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Songs for Tomorrow Night


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Hate to be a party pooper but can I just point out that despite the banter that has existed between County and ICT fans for 16+ years now, we have previously been told through official channels that "gypsy" references in songs which are directed at County or their fans may be construed as offensive and be put into the same bracket as sectarian songs.

This information was in the days of Mike Smith, but he was only the messenger in that case ... the actual clarification came from the Police so if you want to go there with these words in the songs, just be aware there could be consequences if the police and/or stewards want to be overly officious about this matter.

In which case...

To Family Ness:

You can think it,

You can know it,

You can see it in Dingwall,

But you'll never be able to say ".....".

You may say Gitan, or Gitano and Nomad,

But you'll never be able to say "....."

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To the tune of The Adams family:

There stinky and there smelly

They live on fags and jelly

They have nae got a telly

The Dingwall familee

Na na na na (clap clap)

Na na na na (clap clap)

Na na na na,na na na,na na na (clap clap)


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