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Kyle Allison


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i dont care who Allison supports, he plays for ICT so should get our support- Simple as that.

maybe you thugs should have a go at Imrie because he's a Gers fan...oh! pity you didnt get a chance to hurl your neaderthal musings at Ian Black being a Jambo

your a bloody disgrace to this club

wooah there nelly.. read the thread it's not just about who he supports

i dont care who Allison supports, he plays for ICT so should get our support- Simple as that.

maybe you thugs should have a go at Imrie because he's a Gers fan...oh! pity you didnt get a chance to hurl your neaderthal musings at Ian Black being a Jambo

your a bloody disgrace to this club

Lol. Not really what the chanting was about. As Harry says, give the whole thread a read.

I read the thread guys. I still think its a disgrace

Are we OF fans in disguise?

Edited by BornCaley
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I read the thread guys. I still think its a disgrace

Are we OF fans in disguise?

Did you read RowdyBey #75?

If there is any truth in that one somebody should ask Allison for an explanation.

This needs to be sorted out.

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This is hopefully the beginning of the end for this rubbish which only appeared to start when we hit the SPL. The levels of abuse that some of our own players/managers have had from so called fans has been ridiculous and been dismissed for too long by far too many people as "childish banter". It is not and needs to be policied by us as fans and the authorities. Looks like there are now a number of folk ready to stand up and be counted.

If we expect parents to take their kids to games and help build a new set of supporters it is up to us to give them an environment that encourages not breeds hatred, homophobia, racism or bigotry. Who cares what happens at other clubs, surely we are capable of delivering better?

Thats taking it a bit to far. Yes I agree that their is no need to be giving abuse to Kyle Alison. He is a Caley player and a promising one at that and should be given all the support he needs

But I dont agree with what you say. When we sing songs that are offensive to other teams eg County or other players that are not a part of our team is just a bit of banter. It comes with football.

The players should be expecting it and if they are not they really are stupid. Opposing players will always get abuse and I dont think there is anything wrong with that. Unless obviously it is racist chanting

I dont agree with giving the abuse to our own players that is not on

And people still can take their kids to their games. I was sitting behind a dad who took his little girl to the game must of been 4 or 5 years old and they were 1 row in front of all the people that were singing and there was a lot of abuse going about but it looked like they were having a great time and were not going to be put off by the swearing as lets be honest they are going to learn the words at some point

I think that person might be me. I was also there with my 10yr old son. And yes we had a great time - my son and daughter join in all the songs missing out the expletives of course. Admittedly I did not join in the Allison abuse nor did I make judgement. I have been a Caley fan since the age of 6 and I remember many a season where at least one member of our squad has singled out for abuse, rightly or wrongly.

I understand Allison is young and may make mistakes off the park but he must also learn to conduct himself in an appropriate manner. I personally think that if he is guilty of what is said then he would be foolish to think that nothing would come of it. For some the choice of words may have been too strong but I am sure they would have heard worse during their time. For me I particulary would not condone abusing one of our own players for their performance on the field and certainly would not join in any abuse that did not concern me. However players are always in the spotlight and when they step out of line or act irresponsibly - invariably there will be consequences.

My children and I will be at most SFL grounds this season and certainly will not be put off by any chants or shouting. I know what to expect and my children know not to swear and understand what is acceptable behaviour .I can assure you they will hear and witness worse in the playground.

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These sorts of things are always going to happen in football. We need to remember that footballers at any level can have exceedingly large chips on their shoulders. They are used to getting most things their own way in many aspects of their lives and as a result can behave like "Jack the Lad." It is up to the club to handle these situation and discipline players if need be.

I myself have had a run in with an ex player of ours who was known for having a bit of an attitude and if it weren?t for the intervention of another ICT player and my loathing of any sort of physical confrontation then things could have gotten quite bad, on the other hand other players I have encountered have been nothing but pleasant.

If the same thing had happened to me on a holiday with my friends when I was trying to enjoy myself. I honestly couldn?t say I wouldn't have reacted in the same way. I can however see that a match is Kyle's workplace and the last thing I would want would be to have my personal life and work life mix.

