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Is the G-word racist?


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I have been wondering for years where the term Hun came from when refering to rangers .

Now i know -Thanks Alex

Ps It makes sense

I don't actually think its right but it sounds good.

Attila was a hun..........don't know if he was a Rangers fan though. He did, however hate the romans.

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There are several theories as to where the term "hun" came from...

I quite like this one:

in 1961, rangers travelled to wolverhampton to play wolverhampton wanderers in the european cup winners cup. true to form, their supporters ran riot through the town destroying everything in their path. in an article appearing in the english press shortly afterwards they were described as 'coming across the border like marauding huns'. thus, a humorous accurate and nonsectarian term of endearment was created for the rangers.

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There are several theories as to where the term "hun" came from...

I quite like this one:

in 1961, rangers travelled to wolverhampton to play wolverhampton wanderers in the european cup winners cup. true to form, their supporters ran riot through the town destroying everything in their path. in an article appearing in the english press shortly afterwards they were described as 'coming across the border like marauding huns'. thus, a humorous accurate and nonsectarian term of endearment was created for the rangers.

I could go with that one

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Guest birdog

I would like to apologise to all people of the gypsy race. I am sorry that I have been involved, along with my fellow fans, in drawing similarities between yourselves and the people of the wastelands which are known as Dingwall or Inverpeffer or something along those lines. It was absolutely out of order for any of us to infer that gypsy people have any of the mutations associated with being a Dingwallian please accept my apology and I am sure there are other members of this forum who feel just as guilty for creating such a slur on your character, I sincerely hope that the stigma of being linked with the inbred, mutated, semi-educated, incestuous, beast loving, disease ridden C*unty fans will wear off promptly.

Edited by birdog
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from the p& j article: Northern Constabulary Inspector Blair Marquis said: ?Allegations of racism are rarely encountered at the stadium, though if they are then they are treated seriously.?. How many allegatons made against ICT fans exactly?

I think under freedom of information legislation it would be possible to put this to bed. It's hardly portraying ICT fans in a good light. I also think that the "fans representatives" at the meeting were unhappy with the fact that the word bas tards was being used before gypsy. What is with these precious "fans"? is there ANY football club with such a negative, boring element?

Here's the full p&j story:


after alex pointed out the overthebridge boards on this issue it's pretty evident that the whole thing is an absolute farce.

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from the p& j article: Northern Constabulary Inspector Blair Marquis said: "Allegations of racism are rarely encountered at the stadium, though if they are then they are treated seriously.". How many allegatons made against ICT fans exactly?

I think under freedom of information legislation it would be possible to put this to bed. It's hardly portraying ICT fans in a good light. I also think that the "fans representatives" at the meeting were unhappy with the fact that the word bas tards was being used before gypsy. What is with these precious "fans"? is there ANY football club with such a negative, boring element?

Here's the full p&j story:


after alex pointed out the overthebridge boards on this issue it's pretty evident that the whole thing is an absolute farce.

Ha! I was thinking the same FOI enquiry thing myself. That would give us an accurate scale to the issue, and perhaps give MS something to think about, providing he's not wearing his boring, negative DILLIGAF t-shirt. Oh, it's a permanent tattoo.........BTW, what happens when they sing "I'd rather be a gypsy than a tink"? Form an orderly queue to complain.

Edited by davie
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There are several theories as to where the term "hun" came from...

I quite like this one:

in 1961, rangers travelled to wolverhampton to play wolverhampton wanderers in the european cup winners cup. true to form, their supporters ran riot through the town destroying everything in their path. in an article appearing in the english press shortly afterwards they were described as 'coming across the border like marauding huns'. thus, a humorous accurate and nonsectarian term of endearment was created for the rangers.

I thought that it was to do with William of Orange(king Billy) and reference to the germans being called "huns"?

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Mike Smith has asked that I post the following in response to questions above.

?In response to the question as to the number of alleged incidents involving home fans in racist or sectarian incidents at out stadium, we have had 3 over the past 5 years. Two of these occurred at the last Celtic game and the one of these which involved alleged sectarian singing/chanting, lead we understand to more than 10 people being interviewed by the police. We understand that three of those people were subsequently charged by the police and their cases are now before the courts.

