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CC to go in the summer


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I actually wouldn't be surprised if he does step down, but this story is about a threat made during the post match rant on Saturday.  This was in the dressing room and was supposed to stay there.  The club will make no statement on the matter at the moment.

He has threatened to step down with a warning to the players that a new manager will not tolerate such performances.

I have had a number of conversations recently about this and the feeling has quite widely been that Charlie is doing okay on the park, but that he is struggling a bit with the pressure.  There is no reason why he doesn't step down and remain involved in the coaching as he was before with a new manager at the helm to be the public figure and take some of the pressure.

Charlie is well used to speaking to the press, but this is quite different. I guess we don't help much either with threads like 'It's all Charlies fault'.  We have secured another season in the SPL which is the main objective.  I hope he takes some time to consider his options very carefully before making a decision.

While he has done well on a footballing front, I always wondered if he was ready for the managers job.  I knew he would be a future manager, but I think it was just a little early for him.  He might have been better to go to a lower league team and then come back in a couple of years with a bit more experience.

Anyway I do hope it works out for him whatever he decides.  Nobody can question his passion for the club.

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We have secured another season in the SPL which is the main objective.  

Not quite there yet - according to my sums Pars can still get 41 pts... :004:

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I've got a P&J open in front of me now and theres nothing at all about Charlie Christie not liking the public eye. Clearly whats happened is that heated and possibly not very well considered words have been exchanged in the dressing room straight after a poor performance. These have opviously then been leaked to the press so maybe Christie was right in saying after the game that he had been too loyal to some players since that loyalty doesnt seem to have been returned with leaks like that.

And of course L_G is right when he says that things wont have been helped by "Charlies Fault" threads here even though some people dont seem to have understood that the last one was started in irony. But of course people like Bonzo and Midge care far more about there personal dislike of the manager than the damage this does and Im sure their loving all of this.

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P and J article:



08:50 - 20 March 2007

Caley Thistle manager Charlie Christie called his future into doubt when he threatened to quit his post during an angry dressing-room confrontation with his players in the wake of Saturday's defeat by Dunfermline in Inverness.

The Press and Journal understands Christie warned his players he could walk away in the summer and a new manager would not tolerate the type of performance they produced.

Several individuals were singled out during the heated discussions after the 3-1 loss.

Inverness insist there will be no public comment, despite the alleged threats from Christie leaking into the public domain.

A spokesman for Caley Jags said: "Strong words in the dressing-room are only what every supporter would expect after a bad defeat.

"Internal discussion is healthy and happens at every football club but it should remain in the dressing-room and we won't comment on it."

Despite Saturday's discussions with his players, Christie has told the club he is committed to helping the club climb the SPL table.

Inverness dropped two places to ninth on Saturday but are well clear of the relegation struggle between Dunfermline and St Mirren as the league split looms.

The fixtures for the last five games of the campaign are expected to be released on Thursday by the SPL.

Before the split the Highlanders face a daunting trip to face in-form Rangers at Ibrox and a home encounter against Falkirk.

Christie and his squad were at work yesterday having passed up the opportunity of a break during the international week.

The club spokesman added: "The manager and his players had their normal Monday team talk followed by a training session.

"The focus is now firmly on the game at Ibrox a week on Saturday and the run-in to the end of the season."

The club's directors are in the process of finalising the football budget for next season.

Christie faces the prospect of making the most radical changes to the Caledonian Stadium playing staff since the club was founded.

He must replace captain and key defender Darren Dods when he departs for Dundee United.

He is also in need of goalkeeping cover following Mark Brown's winter switch to Celtic, with Ally Ridgers recruited from Clach on a short-term deal following Michael Fraser's promotion to the number one jersey.

Ross Tokely remains under contract but is being watched by Nottingham Forest, who could treble his weekly wage, while Canadian international full back Richard Hastings is out of contract and attracting interest from overseas.

Former Scotland forward Gary McSwegan, who has started the last two games, is also out of contract at the end of the season.

Forward Craig Dargo has returned from injury but has yet to make a decision on the offer of a new Caley Thistle contract to replace the deal which expires in the summer.

The process has already begun with the recruitment of Ross County midfielder Don Cowie for next term.

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I doubt CC or any other member of the playing staff visit this web-site, however, bad vibes to have a habit of escaping from within...

i think they do Gringo - Charlie has certainly made reference to stuff posted on the boards before and my guess is that many from the management side, playing side and admin side regularly keep an eye on what's being posted on here...

In fact I'd be more than surprised if they didn't.....

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I doubt CC or any other member of the playing staff visit this web-site, however, bad vibes to have a habit of escaping from within...

i think they do Gringo - Charlie has certainly made reference to stuff posted on the boards before and my guess is that many from the management side, playing side and admin side regularly keep an eye on what's being posted on here... In fact I'd be more than surprised if they didn't.....

