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After our poor start to the season, certain players seem to be getting it in the neck. I just wonder what everyones opinion is about Rossco. Certain people seem to be desperate to drop him. I however feel he is one of our most consistent performers. His commitment, determination and drive are never less than 100%. I think he has risen to the occasion each season, after always being written off as not good enough for div 2, div 1 then premier league.

People are harsh, calling his attacking play many derisory names, whereas i see him as one of our best attacking plal makers. How many times has he bust a gut to swing in a telling cross. The few times ive seen us fail to impose ourselves in an attacking manner this season tend to be games where he has also been told not to cross the halfway line.

He must be one of the fittest players in the premier league and in my opinion would make a better captain than Munro.

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i'm quite happy with roscoe too,  think our problems in defence lay elsewhere and agree that his attacking play has been a joy to watch at times although it can leave us short at the back at times but you cant have it all ways. he's had a couple of mistakes i could think of, v rangers for example but he'd be my first pick at the back. not sure how fit he is, he always looks ready to keel over when he goes on his runs and the last time i seen him  :011:  :011: nuff said. anyway dont think he has lungs, is he not made of titanium?

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It is easy to criticise players from the stands. Rossco has made some biggish errors this season but epitomises the spirit of a Roy Aitken. Last night he was really up for it and I thought played very well.

If we analyse players who made mistakes last night some stand out in journalists reports. But when Denis missed chances to bury the ball, or Russell failed to beat Langfield were these errors? Marius had a golden opportunity to head a simple goal but it was cleared off the line. Was this a mistake? When Cowie failed to pick out a player in the box was this a disaster that lost us the game? Technically I think the answer to these questions is yes. However, if you are an attacker you are not slated for your errors. 

Granty probably got Michael dropped by his punt from the byline although Mikey might in future let such a bad backpass just go for a corner. This time last year Clangers was making the same mistakes as a keeper. 10 pints later, a blazing argument with his Manager, weeks on the bench he is a bettter player.

I actually thought Grant had a good game last night. He is nevertheless struggling with the responsibility of being the captain. Rossco might struggle likewise. On last night's performance Russell would make a good choice if Craig decides to freshen things up.

Again from last night, did Brewster make a tactical error by not bringing on Marius for Barry much earlier. It might have resulted in a quicker breakthrough and prevented us being strateched at the back for the fourth.

All this aside, it is damage limitation at Ibrox this Saturday and before we get carried away with our 4-0 win against Gretna, we need Rossco for the relegation fight. Falkirk are likely to beat Gretna this Saturday and we will bob just in front of Gretna with some difficult games to come - all!

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I have taken FOUR different peeps to games this season from darkest Lancashire - and they all have said that Cafu was the main feckin man. It is just that this year he has been caught out more than usual - IMHO the reason is no Dods or Mann to provide the intelligent cover - although he is making more gaffes as well.

The big feckin problem is that I wouldnt give the feckin band to any of the cnuts - now that does worry me - and who is to blame ?

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