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Is Brew still the right man for the job?


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The success Brew enjoyed early on had more to do with his playing skills than his managerial skills... that coupled with an ability to motivate those around him whilst on the pitch...

It would probably be fair to suggest the Dons are missing him on the field just about as much as we are....

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I thought this was a supporters site?

So many of you delight in slagging off individual players, directors and our manager.

If you don't want to support the club then maybe you should stay away from this page and amuse yourself in some other way. I could make a few suggestions if that would help.

Brewster is a good young manager and he has made a positive impact during his very short time in charge.

Now, how about getting behind him and supporting the club?

What gives you the right to tell people to stay away from this or any other website just because you disagree with their views ?

This IS, always has been and always will be a supporters site and the conversation on here is no different to many conversations you might hear in the stands during a game or in cars or pubs after the game. The only difference is that here it is written down for a wider audience to see.

Over the years we have seen thousands of posters come and go - some always positive, some always negative and some who give out balanced opinions on both sides. When things are going well people come on and praise the team and likewise when things are not so good the post-mortems begin. In fact, as the club climbed the leagues, the board of directors, wanting to keep in touch with the fans were even happy to name us as the official club site for nearly 5 years.

There were many factors that precipitated this site's (amicable) reversion to unofficial (fanzine) status and from my side one of the main ones was the plain and simple fact that when the club was promoted to the SPL they were going to be under intense scrutiny for absolutely anything that was posted on "their" website and the forums would have to have been either closed down or censored so severely that it would amount to the same thing. I did not want this as I have always tried to allow people to post their opinions with the minimum amount of intervention from the site "owners".

Some posters may not agree with the amount of moderating that happens (although it is a lot less than some believe) but whether the post is full of praise or highly critical, we will not stop people from debating their varying points of view with other posters unless it happens to break one of the rules we have established over the last 14 seasons.

The club, players and management dont always get things right and I would suggest to you that if you are one of those head in the sand "everything's always perfect", "the club can do no wrong", and "if you criticise you are not a real supporter" kinds of people then it is you who should consider staying away from the page so that others can have a balanced debate !

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Guest WynessLegend


So basically what you are saying is that if your opinion of ICT is in any way negative you shouldn't post on here?

I prefer positive suggestions to negative comments.

We are all entitled to post the occasional negative comment - but for many on here it has become a way of life.

The only certainty in life is that we will all die.

The only certainty with the current SPL set up is that, one day, ICT will be relegated.

Let's just enjoy the ride while we can.

When the mangerial position becomes vacant we all have our prferences and dreams about who will take over.

Brewster has made a positive contribution to this club since returning - I am happy about that and will give him my full backing.

To call for his head at this stage is mindless.

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I prefer positive suggestions to negative comments.

We are all entitled to post the occasional negative comment - but for many on here it has become a way of life.

It goes both ways though. There will also be a time when the "Happy Clappers" flood the site praising everything about the club and this forum becomes swamped with positive comments instead of negative ones. It just so happens right now, because of recent results, that things are more negative and downbeat and it's not exactly hard to figure out why that is.

When the mangerial position becomes vacant we all have our preferences and dreams about who will take over.

Brewster has made a positive contribution to this club since returning - I am happy about that and will give him my full backing.

To call for his head at this stage is mindless.

The key part of your post here is that you say you are happy. That doesn't make it universally sound that he has made a good impact. It's your opinion and yours only. Others will have a different opinion. It's a supporters forum where people post their thoughts and it is highly unlikely everyone will share the same view. If you cannot accept that and discredit peoples opinions simply for being too negative and not agreeing with your own then perhaps it is yourself that needs to step away from this site.

Anything else that needs to be said has been covered in Scottys post above.

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What gives you the right to tell people to stay away from this or any other website just because you disagree with their views ?

This IS, always has been and always will be a supporters site and the conversation on here is no different to many conversations you might hear in the stands during a game or in cars or pubs after the game. The only difference is that here it is written down for a wider audience to see.

Spot on Scotty. Everyone who supports ICT is entitled to air their opinions on this forum, whether they be positive, negative or indifferent. There will always be conflicts, that's life.

