that CB was given the job, I was however willing to listen to others' views and counter them with my own arguments. Your stance of "I know best and this is how it is" is pretty poor for a man of your intelligence, this can be seen in your bashing of historical parades whilst displaying the same traits as those you are trying to attack.

I would not say that it is any fan's mission to make their life's mission to spread discontent, I would say that most of those you are having a go at are dyed in the wool ICT fans who have an opinion on certain areas of the running of the club and if they wish to discuss that on this forum then it is up to them. If others listen to those viewpoints and start to agree then obviously there must be something in the arguments put forward, you are welcome to join in the debates but choose not to do so until it reaches a stage where you feel the need to tell us off like little school kids, well sorry you are not my teacher and I will not be told off, I will however listen to well thought out discussions.

You say that there is a huge drop in moral within ICT, have you ever thought that the guilt of failure and reading why people think they failed, perhaps correctly, may have something to do with this drop in moral? If anyone from the club feels that something untoward has been posted on these boards then they have been given the perfect place to answer their accusers- in boardroom banter, it is a two way thing, if they wish to keep their identity secret then they are more than able to create an account under an assumed name and counter any discussions which are posted. Yet they refuse to do so or if they post annonymously then their arguments are not valid enough to engineer a change in viewpoint. There is also the option of not reading the forum at all.

The tone of the posts on this site may have lowered the more we progressed but I see that as being due to the diffuculty in achieving watchable football on the pitch, it is down to those running the club to improve the standard of football and all they have managed to give us recently is dire spectacles with us having to endure watching our team fight for survival and, in the time of Brewster, with their heads down. Things did improve with Butcher and despite the relegation I enjoyed going to the footy again!

I feel absolutely no guilt at all for my team's relegation and you sound very much like the comments which were being released towards the end of Brewster's reign, the comments coming from inside ICT towards the fans through the media are as instrumental in the spreading of discontent as any post on here, perhaps you should think about how much you personally contributed to ICT's relegation?

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