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ICT -V- Rangers : Matchday Thread


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My pre Match feeling was that Shinnie for Gillet was a wise move plus Aldred really should have startd. My only "concern" was Terry's continuing persistence with Tade - especially starting him off in a left midfield slot - would have played Ross maself. Playing Foran and Hayes up front was my "pick" anyway.

Pitch looks in great condition and the sun shines on the Moray Firth - and the gods are shining on us as a great Ortiz cross should have been tucked home by Edu but he flicks it on too Jellyvic who was just offside IMHO - but why was Tokely covering six yards behind Tansey.

Piermayr gets himself booked in the third minute after a very shaky start. They are playing everything down their right via Ness and Ortiz as the Huns are still queuing up to get into the ground. Our first chance comes in the 9th minute as Foran wins a god header and sots from Tansey and Tudur Jones are blocked. Brave header from Hogg results in a mega clash of heads with Naismith and the wee Hun takes a count of 8 !! Hogg was helped as his next action is a fine tackle on Jellyvic.

15 minutes gone and we are a bit fortunate to be level with Rangers dominating, looking dangerous down their right and Ness looking dangerous. And Terry swops Tade with Hayes and vice versa. But we continue to allow Rangers all the possesion and to play it about - depending on the two defending lines of four in our own half - leaving Foran really struggling on his own.

Ridiculous foul given away by Tokely on the edge of the box in the 21st minute and we are only saved by a lucky deflection from Piermayr and then a great break from Hayes leaves Doran in on goals and he chooses to go for goals first time and blows a good chance. But as 25 minutes tick by we are beginning to get more in their faces which is long overdue. Bartley gets booked for a foul on Tade who is beginning to get under their skins. Piermayr overdoes it and will have to watch himself.

Mics go to Terry who admits that we have started badly and let Rangers dominate too much. 33 minutes and a welcome breather ar Mr T Bartley goes off and is replaced by Perry and he should be our "target". Tade in on goal and ruled offside which TV shows that he clearly wasn't.

Big hand ball shout from Naismith in the 39th minute and it did hit Hogg's arm but was nodded on to it by Jellyvic. We almost get caught out on a break from a corner but the cross at the end of the move is headed away by - Johnny Hayes!! Up again and a Doran cross could have been touched in by Foran. Edu then gets harshly booked as Rosscoe play acts !!

Another big shout for a Hun penalty and the replay shows that it was as Tokely clearly rasies his arm and the ref puts the whistle to his mouth but stops at the last moment.

Last attempt of the half is a well placed ICT free kick which was wasted by Tansey.

In summary Rangers have dominated and tippy tappied with a lot of potential but little penetration. Ness looks like the ball player and Jellyvic is a class player. To be fair they deserved a penalty - one penalty. But we are sticking in there and we looked a wee bit more likely in the last ten minutes. Unfortunately the skills of Tansey are being lost as he is playing so deep and defensive as we play a holding middle with pace and width. My main concern is Piermayr who is being pulled apart by Ortiz and one foul away from a red card.

And yon wee nyaff McCann tried to justify that it should be 3-0 to Rangers - but I loved the comparison between Rosscoe and davie Weir, suggesting that Rosscoe could have another decade left in the SPL !!

I would'nt be surprised if we use a tactical (but measured please) hoof tactic in the second half as there will be fair wind blowing behind us towards the bridge. I would like to see Shane brought on after the hour for Tade and A.Shinnie may well play a cameo as he really has a point to prove - reckon that neither Hayes or Doran will last the pace.


Good solid first 5-7 minutes as we hopefully learned OF lessons from the past and Tade is doing well holding things up with his strength. But I am afraid that the hoof is starting and it is far from measured and it will drain our stamina if it persists. Mind you Hogg and Tokely are hitting it straight in to touch. But it nice to see Johnny Hayes taking on the full backs again even if his crossing has been poor so far.

Penalty and Tokely gets a red and the replay clearly shows that Tokely got the ball first - and Jellyvic scores - will start off another thread but this is clearly because the ref has been told that he made a mistake - or possibly two in the first half - and he has taken the opportunity to make ammends and he books Foran for gobbing as well. Tade gives way for Aldred.

