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OK folks, we realise that tempers and frustrations are running high after the last few weeks, another disappointing result yesterday, ill-timed comments from the manager in the press etc etc etc.

However. Regardless of these frustrations, it does not mean that our pre-existing site rules go out the window and this public posting is the only further reminder we will give on this matter before taking action against those who continue to breach the terms and rules of this site.

Please note these three points in particular

  1. The personal/private lives of players/officials are their own business and not up for discussion on this board unless or until those things are firmly in the public domain. When they are public, then and only then will we allow discussion of those parts that are generally regarded as factual/proven.

    This rule has been in place for 15 years and we are not about to remove it or change it. If you can't deal with that, go to some other site.

    Although Mr Brewster opened the door somewhat by mentioning the rumours we have all probably heard about his sexuality. I will re-iterate the point made on the matchday thread yesterday. http://community.caleythistleonline.com/in...showtopic=10693

    "He has been caught up in a deeply unpleasant, intrusive and internet-driven debate on his sexual orientation".

    Not sure if they mean us or not, but personally I take heart from the fact that any so-called "internet driven debate" on this has not involved this site. We allow criticism of the manager, we encourage opinion from whatever end of the scale and although the odd comment has/had been made on this subject we have - and will continue to - remove postings about this as it crosses our own line into the personal lives of players/officials. (just in case anyone needed clarification now that it has been mentioned in the papers).

    I would point out that this includes sly, oblique and smart-ass indirect references to the above as well.

    Since yesterday, I have had to delete a few posts that I would term homophobic or which made abusive remarks of that nature towards Craig Brewster either directly or as thinly veiled references. Many of these were reported to us by our users. This posting serves as notice that as from now, bans will be issued for those types of comments. no discussion, no leniency, out and out bans.
  2. Abuse of club officials, directors, shareholders, or their families will also not be tolerated. Graeme Bennett and David Sutherland (Tulloch) have come in for a lot of criticism in recent weeks and whilst we will not censor reasoned debate or opinion about their roles in the current mess, or indeed legitimate criticism, we will remove postings we feel are getting too personal and abusive towards them (or anyone else for that matter) or are just one-liners slagging them off without context. The majority of debate over this is fine, but as with point 1 above - if it starts getting too personal then we do draw the line at that and will take appropriate action.
  3. Abuse of other posters is also not wanted on here. By all means have a discusson, have a rip roaring debate or agree to disagree, but lets keep the abuse directed at each other to a minimum please.

Site Admin

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