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ICT V Aberdeen - matchday thread


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Yes, our defence did sit very deep - there was a long spell in the second half where the ball never came out of our half.

Aberdeen had the edge on us, although there wasn't much in it. They kept possession better, and made fewer errors when passing.

However, when we went forward we were a lot more dangerous until the last half hour or so. Ironically that was when we scored.

I really don't think we can complain about a draw, although a win would have been great.

Grant Munro, Craig Dargo, Graham Bayne and John Rankin stood out. Richard Hastings had some flashes of brilliance but made a few mistakes.

And I have to thank the impatient driver who reversed both rear wheels into a ditch in his hurry to find a faster-moving queue for cheering me up after losing our lead so late in the game. Anyone else see that?

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davieB, have to disagree about you disagreeing with me, Dods and Rossco played well in my opinion, Hastings maybe the pick of the defenders until the last minute. Dods passing always leaves a lot to be desired and he did have one senior moment but otherwise he and Tokely kept out a couple of lively players. Brown could have watched the game on Setanta, Grantie was generally solid agin, Bazza was always looking to take the game to Aberdeen, Duncan worked on scraps but did it well, Rankin had his best outing for ICT, McBain did brilliantly at our goal, Dargo made lots of unselfish runs and was unlucky he got too much Brazilian on the ball in the first half, it was in all the way and had the whole of the North stand off their erses, unfortunately the ball kept swerving past the upright, Bayne, what can you say, yes he can be a headless chicken, but so is a headless chicken, and he wasn't chicken when it came to heading McBain's whipped cross home, superb goal. I thought we always looked menacing when we went forward at pace, and but for a better last ball or slice of luck we may have scored more than one. On the other hand, the dimal Dons just about sums them up, we were the more likely to take all three points and yes it was frustrating to throw away a softish looking goal at the death from the otherwise reliable defenders.

Kencar, I thought the game was decent and I also thought we deserved to win. The ref, well he was Ok, have seen a lot worse this year.

IHE, sounds like ICT he was talking about, only point of controversy was I could not see Aberdeen scoring until we opened our defence for them, great pity but there you go.

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Lot of good observations from the guy Johndo, interesting point about needing a defender who can hold the ball/look/pass to a teamate.

Though Rossco was caught out of position too much and still looks sluggish, Hastings did ok( choke) but again his distribution was poor and for their goal should have closed down the Aberdeen player much earlier, he gave him far too much space, pity cos he did ok apart from that.

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I thought that we played really well in the 2nd half and think we deserved to win.

As pointed out above stand outs were Bayne, McBain, Dargo, Munro, Hastings and Wilson who was MOTM by a country mile. Hastings was solid throughout the game but his one little lapse cost us 3 points when he stood off hart just a bit too much which proves just how cruel football is. Munro was fantastic in defence clearing the ball from the foot off an Aberdeen player on a couple of occasions. McBain was really good as well but seems to have the freedom of the pitch and hardly ever seemed to turn up on the left wing where I thought he was meant to be, Dargo harried the Aberdeen defenders and did exactly what we should have been doing by closing people down and not standing off them. Bayne won so many headers and held the ball up well.

Wilson - what can I say!? I thought that was a vintage performance from the guy. He was everywhere, absolutely everywhere. Going back to McBain being posted missing on the left it was Wilson who appeared there to provide an outlet for the attack and he was equally effective on the right. He helped out the defence and was always available to get attacks going by offering himself for the defence to find him after an Aberdeen attack was repelled. He was simply outstanding.

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What do yas think??

Very interesting IHE.

If my memory serves me right Booth was a pro with a club like Charlton ? a good few years ago.

He's summed up things fairly well in his brief time watching ICT. A couple of things I wouldn't agree with :-

Whilst he likes Bayne, I don't think it fair to say he was like a "headless chicken"

Don't really fancy the thought of Barry Wilson in the playmaker role , I might be wrong but I cannae see him strutting about in the Hartley style. I think Barry was born to be a wide player, albeit he's lost a bit of pace.

Interesting nonetheless.  :021:

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Guest PaulieBee

Dennis Booth eh?

I remember he was first team coach at Aston Villa during Graham Taylor's first spell there as manager. He was pretty successful there too as they finnished runners up to Liverpool in 1990 which subsequently got Taylor the engerland job (although dont mention Dr Jo!!!)

From what I remember he was a decent coach so he probably knows his stuff.

For someone looking at us for the first time, some of his observations seem pretty spot on. I think he has also highlighted why we are more successful away from home by the fact that he feel that we sit "too deep" as a team.