Were it not for this forum, how would a disgruntled fan make his feelings known to those that run the club? Ring up Bennett and give him an earful? Don't think that's going to happen. This is the platform for the fans (unofficial shareholders of the company) to make their feelings known to those that run the club, and long may it continue.

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I thought this was a supporters site?

So many of you delight in slagging off individual players, directors and our manager.

If you don't want to support the club then maybe you should stay away from this page and amuse yourself in some other way. I could make a few suggestions if that would help.

Brewster is a good young manager and he has made a positive impact during his very short time in charge.

Now, how about getting behind him and supporting the club?

Don't ever f***in tell me I don't support ICT.

Somebody asked the question re brewster - others are merely answering it.

If you don't like people not having the same opinion as you then stay away from football altogether.

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Think its time to come down from your high horse wynesslegend.

I thought this was a supporters site?

So many of you delight in slagging off individual players, directors and our manager.

If you don't want to support the club then maybe you should stay away from this page and amuse yourself in some other way. I could make a few suggestions if that would help.

Have you yourslef not been slagging off tokely for weeks prior to his sending off?

I thought Fraser was as poor as ever. His "attempt" to save the third goal was shocking and his positioning throughout the game was dreadful.

I agree however that the suspension of Bayne and Tokely is a boost.

You have also said you are glad that he will be be suspended as he will no longer be in the team. Hardly the words of a supportive supporter.

The majority of views on here re Brewster are negative simply because he as failed to show any knowledge or ability as a manager. as a player yes,  but not a manager.

If you don't like what peopl are posting i suggest you should be the one to look for an alternative leisure pursuit.

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A resounding NO from me. How we could take him back after blatantly using our club as a 'stepping stone', and after his abysmal record at United, is just beyond me. I was extremely hacked off at Ibrox, he seemed scared to make a substitution! When he did eventually make them, it was far too late to have an impact on the game. I just didn't understand some of his decisions, ie. taking Black off.

However, I am pleased that finally, he has realised that Ross Tokely is a disgrace. Too slow, too clumsy and too much of a liability to the team. He'd look more at home in a wrestling ring. Congratulations Brew.

Having said this, I am a firm believer in giving new managers time. Let's just wait and see who he buys, if anyone, in January.

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Is Brew still the right man for the job?

Like a number of people on here I didn't think he was when he was appointed, but he's in the job now and I'll be happy at the end of the season to say I was wrong if he turns things around. He does have a lot of work to do if that's to be the case though, starting with finding a solution to the defensive problems

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A very good point troublegum, when Christie resigned and Brewster was tipped as the favourite for the job over 85% of those who voted on the site poll didn't view Brewster as "The right man for the job".

A better approach to the subject might be, "Who has changed their mind?" and "Have you moved from the Yes to No camp or vice versa?"

Opinion seemed to be slightly swayed at the thought of "Brewster the Player" may bring more than "Brewster the Manager"

As has been noted, his impact on arrival seemed to be immediately positive.  Some have put this down to "Brewster the player" but he has only played 151 minutes of football for ICT since his return...hardly a valid "sample" with which to judge his impact on the park.

I don't actually think we have played particularly poorly in most of our games since his return, it seems to be the inability to change the tactics/formation as needed that is letting us down.  Aberdeen in the cup was a dire result, but over the 90 minutes we played some decent football, the same with the result away to Rangers.  OK, Motherwell was an absolute disaster from start to finish, but that's only one game.

I wasn't for bringing Brewster back, but I think we have to stay off his back just a little longer to give him a chance to rise or fall by his own hand.  Be that sorting out tactics or dealing with whatever else is going on behind the scenes that might be having an influence I don't know....but as I said already...for me the jury is still out.

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Is Brew still the right man for the job?

Nope.  Never was.

I've spent the last couple of months sitting back and waiting to see how things turned out, without saying anything (positive or negative) about Mr Brewster, and hoping that my fears about him being reappointed were unfounded.  However, I have SERIOUS concerns about the way things are going, and although I believe in giving managers time to do their jobs, I really don't know how much longer we can afford to take the risk of leaving him in charge.  Sure, he might bring in some brilliant new signings in January to turn our season around, as some people here are hoping, but I don't feel optimistic about this.  Added to this, his apparent lack of tactical awareness, his inability (or unwillingness) to make effective substitutions and the way the team seems to have fallen to pieces in recent weeks are all giving me a very bad feeling about the rest of the season.

