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Jack McConnell - top bloke?

Row S

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I don't go out of my way to see England lose, if my team isn't playing I'll take it on a game by game basis as to who I support. For instance if England were playing Turkey I would support England as Turkey is a ******** of a country populated by sleazy b@stards. Can't think off the top of my head anyone else I would support England against but the pont is ITS MY CHOICE who I support, its a football tournament ffs!

And as far as I can remember, JM did not say he wanted to see England lose, he said he didn't see why he should be forced into supporting them. Which is absolutely fair, its his choice.

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Who said JM wanted to see England lose? All the guy said was he would be following T&T.

Your just grasping at straws now in an attempt to justify your arrogant "Everyone should Support England" stance.

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Your all correct he never said he wanted to see england lose, but it is pretty clear what he meant. And as for my 'arrogant stance' i don't want everyone to support England. My posts have said that you should support your own country and not take bias views against countrys for lets face it what has happened in the past, not everyone support England. Fair do's to you Mee support it game by game but i'm just expressing my view that JM is a ****. Although he never said it, it was clear what he meant.

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Who anyone supports is their own choice and own business.

I'm Scottish so I could support the team with 8 scottish based players.

I'm British so I could support a team from the British Commonwealth.

I'm European so I have an even greater choice.

I'm a citizen of the world so I've increased my choice even further.

What a dillemma.

As to racism, who is the racist? Jack MacConnell for saying he wont support England in the world cup or the english reporter who asked the question in the first place?

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Jnr this site is predominantly frequented by fans of a Scottish league team based in (shock horror) the Highlands of..... wait for it now.... Scotland.

What feckin reaction did you expect from the majority of people who use this site? If you expected most people to cheer on engerlund then you've a lot to learn about how engerlund are percieved by fans of the majority of countries - not just the Scots.

You're beggining to sound like a Jehovah's witness or some other sort of irritating preacher who seems to think we should all share thier views and we are wrong if we don't. It's getting tiresome. I suggest if you want to bang on about how great engerlund are at football then find a forum more suitable.

As an aside I used to be a follower of Leicester City and used to go to games when I first moved down here until I experienced english football supporters first hand now I care not a jot for them - I wonder how much your view will change when you have the pleasure?

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Jnr this site is predominantly frequented by fans of a Scottish league team based in (shock horror) the Highlands of..... wait for it now.... Scotland.

What feckin reaction did you expect from the majority of people who use this site? If you expected most people to cheer on engerlund then you've a lot to learn about how engerlund are percieved by fans of the majority of countries - not just the Scots.

You're beggining to sound like a Jehovah's witness or some other sort of irritating preacher who seems to think we should all share thier views and we are wrong if we don't. It's getting tiresome. I suggest if you want to bang on about how great engerlund are at football then find a forum more suitable.

As an aside I used to be a follower of Leicester City and used to go to games when I first moved down here until I experienced english football supporters first hand now I care not a jot for them - I wonder how much your view will change when you have the pleasure?

At what point did i say you should all support England? At what point did i say how great England were? Of course i expected that reaction from the Scottish based fans, does that mean i have to follow the majority and be a sheep and not have my say?

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Having perused and digested the comments on this thread I can only conclude that the sentiments that the majority of posters are trying to convey to Internet Jnr can be summarised as: Feck aff ya gloating, over the top, arrogant wee English **** and ya have no feckin chance of winning the World Cup. :015: :015: :015: :015:

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Booooo england smells of wee wee and poops!! and farts too!

Very eloquently put laura...

Why are we being slagged off by the English for not getting behind their crapo team? Plenty of animosity down there anyway....Newcastle fans can't stand the sight of Sunderland fans...Spurs fans hate Arsenal fans Man U hates Man City - I could go on & on....

Why the feck should we all get behind Ingerland? p1ss 0ff.... :016: :016:

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Who anyone supports is their own choice and own business.

I'm Scottish so I could support the team with 8 scottish based players.

I'm British so I could support a team from the British Commonwealth.

I'm European so I have an even greater choice.

I'm a citizen of the world so I've increased my choice even further.

What a dillemma.

Alex, you are talking sense. I don't think anyone here, Jnr included, would say that you actually HAVE to support anyone. It's totally your own choice.

Getting back to our FM, what he actually said wasn't in itself racist, but chosing to take an anti-English stance that he knew would make him more popular COULD be considered racist. I personally don't want England to win the World Cup, but if I was FM, I would keep my personal opinions to myself.

