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St Georges Day....My Views


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St Georges Day celebrations

Personally I cant think of anything to celebrate being English or British at this moment in time, I think were a laughing stock.

One fine example from this week. The local bowling club(mostly older people/pensioners) are in dispute with the council over use of their facilities, council want to put their rent up by ?750.00 per year and locked them out of their ground, on Sunday morning the bowling club turned up found the lock had been taken off and proceeded to play, next thing 7 police officers and PCSO's turn up sirens wailing and call a halt to proceedings.

Meanwhile the gypsies have moved on to private land 2 miles away next to a house building site, next thing the fences to the site are torn down the site office is broken into fuel and tools and 1 item of plant go missing, now its alledged that the gypsies were seen to be the perpetrators of the crime, they most definitely have broken in to private land and set up base the only difference here being the police seem powerless to act, the seven Police officers PSCO's were nowhere to be seen

Do any of you get the feeling that if you conform to society work for a living pay your taxes and abide by the law, your the second class citizen in our society, if your the minority your taken more serious than the majority. We've got politicians that seem interested in one thing only that's themselves, the judicial system seem cut of from the real world when it comes to handing down sentences to the criminal, it appears that the law/courts cares more about motoring offences than assault, criminal damage etc and the sentences handed out reflect this.... or am I just imagining all this?

Well that's got that of my chest  :008:

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And a family guy gets fined ?200 for his wheelie bin being ajar by 4 inches, because the council only empty them once a fortnight......in fact did you see the jobsworth from the council condemning him for this crime...........what a fekkin tube.

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Sums it all up really, are the council not payed through our taxes to serve us? what is this ?200 going towards? If this guy had been caught dumping his rubbish on a railway bank then i would agree with the fine and more.

Stealth tax = finding ways to generate money through the back door.

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I don't know if I agree with that Kingsmill, I relate to being British more than English, being from a family with strong military back ground it wouldnt be the same for me not having Jock Taff or Paddy around as oppoes no more than Gordie, Scouse or cockney one day we may all need each other, as for the countries that make up the Uk I think were slightly different to anywhere else in the world I see our seperate countries being more like regions, I am English but my dads dad originated in Inniskillen Irelend and was in the RAF my dad was born in Cowbridge wales and my mums side were from Peterborough England her dad was in the Highland Light Infantry.

I know were of the original point here but thats how i see it.

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Withall due respect to Dmacca, the perception that the countries making up the United Kingdom are "more like regions" is a very good argument for Scottish Independence.

Unfortunately it's a perception of Scotland that is very widely held all across England...

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This relevantly recent burst of English nationalism is directly related to the growth of support for Independance in Scotland. Our southern neighbours are genuinely jealous of the progress made by our Government and are now seeking independance for themselves. I think we should give it to them.  :003:

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In all honesty, the Scottish think about the English far more than the English think about the Scottish. It seems to be an every day debate up here, whlst down there we only discuss you when there is a football/rugby match.

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In all honesty, the Scottish think about the English far more than the English think about the Scottish. It seems to be an every day debate up here, whlst down there we only discuss you when there is a football/rugby match.

Fair point, but there's two sides to the argument.

If people are obsessed with 'the English' that's unhealthy.

If Scots are more politicised than their neighbours that's commendable. The Union debate here is light years ahead of that in England where the London Evening Standard and The Sun are about as sophisticated as it gets.

Al, without meaning to cause offence, I suspect that as a newcomer you are just scratching the surface of a previously unknown topic. When Scotland occupies a third of the British land area but we are continually dismissed as irrelevant by so-called 'national' institutions such as the BBC, and effectively treated as a county, people do start to notice. Ignorance of Scotland in England, especially the South-East, is appalling.....

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In all honesty, the Scottish think about the English far more than the English think about the Scottish. It seems to be an every day debate up here, whlst down there we only discuss you when there is a football/rugby match.

Fair point, but there's two sides to the argument.

If people are obsessed with 'the English' that's unhealthy.