There are quite a number of usernames registered from the stadium, some contribute to the discussions on the site or post info, and some just lurk  :wave01: ... As many know, when he was commercial manager CC would post every month with results of the Centenary Club so he is no stranger to the site. I also know that if there is a particularly "juicy" thread, it tends to get printed off and passed around some of the stadium staff !!!

Site users may be responsible for starting some of the more controversial talking points, but despite some suggestions to the contrary, it would appear that the news of this 'resignation threat' emanated from a well trodden 'leak path' from the stadium and not from anywhere or anyone on here.

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Chris, can't see anywhere in the article that says he's away in the summer.It's just the press blowing it out of proportion once again.Some members on here need a reality check, and have to start getting behind the players and management as they have a difficult enough job as it is!

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I also know that if there is a particularly "juicy" thread, it tends to get printed off and passed around some of the stadium staff !!!

"Juicy thread"...? Hope you're not referring to all the suggestive stuff that Footballer's Wife sends out to all & sundry..... :024:

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A severe dressing down was undoubtly needed after the Pars game, but the way in which he's done it smacks of insecurity to me - "you're not performing for me, you're not listening to me, it's my ball, I'm off home, you're b*ggared now".

Surely it must be in his head that he's getting replaced, very strange thing to come out with if not.

I've always been behind CC, not an easy job to do, especially with so much pressure from being a "local lad".

I have questioned some of his methods though.

I hope he doesn't go, but would question that if he is in the reigns for another season, he needs to work on his PR.

Hiding from Fans will just make them mad, we pay the wages, we're entitled to our tuppence worth, as long as it's done reasonably, no-one no matter what they do should put up with abuse.  If you hide from folk though, you just stoke the fire!  Makes him look arrogrant!

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This rather sounds like the beginning of the end for CC.  As each week goes by he just does not seem to be comfortable in the job, and it would not surprise me in the slightest if he was starting to think about walking sometime soon.  It would be sad but I feel it would have to be a clean break.  It would not be fair on any new manager to have his predecessor on the coaching staff or even running the centenary club.

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A severe dressing down was undoubtly needed after the Pars game, but the way in which he's done it smacks of insecurity to me - "you're not performing for me, you're not listening to me, it's my ball, I'm off home, you're b*ggared now".

Surely it must be in his head that he's getting replaced, very strange thing to come out with if not.

Don't see it that way myself. The way I read it he's saying that if someone else was the manager they wouldn't tolerate displays like that and the players concerned would be out the door.

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Honest hat on

This season has been very frustrating, we have had some of our best games since coming into the SPL (not losing 1 point to Rangers, reaching the quarter finals of the scottish cup, pumping Hibs 3-0 etc.) and we have had some of our worst (St Mirren, Dunfemline etc.).  Under Brewster we were very consistent but you could expect the same thing in every match, solid back line and long ball. Christie has obviously tried to make us play a better passing game, with a quick counter attack and at times when the midfield is on song we have been superb but we have also failed to get going in a lot of matches.  What has really annoyed me about this campaign has been some of our fans attitude from the start of Christie's appointment, since day 1 he has had people casting doubt over his potential as an SPL manager.  For that reason I don't blame him for considering stepping down.  But he has to remember that there are also fans, like myself, that have supported him all the way and if he does step down I will be extremely disappointed in his lack of determination to make this club a sucess.

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I've been out of circulation today but my BBC colleague Kenny MacIntyre in Glasgow did manage to get a fairly extended 3+ minute interview with Charlie this morning in response to what the papers have been saying. This was broadcast at 8:30 on Good Morning Scotland and in part on the local bulletins just before 1.

I have only heard a couple of clips of this so far, but according to them and to what those who have heard it in full have told me, Charlie is firmly dismissing and denying the newspaper claims about him threatening to stand down. He does agree that there were heated words in the dressing room post match and says these have been misrepresented. Remember this is straight from the horse's mouth whereas the newspaper reports have no quotes. I would presume that what the newspapers had arose from some kind of dressing room leak.

Charlie also raises one or two issues which I understand he will be discussing with Graeme Bennett and Alan Savage over the next few days. These include player recruitment (specifically scouting) and the wage structure. He seems to feel that Caley Thistle has come thus far under its present arrangements and the time has now come to adapt in accordance with the club's current status.

This corresponds strongly with what he said at the post match press conference at 5:30 on Saturday where he spoke about the club having "reached a crux." And having listened though again to what he said there....just minutes after these alleged heated dressing room exchanges... I can't, even with the beneffit of hindsight, detect any hint of an inclination to stand down.

I would also not be surprised if temperatures in the dressing room have already begun to return to normal.