As for the fans complaining about swearing at the game. You hear those words walking down Inverness high street. There is no way you can protect what children hear 24/7. It is up to you to explain to your children that these words have bad meanings and shouldn?t be used. In an ideal world nobody would be offended by anything but the fact this thread exists highlights that the world isn't perfect. There is a family section you can sit in. If it is a huge issue then make use of it, but don't expect to go to what is predominantly working class entertainment and expect to hear "Oh Fiddlesticks" and "Darn."

I think the best thing for everyone to do here is take both sides of the argument with a pinch of salt. The majority of

People that have posted on this thread can't really comment on what has happened as they were never on holiday with the boys therefore never seeing the altercation. Hindsight isn't going to change what happened yesterday so it?s stupid to dwell on this. If there is any fallout from this then let Kyle and the boys deal with it. Or if necessary have the club intervene and read Kyle the riot act.

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In recent times abuse has been directed at a number of our players. Personally I dont think its acceptable, regardless of who the player supports, and shouldn't be tolerated. Cant recall CC ever getting abuse for being a tic fan, nor Mark Brown for being a Rangers fan. Ian Black for supporting an Edinburgh team. Indeed I dont even recall abuse directed at Brewster for being a DU fan.

If players and people have problems away from the football ground then its away from the ground those problems should be addressed. Not when that player could end up having a vital role to play on the park.

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In recent times abuse has been directed at a number of our players. Personally I dont think its acceptable, regardless of who the player supports, and shouldn't be tolerated. Cant recall CC ever getting abuse for being a tic fan, nor Mark Brown for being a Rangers fan. Ian Black for supporting an Edinburgh team. Indeed I dont even recall abuse directed at Brewster for being a DU fan.

If players and people have problems away from the football ground then its away from the ground those problems should be addressed. Not when that player could end up having a vital role to play on the park.

I agree completely

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Good post, i'd be happy to explain. I was on holiday with my friends a month or so ago, walking down the street wearing my caley top. When a boy stoped me and said he played for "that team", i asked his name and he said Kyle Allison. He then carried on 2 say he was a massive county fan, and then rubbing in that we (the club who pays his wages) had just been relegated. He then started becoming pretty violent so my friends and aye walked off. Then last weekend in town he spotted my friends and confronted them trying 2 find out my name because he wants 2 "beat me up" :(. I didnt start the song yesterday, it was friends that i'd told the story 2 but i will admit i joined in. Some people are taking it to seriously, he and Shane just laughed it off anyway.

What a to$$er - someone at the club should have a word with him about this if he was joking about how we got relegated - I don't want to have him in goals after hearing about this!

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Good post, i'd be happy to explain. I was on holiday with my friends a month or so ago, walking down the street wearing my caley top. When a boy stoped me and said he played for "that team", i asked his name and he said Kyle Allison. He then carried on 2 say he was a massive county fan, and then rubbing in that we (the club who pays his wages) had just been relegated. He then started becoming pretty violent so my friends and aye walked off. Then last weekend in town he spotted my friends and confronted them trying 2 find out my name because he wants 2 "beat me up" :(. I didnt start the song yesterday, it was friends that i'd told the story 2 but i will admit i joined in. Some people are taking it to seriously, he and Shane just laughed it off anyway.

What a to$$er - someone at the club should have a word with him about this if he was joking about how we got relegated - I don't want to have him in goals after hearing about this!

If true it does make you question whether he should be an ICT playerwhen we released another young keeper who I am sure would have loved to stay at the club.

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I was at he game yessterday , heard the chant but was completely unaware

who it was aimed at and I did not join in.

However, there is something strange about this whole episode - if the initial

altercation is to be believed why on earth was the chant not raised at the recent home cup tie

when Allison was our goalkeeper and played well or in any of the games before that.

Are the "singers" trying to hide their identity and only chanting this at away games

hoping they will not be recognised. Or were they trying to antognise the local

stewards and police who, I thought, treated our support very well.

All I am asking is why did it take till now for this to raise its ugly head. We could do well

without it as such stupidity could well drive away some of our travelling support.

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Im not taking sides or condoning recent actions but i find it interesting that people will have a go at rooney for his performance and slate him, while all he was doing was giving his best for employer, the club, whilst defending our reserve keeper.