I'm impressed at your connections IHE...its just a shame that his first ICT experience was with you.  :016:

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Interesting points about the midfield, which is the one area I have felt we haven't got right yet. Pretty solid defence, and players capable of scoring, but the gap bewteen the two doesn't seem to help us get a grip of a game or supply and support the forwards. Maybe Black has been too scattergun, and now Duncan is improving the situation. I agree Rankin could be good on the left midfield, so maybe we need another solid midfielder who can exert more control in the middle. And if the back 4 push up a bit, it may help cohere the team. Still, it's promising, especially if we can build on what we've already got.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

I watched it on Setanta too and I can't believe some of the posts on here, are you sure you were facing the right way when you were at the game?? we played like a bunch of excited blurts at a bag's ball truth be told and Aberdeen were not much better, it was a poor poor advert for Scottish football, c'mon be honest!there was no direction, no real play, just kick and run, just think wersels lucky aberdeen were drivel.

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You are right Sandy, everything was carp and we should be back in the highland league and CC should be sacked, and the crowd was rotten and Mike Smith is rubbish and the shop is hopeless and the ground is pathetic, I don't know why anyone ever turns up.

Stop bitching :016:

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Some good, positive, comments from yer man IHE. I've said before, on a few occassions, that we need a defender who can play the ball. Our defenders do panic when on the ball and hoof it anywhere. Watch all the good footballing teams and see how they play out of defence. Another thing we need to get away from is Brown punting the ball up the park from the edge of the area. An accurate throw out to midfield would be more fruitful. Notice how quick the Aberdeen keeper got rid of the ball when he caught it. It was rooled up the park and controlled. We must keep it low in attack and play less deep.

As for subbing Dargo, I feel that maybe CC was hoping that Wyness and Bayne would have a better chance of taking the ball into the corners and holding it there to kill time. Dargo is good but is not the best at holding, especially against big guy's like Anderson.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

I've supported ICT from day one through thick and thin but I will not call a game good when I know it's bad, and that goes for players too, Monday night in my opinion was bad and I ain't bitching just calling it as I saw it and I think I've been around the game long enough to be able to give a good assessment.

If Hibs play on Saturday as they did tonight and we repeat mondays performance then we'll be minced.

BTW IHE are you sure it wisnae Cherie Booth you were drinking with on monday night??

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Sandy, you said you watched it on TV & weren't at the game, that's probably the difference.

I think when you are there watching the game you always see it differently to what a camera will show you. As far as I'm concerned the first half was ok, the second half was a good performance, we could & should have won against a team that are very organised & hard to break down. A repeat performance at Easter Road should provide at least another point on the road to the top six.

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Sandy, just out of curiosity when has being so negative ever worked out for you?? I mean you demanded Christie got the sack at the start of the season and he has just guided us to joint 3rd in the league while picking up manager of the month in the process, you then decided to slagg off Rankin after not giving him a chance to settle in to the squad and now he is starting to look like a real player for us..... you say you have supported ICT since day 1 and fortunately we have never had to go through a relegation or a really bad period in the club's history, if you can't enjoy our success at the moment I dread to think how you would react if we were in a bad spot?

It pi55es me off that you never have anything good to say about the team.. with supporters like you who needs Ross County

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

I never EVER demanded that Charlie Christie got the sack at the beginning of the season, that is a downright lie!!

What I did say was that I had my reservations about him as he had played with the players he now manages, I was not the only detractor Chibber, I have always said that the game is littered with legends with who have failed in management, Charlie at the moment is proving me wrong but let the season roll. 

As for Rankin I do stand by my comments and I'm not alone..

Negativity?? as I said I call it as I see it on the park and I refuse to play the Emperors new clothes game, I very rarely criticise the club itself as such but the team is another matter, and let me point out that I have been with this site almost since its birth ( Scotty ?) and over the years I have heaped praise on the team when it was obviously due, I came under a lot of criticism over my take on Hislop but given having played and watched the game in many countries over the years I feel I know a little bit about what goes on.

This is a forum where the fan is allowed to express his opinions in an honest and open fashion and it detracts from the very core of a  democratic exchange when one member lies openly to denegrate another member, it is immature and unhealthy and does nothing for the Forum. We are here to exchange views not heap praise where none is due.

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Sandy you have some valid points ,although we are climbing the table the quality of entertainment is absolutely terrible and has been for most of the season .

Unfortunately I cant see the system changing as long as its being successful ,but it is so frustrating when you see the ball being lumped forward.

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

Thanks for that FJ, much appreciated, while I acknowledge that some fans see ICT through rose tinted specs, and I wish them all the best, some of us have to be realistic, yes we are at the highest place ever in our history but the way we are putting games together means that we will be caught out soon big style, even Charlie mentions our poor passing in the first half on his BBC Sport Football interview.

Players read what we have to say here and no doubt they take notice, it serves no purpose for the site to become a cosy corner where we can post on preferred team formations or other inanities, we must be subjective and critical when necessary otherwise the site will stagnate and end up as no more than a sort of tea room where we can exchange pleasantries with fellow posters, believe me criticism can pay, it has for Fergie over the years with his 'circling the wagons', changing room speeches, naebody likes us, everybody's laughing at us, lets show the barstards! it works so be honest fellow fans, if you don't like it post it.