I would imagine that management and directors will all now be hoping for the kind of tolerance and support from their fans which they need in order to implement the kind of evolution Charlie seems to have hinted at. This adaptation is presumably very necessary for a club which has had to cope with going from the Highland League to the middle of the SPL in little more than a decade.

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The blurring of boundaries is a common trap in management (in any business) when you have worked your way up from the 'shop floor' and then find yourself in a position of responsibility. Charlie spent many years as just another one of the lads, playing his football, getting on with the Centenary Club business and getting the craic with players and staff alike. He is now suddenly in charge of the most visible portion of the club (albeit by choice) and in this situation it can be difficult both for the manager and 'his staff' to be aware of the clear demarcation between past and present roles. The fact that he is in the public eye makes it even harder.

Some players (and staff) may respect the fact that he has worked his way up from the bottom and has been there, done that, pulled all the dodges etc, whereas others may think its still an old pals act and not pull their weight, and yet others may think that he is just a local boy who has no profile on the national stage. I think we have seen the signs of this on the park at times and in comments from posters on here.

From Charlie's point of view, it must also be difficult ... he may still want to be one of the lads, but he also has to be manager and those two roles cannot always co-exist. He has long standing relationships with many people at the club and his new role has changed those relationships whether he likes it or not. Does he become a complete b****** and rule with an iron fist ? or does he become a pushover where certain players (pals) are concerned ? Its a very hard line to walk and I sympathise with this problem as I have experienced it in my own business life. It took me a long time to adjust my style to one which I feel comfortable with and I went through both personas I described above during that time (complete b***** / pushover) before finally managing to get it somewhere in the middle which works for me.

Charlie has ICT running through his veins, he wants to win every game, and like most of us he gets severely p***** off when that doesnt happen. For those of us who watched him as a player, or who know him in person we know just how much he wants to win and how passionate/emotional he can get about that ... does anyone remember his interview on Radio Scotland after the Feb8 match ? (he was furious that ICT were 18-1 to win and used it as motivation), or the many occasions on the park where he clearly showed frustration when things werent going right. At the end of the day I do not believe CC has ever sent out a team which he thought would lose but as with anyone who is alive, he is human, he is fallible, and he makes mistakes. Unlike most people however, who can f*** up with relative anonymity, he must do all of this in the public eye at the stadium and in the national press.

Despite threads where I have criticised our current form, or questioned certain decisions or media comments, I am still behind CC 100%. I think he can continue to grow as a manager and if he can begin to feel comfortable in the role things will fall into place. Perhaps he does need a mentor - the 'NAME' as IHE suggested - someone who could help him, who has contacts that Charlie may not, and who could also perhaps fill a role as PR spokesperson for the club as it does seem abundantly clear that Charlie is not comfortable with the (national) media aspect of his role. Talking to Paul Chalk, Charles Bannerman et all is fine as he has known them for a long time and there is a level of trust there, but the national media is a different beast as we are all aware.

As to his comments in the dressing room that "I could walk away in the summer" .... I am in agreement with Kencar .... From this comment and other recent ones in the press - like the two i used in the match report for Saturday's game - I believe he may be realising that he has been too lenient on certain players that are part of the 'old pals' group and is telling them that the old pals act is out the window and if someone else were manager they simply would not tolerate it .... and neither will he from now on. It is a clear "shape up or ship out" message. I for one am delighted that he (allegedly) 'read the riot act' to the team after Saturday's performance.

If I am right (and I concede that this could all be a croc of **** if I am not), then he has learned lessons from recent weeks where performances were not acceptable, where tactics were perhaps questionable, where media comments were taken out of context and where 'in context' comments were made that perhaps shouldnt have been. while I dont want him to make any mistakes, that is not realistic. However if, as it seems from this weeks comments, he is learning from them then he will continue to have my support.

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comments in the Courier seem to show he is learning ....... FULL ARTICLE


The loss has deflated manager Christie and left him questioning the quality of his players. “I’ve had a lot more experienced guys in my office telling me not to get too despondent,” said Christie. “I take the whole thing on my shoulders and I sometimes take too much responsibility whereas I haven’t passed the buck onto the players at all, but the players have to take responsibility for performances like that — there’s no doubt. They like to take the plaudits when they get it, so let them bare a bit of the brunt of it alongside myself for a change and it’s not often you’ll hear me say things like that.”

Christie described it as a crux period for the club and said that it was not enough that the players only perform at their best when they meet tough opposition. He revealed that he has spoken to former Caley Thistle boss Steve Paterson — currently manager at Peterhead — about how Inverness can progress and agreed that he may need to be more ruthless in doing so.

“I’ve been exceedingly loyal to this group of players and if anyone in the changing room says otherwise then they’re not telling the truth and I would be disappointed,” said Christie. “I think it is a crux for the club and we need to look at things and how we take it forward because we aspire to the top six, but sometimes I do wonder if we have enough quality to get ourselves in there?”

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