As for England's 'arrogance', how many English people do you know personally that 'expect' England to win the World Cup and are not on the wind-up? Don't confuse people with all the newspapers and TV coverage that has to be sensational to sell. The English press will always say "England will win the World Cup" and the Scottish press will always say "The English are arrogant", but we shouldn't be so easily manipulated to just accept these ideas unquestioningly.

Finally, Mee, what happened to you on holiday that made you think of Turkey as "a ******** of a country populated by sleazy b@stards"?! Surely some time spent in therapy or reading Orhan Pamuk would help you work through your issues?

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Finally, Mee, what happened to you on holiday that made you think of Turkey as "a ******** of a country populated by sleazy b@stards"?! Surely some time spent in therapy or reading Orhan Pamuk would help you work through your issues?

Shows you should be careful of what assumptions you make, I wasn't on holiday in Turkey.

Getting back to our FM, what he actually said wasn't in itself racist, but chosing to take an anti-English stance that he knew would make him more popular COULD be considered racist.

What a load of bollox. If you're thick enough to think that support for country A is racism for country B then you clearly don't deserve to have an opinion. Folk are sure showing their true colours on this thread aren't they? :006:

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Are the English not the same race as us? therefore you cant be racist towards them .....xenophobic perhaps, but no racist

Anyways ehm supportin Sweden coz the burdz are smashing ...spose ehm sexist and shallow .....eh can live wi that

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That's strange! Out of everyone who posts on here I would have thought a below average intelligence Rangers fan would be supporting England! :001:

Hope you weren't referring to Me, Mee... I am below average intelligence, granted, but I'm certainly not a Rangrs fan....

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Having perused and digested the comments on this thread I can only conclude that the sentiments that the majority of posters are trying to convey to Internet Jnr can be summarised as: Feck aff ya gloating, over the top, arrogant wee English **** and ya have no feckin chance of winning the World Cup. :015: :015: :015: :015:


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I might actually support England up until the moment when John Motson mentions 1966 and Geoff Hurst - when that point arrives - and it won't take long - I won't give a sh*t who the feck beats them......

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To dismiss Turkey as "an ******** of a country" and its entire population as "sleazy b@stards" is very racist indeed, and not very well advised! Ironic that you should refer to others as of "below average intelligence" and come out with a remark like that!

However, I can't find any truly racist comments about England in this thread.

Having lived and worked in England (and Turkey!!), and with English people abroad, I can honestly say I've got absolutely no problem with English people and England as a nation. Some of my best friends have been English.

However, I will not be supporting England in this World Cup campaign. Scotland is the small, put-upon, oppressed nation and we naturally don't want to see our larger neighbours succeed where we have failed. They are the auld enemy. I really, really DON'T want England to win the World Cup ever again.

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Bucket : How dare you suggest "our Mee" is below average intelligence. Her posts on this site are always well worth reading.

I would not argue with her comments on Turkey. Why don't you tell the your fecking Turkish friends to get the feck out of Cyprus.... :018: :018:

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Cheers Johnboy, nice can of worms you've got there :001:

Buckett, I didn't say Turkey's entire population were sleazy b@stards, I said it was populated by sleazy b@stards. I didn't get to meet any of the local Turkish women as their lazy sleazy b@stard husbands had them dressed head to foot in black working in the fields all day while they lazed about in cafes smoking and being sleazy. Thats away from the resorts, in the tourist areas we were in all the men seemed to think white women were fair game and weren't shy about keeping their hands to themselves, Or trying to buy us. Or trying to sell us babies. Fecking ******** of a country populated by sleazy b@stards as I said.

The few Turks Ive met who live in Scotland have been totally reasonable and not at all sleazy, but I still wouldn't support them at football :011:

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Guest Bonzo

God help us!

What next?

Will some of you be saying the Scottish Parliament was a good idea?

The Scottish dog says "Come on England!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to agree with that CD. Although I'd like to see my country do well its the media hype that really gets my goat too. There are times I want my country to screw it up just to see those media types crawl back under their shells.

Sorry for this late reaction : I'm a slow reader.....

Gringo : I never realised you had a goat...... What are they like? Do they put up more of a fight than our beautiful Highland sheep? Do any of your friends get on your goat?    :004: :004:

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