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1. For 6 months to keep us up, it wouldn't be a bad thing.  I would prefer a young, long term answer but I am not sure that we will have that option.  How old is Brewster?

2. He may have said no once but that is not the be all and end all.

3. Lets wait and see.

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1. For 6 months to keep us up, it wouldn't be a bad thing.  I would prefer a young, long term answer but I am not sure that we will have that option.  How old is Brewster?

2. He may have said no once but that is not the be all and end all.

3. Lets wait and see.

fair enough ... on all three  :004:

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Whether or not he is right for the job remains to be seen. I was never supportive of his return but I will support him whilst he's here.

Brew took over at a time when this team, and indeed club, appears to be in some sort of turmoil and I dont believe he is totally to blame for what is happening of late. Rumours of unrest from chairman down, indicipline on the park, players allegedly walking out of the stadium before game ends.


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Guest WynessLegend

I thought this was a supporters site?

So many of you delight in slagging off individual players, directors and our manager.

If you don't want to support the club then maybe you should stay away from this page and amuse yourself in some other way. I could make a few suggestions if that would help.

Brewster is a good young manager and he has made a positive impact during his very short time in charge.

Now, how about getting behind him and supporting the club?

What gives you the right to tell people to stay away from this or any other website just because you disagree with their views ?

This IS, always has been and always ......................etc etc etc ....yawn

I have every right to post what I want.

I'm just saying that a more positive slant would be a nice change from the standard miserable drivel many posters seem to thrive on.

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Guest WynessLegend

I thought this was a supporters site?

So many of you delight in slagging off individual players, directors and our manager.

If you don't want to support the club then maybe you should stay away from this page and amuse yourself in some other way. I could make a few suggestions if that would help.

Brewster is a good young manager and he has made a positive impact during his very short time in charge.

Now, how about getting behind him and supporting the club?

Don't ever f***in tell me I don't support ICT.

If you get a grown up to read my post to you you will note that I did not suggest you do not support ICT.

And don't you swear at me, even with asterisks!

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Guest WynessLegend

Think its time to come down from your high horse wynesslegend.

Have you yourslef not been slagging off tokely for weeks prior to his sending off?

No, I have not been slagging off Tokely. I once suggested that his adventurous runs up the wing can at times leave us exposed in defence.

I have criticised Michael Fraser. I do not believe he has what it takes to

be a goalkeeper of any real quality.

I have also praised many members of the squad and training staff.

I am not saying we should be 100% positive 100% of the time. I just feel that the regular little crew who populate this page should be positive from time to time.

I also feel they should be a little less insecure when someone suggests they adopt a different approach.

Now get over it and move on.

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I have every right to post what I want.

And so does everybody else

I'm just saying that a more positive slant would be a nice change from the standard miserable drivel many posters seem to thrive on.

And I think a bit of reality is better than the unthinking happy clappy drivel that some people seem intent on boring the rest of us with....

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Guest WynessLegend

Very good.

Interesting that someone should think positive comments are too dull for this stimulating site.

As you rightly say, we are all entitled to our views.

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This thread and maybe this Forum is beginning to sound a little like what is happening with the team--seems to be falling apart rather than being cohesive. People getting too personal and nasty,  pseudo swearing and so on. Let's have some civility please.

To point out what you perceive to be a fault or as something that needs to be improved is a positive comment, not a negative one.

But just to girn simply because you are disappointed in the way things have gone to date and then keep on girning for the sake of it to somehow assuage your own negative feelings is a pain in the Irish.

I think the fact that Brewster seems to be better on the park and has a recognised excellent football brain will always be too much of a contrast to his pedantic, often stumbling, after-match interviews and the related perception that he is a poorer Manager than he is  a player.

But why not now just give the guy a break for a couple of months more?

C,monnnnnnn. :029:

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