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The What Are You Listening To? Thread


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Oh and Kayne West is a gimp.

As for people going through/not going through things would it not be the case that if someone hasn't gone through something then they really shouldn't be writing about it as they have no idea what the experience has done to people. They wouldn't understand the pressures of situations, the reprecussions of actions etc. especially over really sensitive issues such as say self harm, suicide and anorexia.

You get some random who has not experienced any of that suddenly singing about these topics simply because there is a niche for selling records under these kinds of topics then that is a bit of an insult to those who actually went through something or knew someone who did isn't it.

Again not sure if that makes sense but my feeling would be if you haven't experienced don't write about it. You will never be able to portray the experiences of someone who did accurately and might even write a whole heap of crap about a subject you know sod all about. Those that have been through the horrors of self harm, battling anorexia or recovering after savage break ups should be the ones to write about them as they know the full scale of these situations and will be able to create a much better picture of the scenario through song and lyrics.

Just my opinion though.

And it's good that in amongst some of the spam postings ( :wink: ) there is actually musical discussion.

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I see what your saying but in my book if people are going to push rap music into this genre they want it to be, about guns and drugs etc becase they don't like it, and then when a rapper comes along that they do like like Kanye West and they change the rules just for him then i'm sorry but he's not a proper rapper in my book if he can't fit in to the stereotyped rapper portrayed by all the people who just don't know what they are talking about.

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IMO Kanye West is probably the best thing in 'rap' just now. At least you can make out almost every word in his songs! Maybe it's a good thing he doesn't fit into this 'stereotype' of not being from a poor background etc, as compared to most 'rap' music i hear, he doesn't neccessarily go on about the same things that most 'rappers' seem too in almost every song and thats what makes him stand out for me.

Firefight - Manic Street Preachers, from the brilliant 'God Save The Manics' EP

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seems a bit strange to me! Read numerous reports on the 'shootings' that 50 cent was the 'victim' of alledging that they didnt happen or that it was pellets, and he goes on about how he was 'shot' regularly.

Repeat (Stars&Stripes) - Manic Street Preachers

and now

Little Baby Nothing - Manic Street Preachers

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I like all the Manic's stuff, even TIMTTMY and KYE


10 Storey Love Song - The Stone Roses

Suprisingly I like Know Your Enemy and even like Lifeblood. Not a huge fan of This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours. I do like If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next, S.Y.M.M and Nobody Loved You. But that's really about it. I hate, and I mean hate!, The Everlasting.

Generation Terrorists is my favourite album musically but lyrically I can't look beyond The Holy Bible. 4st 7lb is such a lyrically brilliant song as is Of Walking Abortion. It's just brilliant. Gold Against The Soul was pretty decent I thought and I never really got the whole hype around Everything Must Go. There are some cracking songs on the album but I honestly think that they had surpassed that with some of their earlier work.

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:lol: Banjo music? If you're referring to music in which people can play instruments and you can actually fathom out the lyrics, then yes I shall return to it! Banjo music? Haha, I've heard indie being referred to as many things but never banjo music... I like it! :lol:

We Are Scientists - The Great Escape

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