If Scots are more politicised than their neighbours that's commendable. The Union debate here is light years ahead of that in England where the London Evening Standard and The Sun are about as sophisticated as it gets.

Al, without meaning to cause offence, I suspect that as a newcomer you are just scratching the surface of a previously unknown topic. When Scotland occupies a third of the British land area but we are continually dismissed as irrelevant by so-called 'national' institutions such as the BBC, and effectively treated as a county, people do start to notice. Ignorance of Scotland in England, especially the South-East, is appalling.....

Slow down there. I never started, nor would want to start an English/Scottish argument. And me being new on here means naff all to me.

Since I moved to Scotland 2 years ago, I have listened to, understood, and agreed to your point about the media in general (not just the BBC).

However, I believe that the English do not give relocated Scots the same amount of ?banter? that I get at work. I give as good as I get, don't get me wrong, but it would not be an issue down south.

As to your point, and I quote ?The Union debate here is light years ahead of that in England where the London Evening Standard and The Sun are about as sophisticated as it gets.? How much of England read the London Evening Standard, most Londoners think its ****,and its not available elsewhere, and as for the Sun I can only assume you are joking.

The English know you are there, they love your country, and they do not have a problem with your people.

Its the French, Mancs and Welsh we hate. :021:

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Slow down there. I never started, nor would want to start an English/Scottish argument. And me being new on here means naff all to me.

Ach slow down yourself - I've seen enough of your posts to see you're a decent chap. I'm just challenging what you said....... BTW I meant new to Scotland, not the board. Fair enough it's 2 years whereas I had reckoned on about 3 months.... you know what the internet's like for giving people the wrong idea, just as, if this sounds like a rant, it's not meant to.....

Since I moved to Scotland 2 years ago, I have listened to, understood, and agreed to your point about the media in general (not just the BBC).

However, I believe that the English do not give relocated Scots the same amount of ?banter? that I get at work. I give as good as I get, don't get me wrong, but it would not be an issue down south.

Yes but having experienced the other side of it, I would disagree.... surely the incomer notices it where for others it doesn't exist.

As to your point, and I quote ?The Union debate here is light years ahead of that in England where the London Evening Standard and The Sun are about as sophisticated as it gets.? How much of England read the London Evening Standard, most Londoners think its ****,and its not available elsewhere, and as for the Sun I can only assume you are joking.

Maybe my sentence is a bit ambiguous - I mentioned these newspapers simply as typical of the level of debate about the Union- that's not the same as saying everybody reads them or that they're lacking in knowledge of other things.

The English know you are there, they love your country

You personally do, but I imagine 80% have never visited and have to rely on stereotypes/prejudice. I'll bore the erse off you with anecdotal evidence if you're not careful  :015: :015: :015:

Its the French, Mancs and Welsh we hate. :021:

You forgot the Argies, Micks, Wops, Dagos and Krauts  :023:

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Withall due respect to Dmacca, the perception that the countries making up the United Kingdom are "more like regions" is a very good argument for Scottish Independence.

Kingsmill my thoughts were from the heart, and thanks for the respect, I think what I was trying to say is that we all rib each other for being English,Scots,Welsh or Irish and we all have our own Id's knives to grind and national pride but as small Island nation I just feel were as one, you hear all the pros & cons for having Scottish independents from both sides but i think we will be stronger being ruled from one government, OK that means from London, but in all honesty do you think you will be treated any better weather your governed from London or Edinburgh/Glasgow, If the latter did happen how long would it be before people in the Highlands felt that the government in Scotland were bias to the big cities/central belt. Politicians will always be a million miles away from the normal folk.

As for your statement that my post was a very good reason for Scottish independence, can you explain why you think that is? Personally Ive not got a problem with the scots I fully respect you, I dont think I'm any better in any way than a Scotsman or welsh or Irishman if it comes to that, I do respect your great traditions and heritage though and it would be wrong for that to be diluted into a big pot.

As a side note I despise the typical English football fan with his England shirt who beats his chest and looks for all the world like he still believes we rule half the world and were gonna win every sporting event cause were English mate. Is this half of the problem?

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