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Ayr United -V- Inverness CT - Preview


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11 hours ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

You don't give a toss about people like me who are nearly 600 miles away?

I wouldnt put it like that, but this service has been brought in temporarily due to the pandemic when attendances were restricted or completely out of the question.

The situation has changed,  with most people except  the extremely vulnerable able to attend as before.

Where you live is entirely up to you I'd guess, but if you want to keep the live streaming on that basis then that's another kettle of fish.

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4 hours ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

I'd be interested to know the financial returns, even though it's none of my business.

200 people paying £15 totals £3,000 - and I'm sure that some of the clubs with larger followings could attract substantially more than that.  Not counting Cup games, 18 league games would thus bring in £54,000.   Costs of equipment and payments to the internet and streaming providers would come off that, and I'll guess that commentators are all unpaid volunteers. So a club may well take in enough money to employ, say, an additional member of staff, on or off the field - or could use the money for other things.

I haven't seen any suggestion that actual physical attendances have been hit by the livestreaming.  Although, as I once said, wait for a freezing mid-week night in February!

I agree it would be interesting to know the finances of this, but it may not be possible to produce an accurate balance sheet.  For instance, it is not possible to say whether someone's decision to buy a season ticket was influenced by the fact the streaming is included in the price or not.  And does watching the live stream make people more likely to attend live games in future, or to purchase more in the way of club merchandise?

Regardless of the easily identifiable balance sheet figures, I feel the live streaming should be seen as an investment and as a tool for marketing the club to the wider public.  It is a very good product now and imaginative marketing of the service could be an effective way of attracting new supporters.  We know it is very hard to attract new supporters to attend the stadium to watch live games (especially on days like today), but having folk watching the live stream from time to time may well be a stepping stone to them become regular attendees at the stadium.

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Not sure why folk are getting worked up about the price of the stream. What price are people expecting Ayr to charge to watch a game on a laptop? People staying at home are still going to be paying a fraction of the cost of those who head to the game itself. 

Clubs won't want to be undercutting their PATG customers if they can help it otherwise staying at home becomes more attractive than actually going to a game and teams like Ayr and ICT won't want that. I can't imagine the players will either. 

Whilst it's definitely been great for fans to be able to tune into games they might not otherwise have been able to attend, as @Satan says, it was only ever introduced as a temporary measure. 

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21 minutes ago, RiG said:

 as @Satan says, it was only ever introduced as a temporary measure. 

Agreed, but if it is bringing in additional revenue, over and above the normal revenue from those attending matches, then why not keep it going?

Lots of things have been "temporary" when introduced, but were then retained.  Income tax, for example!

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2 hours ago, Satan said:

I wouldnt put it like that, but this service has been brought in temporarily due to the pandemic when attendances were restricted or completely out of the question.

The situation has changed,  with most people except  the extremely vulnerable able to attend as before.

Where you live is entirely up to you I'd guess, but if you want to keep the live streaming on that basis then that's another kettle of fish.

Due to my work, I spent many years away from Inverness, including 8 years south of the border.

During that time I relied on fleeting highlights of our matches and the occasional live TV game as I could get to very few games.

Had livestreams been available, I’d have been buying them all.

I think the English FA need to revisit their stance on streams and allow them for leagues like ours. You go anywhere on the continent and English games are on TV regardless of local leagues.

On pricing, I take the point that charging the admission price for livestreams but that does penalise concessions. Our season ticket option is very good for those who cannot attend games for whatever reason.

Anyway, back to football. Today is an opportunity to get back to winning ways. We have a good record against Ayr but recent games have been tight. Hopefully we find our shooting boots and accuracy today and bring the three points north.


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13 minutes ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

Agreed, but if it is bringing in additional revenue, over and above the normal revenue from those attending matches, then why not keep it going?

Lots of things have been "temporary" when introduced, but were then retained.  Income tax, for example!

If the numbers add up of course but I'm sceptical if it does bring in much additional revenue when the various factors are all considered. One for the club I guess. 

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2 minutes ago, RiG said:

If the numbers add up of course but I'm sceptical if it does bring in much additional revenue when the various factors are all considered. One for the club I guess. 

I imagine that if it wasn't bringing in at least some nett additional income then clubs would have stopped it by now.

Seens to me that if it brings in more income to the club and permits fans who for various reasons, including failing health, to 'attend' matches both home and away there is great merit on making it a permanent feature.

Maybe we should consider a PPV only season ticket for our home matches next season and beyond.

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2 minutes ago, Kingsmills said:

I imagine that if it wasn't bringing in at least some nett additional income then clubs would have stopped it by now. 

Don't really agree with this as at the start of the season we had no idea if we were going to get back into stadiums so the league and clubs agreed to keep going with the PPV option for another season. 

I suspect the acid test will be next season when hopefully the worst of the Covid-19 outbreak is behind us and there is no doubt about getting into grounds. That's when we will see if PPV has a future. 

At least our offering this campaign has improved. I've only had to use it once but I thought it was brilliant. Camera quality much better, good commentary team, different angles and replays. Fair play to the club on the work done. 

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Ill be honest. There is nothing like being at a game;meeting up with the crew. However if the choice is driving to Inverness and back in the middle of winter (7 to 8 hours) , a full tank of petrol and angering Greta OR sitting in the warmth of my house watching a decent broadcast of the game..........it is increasingly becoming an easy decision. Does it make me any less of a supporter? I dont know.

I would like to see it continue although I fear, as it gets colder and darker, attendances will be affected

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Ha ha. The main camera is fine but a big narrow. When they switch to the other one it is poor.

Decent game so far. Gardyne has been immense, whilst Welsh and Allardice are dominating the midfield so far.

We will have the strong wind behind us in the second half. Interesting that Ayr switched ends after winning the toss to have the wind advantage in the first half. 

Edited by Robert
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I agree, we’ve been gone better team and deserve to be ahead, but this game is not win and Ayr have created some chances.

We need to maintain our performance for the second half.

Killie losing at half time. 

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23 minutes ago, Robert said:

We will have the strong wind behind us in the second half.

Ridgers to score, maybe?  More seriously, I hope we continue to try to play a close game, and don't just lob the ball downwind.

There is an argument in favour of playing into the wind - it forces you to play a tight, controlled game.

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