Ross comes on for Tudur Jones as even Terry gets a talking to by the incompetent one. Jhesus he gives a second penalty in the 67th minute - have to say it was a bit clumsy by Aldred but he went for the ball, they collided and Goian was going nowhere. Cant blame the ref as it was the assistants call. Great save from Jellyvic but Edu strolls in to the box to net the second.

As fer the penalty - what a feckin save from Esson - but watch the reactions of Aldred and Hogg to the deflection - simly not good enough - an did Foran not let them know about it. Hope Terry and Mo also give them absolute pelters as well. Game looks as good as over and it is all now about damage limitation.

I know that we are up against it but Naismith turned Aldred and Hogg far too easily in the 71st minute and it really should have been 3-0. Sutherland on fer Doran. And the ref tries to make ammends by sending Edu off for a justifiable decision. We are beginning to pick ourselves up and the ref is clearly giving us the benefit of the doubt with most decisions - again an unfortunate trait of refs who know that they have got things wrong. But he books Tansey but had no choice.

The game is beginning to die a death with Rangers in third gear and allowing us possession. Hayes again almost made them pay and a Shane strike is well blocked in the 85th minute.

Tansey was very, very lucky not to pick up a second red card in the 88th minute - again a trait of a forgiving ref.

In summary we didnt really deserve to get anything out of this game and we were on the back foot for most of it - it is just a pity that the turning point was a deplorably wrong refereeing decision. BUT I think / hope that Terry learned some more lessons and loosens some of his apparently inherent convictions and loyalties to signings.

ESSON :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Well he didnt do anything wrong and pulled off a great penalty save.

PIERMAYR :bouncyred::bouncyblue: Very, very shaky first 20 minutes which was undoubtedly not helped by the early booking. Did steady himslef but was not seen going forward,

ROSSCOE :bouncyred::bouncyblue: Unfortunately the red card will provide the "rest" that he clearly needed and probably saves Terry from making a very hard decision. Very unlucky to be sent off but he was struggling throughout - although lets face it - Jellyvic is class.

HOGG :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Apart from standing like a feckin statue at the second penalty I actually thought that he wasmuch improved and lasted the stamina sapping 90 minutes

SHINNIE :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Welcome back lad - Solid, reliable if uncomprimising.

DORAN :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Ran out of steam in the second half but played well in the first half, especially defensively. Should have done better when 1:1 on McGregor

TUDUR JONES :bouncyred::bouncyblue: Is he unfit or does he have a frustratingly lackadaisical style. He sat back but did little else

TANSEY :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Suffered due to the system and was forced to play on his back foot. Did well enuff in that respect but was given no opportunity to play football.

HAYES :bouncyred::bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: My MOM - I would have persisted with playing him up front if not wide coming in. Saw more of the old Johnny Hayes today and his fitness levels are significantly improved - did some fantastic defensive tracking back as well

TADE :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Well he aint a midfielder either but - give him his due - he worked and worked and did some great hassling and holding up for others. But I am afraid he is an in betweener - he aint a forward or a midfielder - but he could be a very effective substitute

FORAN :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Also worked and worked - and makes good runs, is good in the air, makes movements and looks to play in others - but he is limited when he is playng on his own up front and/or trying to do the movement for others. Hope he gives Aldred and Hogg a really good slap - or three - a feckin clenched one

ALDRED :bouncyblue: I like the lad and would start him at Aberdire but the reaction at the penalty was disgusting - it is pure feckin basics - what the feck was he doing. He is learning and can only improve - his potential outweighs his inexperience

ROSS :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Inmy opinion is a far better choice in midfield with Tansey. I thought that he looked far more effective

SUTHERLAND :bouncyblue::bouncyred::bouncyblue: Again he showed enuff in a short time to cry out fer a run in the team. He may not have the pace or hassle of Tade but he is a centre forward by trade as you can see by his movement and eye to be in a position to have a go at goal and the desire to have a go.

