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I am a bit curious.............


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............as to the logic behind taking the site down because of a small percentage of users being obstinate and pushing their luck. The flexing of administrative muscle acheived in punishing the many users on here who play by the book, because of the few. All this within minutes of me posting on a thread about how reasonable I had always found the admin of the various sites over the years. So....just wondering, what do you feel this acheived? This is not a dig at anyone, more an intrest in the psychology behind the decision.

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There was a comment from Scotty as to the amount of personal abuse he and CD had been subjected to through PMs and emails....

That is totally unacceptable - and anyone doing that should be suspended sine die.... :018:

I'm disappointed to note that IHE is still "under moderation"

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There's only so much a person can deal with before the red mist comes down and you lose the ability to remain rational and make proper decisions.

Banning individual users was an option we considered but we were so angry and upset at the shear volume of crap we had to deal with that had we gone down that route then we risked those with genuine concerns and questions getting caught in the crossfire.

That wouldn't have done us, the site or any of it's users any good.

The actions were extreme, but I'm sure being without the site for a few hours never had any impact on your personal lives.  I wish the same could be said in regards to the events that led to the decision - some people seem to be under the illusion that we are here to simply take whatever they have to throw at us.  This is not our full-time job, although it seems like it at times, we do not get paid for this (quite the opposite) and if people cannot accept the guidelines needed to allow the site to operate responsibly then they know where the door is.

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The actions were extreme, but I'm sure being without the site for a few hours never had any impact on your personal lives. 

Well I'm not so sure about that.... I was forced to spend yesterday evening in the email company of Mee and Hielandee... Both of whom have very strange tastes in music.....  :024:

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I suspected that it was abusive emails etc but was too frightened to ask. Least said , soonest mended , like.

If people want to make a point the Forum is where it is at--NOT crapping privately on the very people who conceived, set-up and run the forum AND make expression of your  views possible.

That kind of behaviour is uncalled-for, invasive, rude and completely unacceptable.

For those of you who are indulging your own self-centred cowardly feeling by this type of action use the forum to express your acidic views, right or wrong, --that is if you have the courage-- and allow the Admins the peace and privacy to which they are entitled.

And you can have a go at me now and see what happens.. :33:

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Hmmmm....  :024:

You mean while posing as the Mary Whitehouse of the internet, she is actually using this site as a means of recruiting some kind of deviants..?

Very sinister..... 

:015: :rotflmao: :015: :rotflmao:

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i wouldnt normally comment on these things on yer forum but we have a card system in place on ours. yellae for being rude (well more than rude), red for persistent offending and bad mouthing other posters and players and management of the team, followed by the black for just ignoring the previous cards; then theyre banned for one week from posting.

it normally works. however the only black cloud it can produce is folk re-registering under different user names and doing the same thing over and over.

our admin and other posters are under attack all the time too. we've lost countless regular posters because of these morons.

its a place for fun. and to talk about yer team etc.

mon the forums... everywhere.

Buffy x


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