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Whats your all time top 5 fave....MOVIES


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Jeez thats a tough one... seen a few good films over the years..

Not really in order, but

One flew over the cukoos nest

Shawshank redemption

Great Expectations ( john mills)

The Matrix

Lock stock and two....

lots more.

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Pay it forward

The ring

Walk the line

The Untouchables

6th Sense

Just shows that as people we are fickle. My fav manager of ICT changes as often as the moon but we can only work with what we've got, Sorry Craig but you're not in there yet. Good luck Craig, there are some here who still believe in you and you're proving them right. More power to you. Get us into the CIS final and top 6 by Xmas and I'll back you up til you go to a bigger team.

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1. Lord of the Rings - Trilogy

2. The Longest Day

3. National Lampoon Christmas Vacation ( if you have not seen get it - hilarious )

4. The Third Man

5. Lawrence of Arabia

Tempted to put in Greyfriars Bobby - first film I ever saw at the old Playhouse many moons ago. My kids today love it!

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1. Lord of the Rings - Trilogy

2. The Longest Day

3. National Lampoon Christmas Vacation ( if you have not seen get it - hilarious )

4. The Third Man

5. Lawrence of Arabia

Tempted to put in Greyfriars Bobby - first film I ever saw at the old Playhouse many moons ago. My kids today love it!

Aye the early version of Greyfriars Bobby's a lovely film

Any film with Harrison Ford when he's looking mean & moody MMMMmmmm

Oh aye & Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard


Cinderella man

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Heck ... what a choice to make ... I am going to cheat a little by choosing a few that are a "series" of films.

  1. Virtually any James Bond film (especially with Connery, Brosnan, Craig or even Lazenby, not so much with Moore or Dalton). If I had to pick just one, then surprisingly it might be Die Another Day from 2002 which was Bond 20 and contained many subtle and not so subtle references to the previous 19 films. Halle Berry in a bikini also helped. I also like Daniel Craig and hope he might do a few more as his appearances seem to be more in line with the grittiness of Connery's version of Bond than the true awfulness of Moore.
  2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy. whether you like the story or not, the films are stunning.
  3. Star Wars Parts I-VI. OK so phantom menace wasnt exactly awe inspiring but taken together this set of 6 films is almost as imaginative as Lord of the Rings and raised bar for space movies.
  4. Braveheart. Not exactly a total masterpiece but as a patriotic Scotsman I like watching this film.
  5. Dark Knight. I really enjoyed this film. It seems you either love it or hate it. I am firmly in the love it camp.
Honourable mentions must go to other films like: City of God (and City of Men), Apocalypto, Silence of the Lambs, Matrix Trilogy, Alien + sequels, Chinatown, French Connection, Monty Python films, Saving Private Ryan, 2001 Space Odyssey, Jaws, Ringu (original Japanese version), Green Mile, Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum ......

I could go on (and on and on) but I wont. Lets just say, I like films and have seen a ****load of good ones that I think are excellent.

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Off the top of my head

1. Inside Man (2006 - Clive Owen / Denzel Washington) - classic heist movie

2. Fallen (1998 - Denzel Washinton / John Goodman) - classic thriller movie

3. The Big Lebowski (1998 - Jeff Bridges / John Goodman) - classic dude movie

4. Snatch (2000 - everybody) - just classic classic

5. In Bruges (2008 - Brendan Gleeson / Colin Farrell) - only cause I watched it last week

Also JUNO is a must if you haven't already seen it....excellent soundtrack.... :rotflmao:

Good call on Shawshank Redemption - up there I believe with the all-time greats in current US movie polls....

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12 Angry Men nearly made it into my list, along with another classic B&W movie....Wages of fear. The Big Lebowski almost made it also...but was edged out of comedy spot by Spinal Tap

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Couldn't really give a top 5 as there is just too many to mention so did a top 10 (14 if you count all the films individually) :rotflmao:

1. Star Wars trilogy (IV,V,VI)

2. Lord Of The Rings trilogy

3. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

4. Shawshank Redemption

5. Saving Private Ryan

6. Goldfinger

7. Aliens

8. Monty Python's Quest For The Holy Grail

9. Planet Of The Apes (original)

10. Pulp Fiction

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1.Pulp Fiction

2.Star Wars

3.Empire Strikes Back

4.Return of the Jedi

5.Restless Natives


7.Kill Bill

Restless Natives...what a film, love that movie.

my top five:

Donnie Darko



The Green Mile

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

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1.Pulp Fiction

2.Star Wars

3.Empire Strikes Back

4.Return of the Jedi

5.Restless Natives


7.Kill Bill

Restless Natives...what a film, love that movie.

my top movies:

Donnie Darko



The Green Mile

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Sixteen Candles

Weird Science

Breakfast Club

Christmas Vocation

Europeon Vocation

Dark Knight

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1.Pulp Fiction

2.Star Wars

3.Empire Strikes Back

4.Return of the Jedi

5.Restless Natives


7.Kill Bill

Restless Natives...what a film, love that movie.

my top five:

Donnie Darko



The Green Mile

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Restless Natives

Awesome soundtrack to this movie. Was anyone on here present at the filming.......there's a couple o' hibees about 1min.50 secs in !! :rotflmao:

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Restless Natives

Awesome soundtrack to this movie. Was anyone on here present at the filming.......there's a couple o' hibees about 1min.50 secs in !! :rotflmao:

Indeed .. another good film and one of many that seemed to pop-up in the early 80s courtesy of Bill forsyth which also included "that sinking feeling", "comfort and joy", "gregory's girl" and "local hero" .....


Thinking of low budget films I enjoyed, it also put me in mind of one from channel 4 called "The Chain" ... a Jack Rosenthal effort about 7 different people moving house and involved in the same chain.


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