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Ict -v- Falkirk : Cup Day Thread


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Pretty much at least matching Falkirk with only 10 men. Hopeful for the rest of the season. Hastings back in for Killie might be to our advantage as they tend to play on the deck. It's good to have competition for places at last.

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That was the worst refereed game i have ever seen in my life. It was terrible. Darren Barr shouldnt of being sent off he should of being arrested for assault. It was absolutely disgusting what he did. He should be ashamed of himself. If thats what football is turning into heaven help us. We should have won that game with the chances we had. It was a stupid mistake by Lionel. Falkirk are a bunch of cheats. Everytime a caley player went up for a header they were pushed and shoved all over the place. The ref didnt have a clue. He wouldnt know what violent conduct was even if it jumped up and slapped him in the face. I thought caley played very well considering they were playing with 10 men. The way caley played you would think it was Falkirk that were down to 10 men. At the end of the day their still bottom of the league. Now caley can just totally concentrate on the league. Falkirk can win all the cup games they like its not going to change the league.

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Just back from the Steve Conroy show. This joke of a referee actually managed to outdo Mike McCurry in terms of farcical decisions. He lost control from the word go, and gave the impression that the only way to concede a free kick was to commit grievous bodily harm.

As a consequence our guys were getting bumped and whacked all over the shop; Steven Pressley had his hands on our players so often you could have put him on the Sex Offenders Register. Not only that, but he managed to come to the conclusion that Barr's headbutt (it looked pretty damn blatant even from 50 yards away) was only worth a yellow card, and that exaggerating being head butted (I think if you get butted you are entitled to make a meal of it) was also worth a yellow for Duncan.

Most Scottish officials are to football what Fred Goodwin is to banking.

Ironically, the only decision he got right all day was the penalty - completely blatant and completely pointless. LDZ was in tears coming off, and he gets no sympathy from me at all because it was utterly, utterly stupid. Despite being 10 v 12 we battled to a man in the second half, but we just couldn't get the rub of the green. Their keeper made a stunning stop from Foran late on, matched only by the save he made from Rossco in the first half.

Frustrating, frustrating, frustrating. Apparently Gordon Smith was at the game today; surely the referee's performance will not have passed him by? Certainly if we continue to get officials like Conroy and McCurry I am going to end up with one hell of a case of laryngitis...

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I don't want to even mention the ref. The main thing from this game i thought was how bad are Falkirk? Esson was barely troubled at all. We defended really well throughout and a stupid mistake has cost us (again!) although I feel Esson perhaps could have got the ball. We just couldn't get a break although we dominated from the minute Lionel was sent off.

Not too bothered, usually the team that gets relegated does well in the cup so hopefully Falkirk win it!

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You'd have never known it was us with the 10 men. We dominated the game, and should've at least got a replay. Their keeper won it for them, he made at least 4 excellent saves, wheras I can't remember Esson having to do anything. As said above, the ref was a complete joke, and how so few Falkirk players weren't booked for persistent fouling is a mystery.

The penalty was as clear as any you'll see. Lionel is a tool, he had no need to do what he did. Get McBain back at left back and keep him there for the rest of the season.

As gutting as it is to go out, I'll take the victory in two weeks over a cup win anyday. And on todays evidence we can go there and get the 3 points no problem.

They can put us out of the cups, we'll put them out of the league :rotflmao:

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The ICT rollercoaster ride continues. After the high's of Wednesday we come crashing back down to Earth today.

Once we went down to 10 men the writing was on the wall as we could have played all day and not scored!!

Might be an idea to have a vote as to who were the worst players today as I'm struggling to think of 3 of our side who played well.

LDZ will carry the can by many for this defeat and the penalty he gave away was incredibly stupid but honourable mentions go to the poor displays from Munro, Imrie, Morais, Duncan & Pavels today all of which were p**s poor!

Still this leaves us to concentrate on the league and I'm hoping for a much improved display against Killie

Edited by kencar
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I thought we were pretty unlucky today, overall we dominated most of the game but nothing fell for us in front of goal. Falkirk didn't really cause us any problems, we shot ourselves in the foot with a needless defensive error today which ultimately cost us the game. The referee wasn't great but I didn't think he was as bad as some are making out, certainly not as bad as the tube we had against motherwell.

Not sure what Lionel was thinking when he tugged the Falkirk players shirt in the box, there was no need. To be fair he looked a little out of sorts after he'd been assaulted a few minutes earlier (I think he was punched in the face, didn't see it clearly) which started a mele. The red card was extremely harsh, even Yogi thought so. I'm sure the Lionel knockers will get stuck in but I think after how well he's played recently he shouldn't be chastised too much. Munro and Esson were guilty against Motherwell and came back strongly against rangers in midweek.

I'm not that fussed about going out of the cup to be honest. A day out at Hampden would have been good craic but at least we can focus 100% on the league now. The Bairns fans can jump up and down and make as many 'get it right up ye' gestures as they like tonight, they're still bottom of the league and haven't gained any ground on us. From what I saw today we can go down to their patch in a few weeks with lots of confidence. They always fall to pieces when we push big men up the park and go route 1. We should play like that from the first minute next time we play them.

Edited by dead_ball_specialist
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Some people need to cut the guys who give away penaltys some slack.

Yes it sucks, yes it shouldn't have happened but we have to account for human error! After all it happens all the time.

Just remember it was someone elses stupid mistake that got us off the bottom of the league.

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I feel absolutely gutted :thumb04:, Atmosphere was decent 2 start off with but Zadi soon put a dampener on that! Granty's "long throws" p1ssed me off 2day aswell as him lashing the ball up the pitch whenever he could :rotflmao: and the ref was a knob

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The penalty and the sending off changed the whole complexion of the game.

I have some sympathy for Lionel as i felt Esson should have come out to gather the ball and with Finnigan lurking i don't think Lionel had much choice.

Imrie was frustrating, Duncan was his usual poor passing self and we had to put up with yet another host of ridiculous refereeing decisions. How an earth was Darren Barr not red carded?. He nutted Duncan on the pitch, we all saw it and by the looks of it even the linesman saw it so why wasn't he sent packing????? I can only think that if he had gone we may have got an equaliser.

Hats off to Dani Mallo though, he made a couple of outstanding saves throughout the game. Only positive to come from this is we only have one objective now.....remain in the Premier League.

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