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Lets face it the ref was either told about - or possibly even shown - the incidents in the first half and that clearly influenced the decision against Tokely. I defy anybody to justify a penalty decision after watching the TV replays. Along with the red card that sole decision totally changed the game. The second was harsh but probably correct. Aldred simply was'nt concentrating and IMHO held back when he should have gone through. But the non reactions to the save by the two central defenders - Aldred and Hogg - was disgraceful - they were both feckin sleeping and switched off. :irritated:

I agree, the Tokely decision was terrible. We got punished twice first with the send off, then with the penalty.

Second one was a penalty, it was soft and he just didn't need to do it. In saying that we were never in the game. How can we expect any of the midfielders to have an impact when the defender constantly kick the ball over their heads? Some of them even went past Tade's head. We were pish and the sad we should have had a draw as Rangers didn't create anything either.

Having watched the game last week, when we even managed three goals, and seeing this one on TV I think your being a bit harse there Gabby. We were not great but there were some good signs for the rest of the season. Think I should send Richie the bottle of water I got from Knock and the chip I have from the Blarney stone then maybe the luck will fall our way.

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As said, great tackle from Tokely. Never a sending off or a penalty. Second was a penalty.

My big concern is the long ball. A good few were punts away from incoming Rangers players, rather than a tactic, I suggest. However, Hayes, Foran, Tade and Sutherland all looked as though they could have done something, given the ball more. If he's not too injured, I'd be prepared to sacrifice one of the 'stone walls' at the back for Tudur-Jones. We desperately need someone that can pass to the midfield. That might mean shipping a couple of goals but it will benefit us long-term. The punt up no more suits us, than it did Hibs last season.

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Just back from the game.

Euan Norris, you are a cretin.

I was sixty yards away from the Tokely tackle and could see it was a good challenge. Are we allowed to appeal it?

The second one looked dodgy as hell as well (though I haven't seen the TV footage).

The ref even tried his best not to send off Edu - he missed the challenge and let play continue, only for the standside linesman to flag so that he had no choice.

Celtic fans are going to be moaning about Masonic conspiracies again...

After a shaky start, I was delighted with our performance for the most part. Our defending was streets ahead of recent weeks, with Hogg and Shinnie playing particularly well. Tansey got stuck in and some of his passing was gorgeous. For the record, I gave Tade a big cheer when he was subbed - he worked really hard and made a nuisance of himself. He certainly contributed more than the likes of Foran or Doran today.

Surely, surely, we are due a stroke of luck at some point?

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Nothing between the teams until the ref decided to get involved. Thought Tokely had made a brilliant tackle and couldn't believe it when the penalty was awarded. The second looked dodgy as well but it was a clumsy challenge by Aldred (?)

Surely we have to appeal the red card if it's clearly a terrible decision by the ref.

1 point out of 12 is a very poor start. Need to start picking up the points soon

Edited by kencar
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No point in moaning about referees, its the same every week.

Lets face the fact that we were playing an incredibly poor Rangers team and we couldn't do much against them. McGregor had virtually nothing to do for the whole 90 mins. Defensively I though we were ok, Rangers didn't create much. But last seasons team would have beaten Rangers, and by a few goals i think. We are despratley short up front and we don't look like scoring.

In regards to appealing. I'm sure we will and I'm sure the card will be recinded.......not much use now though is it!

Edited by Sir C the 3rd
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Honestly, as crap as some of the referee's decisions were, we got what we deserved. We had moments of decent passing and build up but on the whole we were absolutely dire- of all the long balls that got fired upfield I think I counted maybe one or two that reached their intended targets. If the decision to get rid of Munro was predicated on his inability to pass the ball out of defence, then why the hell are we hoofing it at every opportunity?

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A mediocre game which i think Euan Norris was far to keen to liven up, absolute erse. Having watched the replay it is safe to say that neither were penalties and that the red card for Rosscoe was totally wrong. If those penalties were at our end neither would have been given.

