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What were you doing the night JFK was shot?


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I remember that night so well. We were watching Tonight at home and Gerald Priestland came on from Washington to say Kennedy had been shot in Dallas.

Remember too the That Was The Week That Was programme on Kennedy. I think that was on Saturday night quite late but I was allowed to stay up to watch it.

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I was on a different floor of the book depository with a different rifle. My friend from the Cuba section of the CIA was on the grassy knoll. The next day I grabbed the gun from Jack Ruby and shot Lee Harvey Oswald. :015:

Seriously, though, I was swimming in a Life Boys gala at the old baths. I finished my race and walked round to my mother who told me "President Kennedy has been shot and killed."

I heard that Bobby Kennedy had been assasinated when I was drinking a 1/3 pint bottle of free school milk in the quad at Inverness Royal Academy at interval.

I learned that Teddy Kennedy had driven his car off the bridge at Chappaquidick with Mary Jo Kopechne on board whilst watching TV in my parents' house in Dores Avenue......

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