This action followed complaints from Caley Thistle fans in the North stand.

Having had two separate complaints from home fans after the Ross County game alleging racist chanting it was the club?s wish to avoid our fans finding themselves in trouble with the police at today?s game.

Thus a meeting was held with the David Sutherland, Laura Grant and Don Johnstone of the Supporters Trust to discuss the situation. That meeting was very constructive with differing views being expressed and in the end I think the consensus was that the best way forward was for the club take such actions as it felt best as would reduce this risk. It was recognised that taking any action could blow up the incident up and create criticism. However having meet with one of the youngsters, and his father, involved in the previous incident I am sure that they would wish the club to be proactive to avoid any other young people finding themselves in such a situation with the police.

Thus the stewards spoke to the youngsters in section G at the last game and subsequently there was the meeting that Don so comprehensively describes in his post 184.?

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At the end of the day the warning, whether it was handled correctly or not, has gone out and, though the majority of fans see things as good natured banter, it only takes one complaint to the police for a person, or persons, to find themselves with a criminal record. A record that would have to be disclosed to present or future employers. Before making the mistake of getting to that stage ask yourself, 'would a potential employer take me on if I was convicted of racially aggrevated breach of the peace'?

The club is not to blame for this. Nor are the stewards and police. Look to the law of the land and the numpties who make the law.

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Mike Smith is just doing his job. And trying to protect the club from fines, bad press and to some extent the fans from being arrested. Basically, he has to do this because of the laws of this country. If you can't understand that then the old saying "you can't reason with the unreasonable" seems fitting.

The whole situation sucks, and this is a pandora's box. I know CaleyD urged against tit for tat, but i reckon that the stewards, Mike Smith and the police are going to be very busy with complaints from ICT fans.

I fear for the future of football. It's getting the heart ripped out of it because of PC politicians, and the types who complained at the stadium. Long gone are the days of the flat cap, standing terraces. It's now like snooker.

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Interesting to see you post on behalf of MS Caley D. Also interesting that the complaints came from 'caley thistle' fans in the North stand. Not that it matters now, but the club needs to crack down on people in our stands who are glory hunters supporting Huns - green or blue.

The crowd today was pretty poor. The stewards eyeball everyone. This is in no way a dig at you Caley D as I realise you are the messenger but the club needs to get them sorted out. We, the fans, pay their wages. Perhaps a wee course on customer relations could be a suggestion for the stewards?

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If this has been iterated before then apologies...Was the game maybe on the radio today? When I got back to the car it seemed as though it may have been judging by the talk on Sportsound. It was certainly on BBC Alba. This may also have something to do with it. I was a little stunned by all this too - I went down the ticket office on Saturday to get my ticket and thought that the ladies in there were just having a laugh with me when they said that we weren't allowed to say certain things.

So...someone is offended by these words or chants? What about all the course language that has been going on in ground since the year dot? What about all the other clubs who sing either vaguely offensive or downright racist songs? Of course people chant 'Gypo' at the County fans - but I expect to hear 'Sheep-sh*gger' shouted back. Am I complaining? Well...I guess I am now considering I pay ?15 that I barely have at the moment to go and watch my favourite fixture and then have to be entirely polite...don't get me wrong - I can see some adults who have brought their children cringing at some of the language, but if you go to a game then you know what to expect. To be honest though, the 'Gypsy chants' welled up toward the end (after some very, very dubious tackles fae County and even more dubious lack of action by the ref...) and the stewards who were there just pointedly put their fingers in their collective ears...

If the club is facing a fine as it has been previously suggested, then maybe our record (i.e. lack of crowd trouble) should be taken into consideration. Racist factions in our support? Individually, there are most definitely bound to be some, given that we are part of the human race and all...but collectively? It's not like we're there every game shouting "we're up to our knees in gypo b...", is it? I think...and really, REALLY hope that this was all to do with the television coverage.

Edit: Hmmm...maybe should have looked back over the entire post...it wasn't TV - it was folk complaining. Ahhh B'Jesus. Tell you what though...either way it makes me sad :lol:

Edited by ForCaleySake
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So ,from the posts on ere ,it seems as if the stewards will now look the other way when the heat gets too hot for them then?