I hope Terry tears a strip out of the officials for their performance - he is the only manager with the balls to do so.

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I hope Terry tears a strip out of the officials for their performance - he is the only manager with the balls to do so.

Nothing he can do about the officials. He'd be better advised to have words with Hogg and Aldred for not reacting to Esson's brilliant penalty save.

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Reading the posts on P+B shows these decisions were a disgrace and not just ourselves defending our team. Neither team looked like scoring from open play today so the OF just cheat as usual. Absolutely furious!

Oh, and Terry Gornell just scored for Shrewsbury! The one that got away...

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Despite the 2 ridiculous penalty decisions, I didn't think we deserved anything from the game. We were toothless in midfield, and posed no threat upfront. Davis ran the show, and we failed to close him down all game. Too many aimless punts up field saw us give back what little possession we had almost immediately.

It's clear from today that we're severely lacking upfront. Tade isn't the answer, runs a lot, but in a headless chicken manner more that anything, neither is Foran. Until we sort that out then it's hard to see us scoring too many goals.

The finishing line up should start next week.

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What's the point? Until Scottish referees rise above their current level of utter dross we are forever going to have ridiculous decisions given like the ones today.

Jelavic 'goal' - The replays on Sky show that Piermayr could be playing Jelavic onside but Edus position blocks us from seeing how far ahead of Edu Jelavic actually is.

First handball shout - not a chance.

Second handball shout - hmm. Must admit I'd be raging if that happened against us.

First penalty - disgusting decision. Tokely clearly wins the ball. A brilliant challenge. The club should appeal and Norris should be locked in the stocks and pelted with rotting vegetables for a month.

Second penalty - pfft. If every player who comes together in the box with an opponent falls over like that nonce did then we'll have 20 penalties a game. Never a spot kick.

We had so little in the final third again today which was a real disappointment. I hope this McKay knows where the net is because we need a goalscorer pronto. Defence looked a bit better than previous weeks. Shinnie was excellent. Didn't offer much going forward but was solid at the back I felt.

I can't really bring myself to type any more. Another despicable officiating display leaves me questioning why we fork out huge sums of money to be let down by these clowns who are simply not up to standard. Aberdeen next week will be a big game. They also have little going forward at the minute so a 0 - 0 draw looks to be a stick on!

Edited by RiG
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What a great team performance, a 0-0 draw would have been a more genuine and unbiased result but we cant let Celtic pull away from Rangers too early can you Mr ref. We didnt break down their defense but they didnt break down ours either.

Even the subs did well, the second penalty was dodgy too so we cant really blame Aldred and still kept a clean sheet,enter Ross into the arena and we get slick one touch passing going forward, Sutherland comes on and straight away hes getting into good positions and becomes a threat around the box every time he has the ball.He certainly deserves a start and if Tade gets the last 20 minutes then its his chance for the glory as he out muscles the tired defense.

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gutted i missed the game but from what i have heard and listening to terry we have been done again by the poor refereeing standards. Maybe we wont great and weren't going to win but that not the point, it looks like we were denied a fantastic point by a horrible decision. Im not saying rangers wouldn't have scored but they would have got more frustrated and we may have took something more than a point but to lose a pen and then it being a red has cost us and im sorry but refs deserve the criticism if they are going to make absolute howlers. discusting

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Did anyone else find it ironic when the Gers fans chanted 'thats why we're champions' just after their second penalty?

The referee was a joke but we shouldn't let that distract us from our own shortcomings. Rangers were woeful today but we hardly put them under any pressure at all. The defense isn't organized (Grant Munro?), the midfield is lacking bite (Russel Duncan?) and our forwards aren't getting into goal scoring positions (Rooney).

Tudor Williams looks the part but his workrate is seriously lacking, hopefully just a lack of match fitness otherwise we might have another Barrowman on our hands.

Hogg needs to start using his head. Far too many needless fouls and aimless clogs into touch or empty space. Is he better than Grant Munro? I'm not convinced.

Esson has been a rock but he needs to be more vocal in organizing the defense like Tuffey.