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Sandy I have seen some rubbish games and poor performances this year but the Aberdeen game was ok as far as entertainment and some decent foorball played.  It does not always transmit on to the screen that way, but the atmoshere was ok especially when we scored and frustration vented when we lost the goal. We were pretty enterprising and most fans were encouraged by what they saw in the first half. Compare that with the tripe we witnessed against Falkirk and Dunfermline , then this was fabulous. What do you expect to see when the whistle blows, Real Madrid and Barcelona, it is only ICT, but we are all proud of our wee team, so can I suggest that there is a difference to being critical and being objective.  People reading your posts will just not bother turning up to watch if you keep telling them it is rubbish.  Folks, Sandy was not present at this game, please disregard his negative comments, he obviously is stuck in a time warp. There was nothing wrong with our play, we can only compete with what is in front of us.

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Sandy, It's all very well saying that everyone has the right to put across their opinion but it's as though you are waiting for the team to slip up so you can slag them off.  I have never once seen you on here saying the team played well, or Charlie got the tactics spot on........ or anything positive about the team.  In fact, since we have been on our 8 game unbeaten run you have hardly posted on the site, as if ther nothe has beening for you to moan about at the moment....

I may have slightly exagerated that you "demanded" Christie was ousted but you certainly suggested it on plenty of threads and implied Levein should be brought in instead.  I also would say you are not the worst for it but I really can't see what you have to complain about, I've never been so proud to be an ICT supporter this is the best position we have ever been in, financially, league position and a manager that is not likely to move on after 1 season and will hopefully progress further with the club. 

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Sandy's quite right to say it as he see's it,most of us are guilty of seeing our teams through rose tinted specs and the aftermatch back slapping can some times prevent us seeing whats in front of our noses.I thougt Monday night (on Sentanta) had 0-0 written all over it but was delighted when Bayne scored and disapointed when Lovell eqaulised,however it wasnae pretty but then not much has been this season.ICT have much to be proud of with their achievments but dinnae slate the guy for having the bollox to contradict popular opinion,it's good to have a Victor Meldrew who's no feart to ruffle feathers and question if whats good couldn't be better.

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Sandy's quite right to say it as he see's it,most of us are guilty of seeing our teams through rose tinted specs and the aftermatch back slapping can some times prevent us seeing whats in front of our noses.I thougt Monday night (on Sentanta) had 0-0 written all over it but was delighted when Bayne scored and disapointed when Lovell eqaulised,however it wasnae pretty but then not much has been this season.ICT have much to be proud of with their achievments but dinnae slate the guy for having the bollox to contradict popular opinion,it's good to have a Victor Meldrew who's no feart to ruffle feathers and question if whats good couldn't be better.

Mate all you have to do is watch match of the day on a saturday night and you can see how low a standard we play at the moment but in all honesty can we expect ICT to be up to the highest standard? We have the lowest wage bill in the SPL, we are the youngest team in the SPL, we have the worst stadium in the SPL, we are still trying to build a reliable fanbase.  Personally I find some people's expectations completely unrealistic... I love how we are competing with the "big boys" at the moment but I think Christie was spot on with his interview after the match. 

The only way we can judge the team is if they play to their potential and although we didn't play great football for 90 minutes against Aberdeen we have to take the positives out of it.. or I'd end up as miserable a bar steward as Sandy :003:

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Guest Sandy Cromarty

I believe By your late response Chibber that you trawled the archives to see what I did have to say about Charlie Christie and now you admit to ' a slight exaggeration' when in fact you lied, and as I recall  my take on Levein was that he was available not that he replace the manager, I stand by my earlier reservations on Charlie and unlike you do not change my stance. As for my lack of posting I think that you will find my reasons, like many others, is contained in my earlier post regarding the present site climate, as I have stated over the years I have applauded my team at every opportunity where they deserved it, I have seen nothing this season to merit my applauding mediocrity, even the victory against Rangers seems hollow after the St Johnstone result.

I fear that you are young in years and I prefer no further no further correspondence.

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I believe By your late response Chibber that you trawled the archives to see what I did have to say about Charlie Christie and now you admit to ' a slight exaggeration' when in fact you lied. and as I recall  my take on Levein was that he was available not that he replace the manager,

If we appointed Levein as manager would that not be replacing Christie?? :017:

I stand by my earlier reservations on Charlie and unlike you do not change my stance.

I would like examples of this please... unless you want to be accused of being a liar :006:

I have seen nothing this season to merit my applauding mediocrity, even the victory against Rangers seems hollow after the St Johnstone result.

:008: :008: :008:

What world are you living in??

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