In other words the expediency of their overlooking what are no more than minor gaffes and utterances of a passionate nature, that slip out in the heat of the collective moment, for some strange reason now trumps the exercising of their power over the fans which they have hitherto used in an oppressive, domineering way. Finally common sense is percolating into their brains and related actions , because there is an increasing realisation that banter which has been around for a long time is neither illegal, abusive nor dangerous to anyone and that is a fact of life.

Not only do they now see that this thing is utterly ridiculous and over-the-top but so is the political correctness behind it that has allowed this idiocy to flourish in the first place.

In short, may it also be said that their attempts to force the fans to sit down instead of standing up is because if the fans stand up for their rights of freedom of expression then they are done for. Well, maybe.



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If this has been iterated before then apologies...Was the game maybe on the radio today? When I got back to the car it seemed as though it may have been judging by the talk on Sportsound. It was certainly on BBC Alba. This may also have something to do with it. I was a little stunned by all this too - I went down the ticket office on Saturday to get my ticket and thought that the ladies in there were just having a laugh with me when they said that we weren't allowed to say certain things.

So...someone is offended by these words or chants? What about all the course language that has been going on in ground since the year dot? What about all the other clubs who sing either vaguely offensive or downright racist songs? Of course people chant 'Gypo' at the County fans - but I expect to hear 'Sheep-sh*gger' shouted back. Am I complaining? Well...I guess I am now considering I pay ?15 that I barely have at the moment to go and watch my favourite fixture and then have to be entirely polite...don't get me wrong - I can see some adults who have brought their children cringing at some of the language, but if you go to a game then you know what to expect. To be honest though, the 'Gypsy chants' welled up toward the end (after some very, very dubious tackles fae County and even more dubious lack of action by the ref...) and the stewards who were there just pointedly put their fingers in their collective ears...

If the club is facing a fine as it has been previously suggested, then maybe our record (i.e. lack of crowd trouble) should be taken into consideration. Racist factions in our support? Individually, there are most definitely bound to be some, given that we are part of the human race and all...but collectively? It's not like we're there every game shouting "we're up to our knees in gypo b...", is it? I think...and really, REALLY hope that this was all to do with the television coverage.

Edit: Hmmm...maybe should have looked back over the entire post...it wasn't TV - it was folk complaining. Ahhh B'Jesus. Tell you what though...either way it makes me sad :(

Great post....

Up to our knees in gypo blood!!


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Also interesting that the complaints came from 'caley thistle' fans in the North stand. Not that it matters now, but the club needs to crack down on people in our stands who are glory hunters supporting Huns - green or blue.

No comprendo - are you suggesting the ICT season ticket holders who complained are actually closet OF fans?

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Must be more to do with our location, what I mean by that is lack of serious crime in the area, not that this is a bad thing but I would imagine an overstretched police force in the central belt has to prioritise and this would come way down the list of things to do in a day.

Do you think the police would ever allow kids to come out with this phrase down the Longman ' ge us a quid an I'll watch ye car fae ye mr' (or else your windows getting smashed) I don't think so.

Sorry if I have caused offence to gypsies by likening county fans with them, as associating words like dirty and bar stewards seems to be acceptable.

I did hear a couple of chants near the end of the match which was instigated by the county players and referee but at least they used the word 'gopsy' instead,as advised on an earlier thread, which sounds like gypsy and has the lip movements too, so it it must be really difficult to prove otherwise.

So to ban young easily led fans would be unfair.

Also for fans who do not use this website,was there any public announcement that gypsies are being offended by these chants or a couple of ICT fans, if there was, were they talking over it and didnt hear, maybe some fans are unaware of the situation.

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I did hear a couple of chants near the end of the match which was instigated by the county players and referee...

"Honest Officer, I didn't want to say 'dirty mobilehomedwelling barstewards' but the ref made me do it" :D

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Anyone hear the County fans chanting "I'd rather be a Gypo than a tink?" during the game?

Yes... I did.

I've already submitted a strongly worded letter of complaint to the Chief Constable at Northern Constabulary along with a cc to the Lord Chief Justice at Parliament House.

This was a disgraceful slur on all good clean living Caley supporters.

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