Foran needs to stop bitching all the time and get on with the game.

End of rant.

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Where's that referree from? I may be wrong in thinking he's central belt based but i'm sure he is. If he is, I'm starting to get pissed off with referees from the Central belt dictating the outcome of the result of football matches in the north of Scotland - especially when a team representing the central belt is playing. What's the fecking point when your up against that sort of pish

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Where's that referree from? I may be wrong in thinking he's central belt based but i'm sure he is. If he is, I'm starting to get pissed off with referees from the Central belt dictating the outcome of the result of football matches in the north of Scotland - especially when a team representing the central belt is playing. What's the fecking point when your up against that sort of pish

5 penalties for Rangers in the last 3 games Euan Norris has reffed for them. Nuff said.

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Up at 4.30 am to look at this game.

First penalty against Ross Tokely. Disgraceful The video I was seeing was from a camaera at the side of the goal looking straight at the two players coming towards me. Ross was keeping up, made his tackle which was perfectly timed and brilliant and the man falls over his legs as he went down.

Tne club has incontrovertible evidence that a clean tackle was made and the penalty was a bloody farce. When Ross was then red carded I could hardly contain myself, and in utter disblief I let out a loud expletive and got bollocked later by my wife for waking her up "in the middle of the night".

The second was another fake. Looking at it again in my mind's eye I see two men running towards me shoulder to shoulder and the next thing we see is the Rangers' player with arms stretched out like he was in Swan Lake at Covent garden and his

As for the alleged penalty claims against Caley Thistle I confess I did not see the first one but the second one was not deliberate and the ball nounced off his left arm whilst his heed was turned slighly to his rightTo be honset I think it cvaught him by surprise and he seemed confused for a moment if anything.

Rangers played some really nice passing all day --why? Because ICT are still will standing off all of their players giving them oodles of time to pick out a fast and accuratye pass. Terry , have you heard of man-marking AT ALL? If you do not use it, how are you going to stop the opposition (especially Rangers and Celtic) from keeping control of the ball? Did you actually see any Caley player going in for a hard, or any, tackle so how are you going to get the ball off their toes if you don't get into their faces?

The possession that Rangers had, made them look very good and, yes, they can play nice football but

they are weak up front and lack penetration. Had ICT got a goal first then I feel they could have won the game.

Tade--tied up the Rangers' defence but still does not quite seem to know what to do with the ball when he gets closer to the goal. The suggestion that he be brought on as a tough sub in the last part of the game to run the defence ragged is excellent.

Tansey--a very nice player but his tendency to commit deliberate fouls will have to be curbed. That last heel flick in the second half was not necessary and he should cut out the "unprofessional fouls" right now. His 15 -foot-over -the -bar free kick in the second half was a total waste of a decent chance and a neat flick over the defence into the box would have been a far better option. That blooter matched the one that Tade also put over the bar so Terry , can you please ask the players to practice keeping the ball DOWN as they approach the goal.

Jonny is effective on the wing but is being sussed out by the opposition. So, if he were to cut into the box more often, I feel that he would create more havoc.

Doran has pace and seems to know in which direction the goal is but is his distribution yet up to snuff? He is eager and wants to run when he gets the ball but I am not sure that he quite knows where he wants to go when he gets it? What I am struggling to express that is he seems to lack poise and that is just youth I am afraid.

Ross seems to have a spark though and is willing to work that's for sure.

I just hope that it all starts to click soon although my prediction is that we will have to wait until 13 games have passed before our hopes and dreams may be realised.

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Not much I can add that hasn't been said already. I'm not one to play the "bias officials" card as, for the most part, I think they are just crap....but yesterday was about as blatant bias as I have ever seen. Whether that's intentional bias or it results from the pressure refs come under during matches involving the OF is open to debate....what is certain is that the officiating yesterday was far from fair and honest.

Feel really sorry for our guys. They might not have been at their best, but they were matching Rangers all over the park and looking the most dangerous on the break. Whether they were doing enough to take anything from the game we'll never know as the Referee took it upon himself to decide the outcome.

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