As a young lad i looked up to football players and thought of them as gods even at highland league level. Now older and questionably wiser i think players should have to earn respect and our support and prove themselves in manner off and on the field which usually is most identifiable by commitment on the pitch. in current climate players move around a lot which i dont mind, as long as they i think they have fully committed themselves whilst under contract at ICT then i will support them as players for my club.

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I wasnt there but to be honest, its the nature of the game, as Alex said, Every player that pulls on our top may not have us in there hearts, if this was the case we would have a very young team.. as he said look at whos had the top on now, even now I can think of at least 3 OF fans, CC has been life long ICT/C & T but over all he's still hiding tops in his cupboard... any way Im going to put this down to Kyle being a young lad who will get the message (TB im sure will pick up on it and address it, TB himself is a Rangers man... he made that clear the open night) I just hope that the abuse (Weather it right or wrong) he got will sink in and he will learn.. yes be a staggie but keep your gob shut!! Untill they sign him and then slag ICT off and the likes then we can all be Right in slaging the tink off.

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Jesus wept. Some people still thinking the chanting was about who Allison supports. Do people not read whole threads anymore?

Just what I was thinking YaBoy...

That's why I'm highlighting this post from RowdyBey :

Good post, i'd be happy to explain. I was on holiday with my friends a month or so ago, walking down the street wearing my caley top. When a boy stoped me and said he played for "that team", i asked his name and he said Kyle Allison. He then carried on 2 say he was a massive county fan, and then rubbing in that we (the club who pays his wages) had just been relegated. He then started becoming pretty violent so my friends and aye walked off. Then last weekend in town he spotted my friends and confronted them trying 2 find out my name because he wants 2 "beat me up" . I didnt start the song yesterday, it was friends that i'd told the story 2 but i will admit i joined in. Some people are taking it to seriously, he and Shane just laughed it off anyway.

I don't think it should be difficult to sort this one out...

I'd hate to think all this sh1tt was going to crop up every feckin week.

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The accounts of the holiday incident posted here sound similar to what I was told on Saturday, its why I claimed the fans of this club can do no wrong in whatever they chant, personally if it was upto me he would be asked to leave the club as soon as a replacement becomes available.

Sound similar, but we do not know the whole account. I am not sticking up for anyone here but we only know one side of the story so we can hardly chuck the boy out based on one person's accounts.

I am sorry but people cannot get involved in a situation that they know NOTHING about.

Edited by MrsICTFC
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Jesus wept. Some people still thinking the chanting was about who Allison supports. Do people not read whole threads anymore?

Just what I was thinking YaBoy...

That's why I'm highlighting this post from RowdyBey :

Good post, i'd be happy to explain. I was on holiday with my friends a month or so ago, walking down the street wearing my caley top. When a boy stoped me and said he played for "that team", i asked his name and he said Kyle Allison. He then carried on 2 say he was a massive county fan, and then rubbing in that we (the club who pays his wages) had just been relegated. He then started becoming pretty violent so my friends and aye walked off. Then last weekend in town he spotted my friends and confronted them trying 2 find out my name because he wants 2 "beat me up" . I didnt start the song yesterday, it was friends that i'd told the story 2 but i will admit i joined in. Some people are taking it to seriously, he and Shane just laughed it off anyway.

I don't think it should be difficult to sort this one out...

I'd hate to think all this sh1tt was going to crop up every feckin week.

Not sure about the truth of any of this. But disregarding the health implications, it would be serioulsy bad for KA's career progression should he "beat someone up". The case studies are legion, and Terry has been shown in his recent actions to deal with this very severely. Think on.

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The accounts of the holiday incident posted here sound similar to what I was told on Saturday, its why I claimed the fans of this club can do no wrong in whatever they chant, personally if it was upto me he would be asked to leave the club as soon as a replacement becomes available.

Sound similar, but we do not know the whole account. I am not sticking up for anyone here but we only know one side of the story so we can hardly chuck the boy out based on one person's accounts.

I am sorry but people cannot get involved in a situation that they know NOTHING about.

There was no "Alleged Incident" with cowie... He kept his team to his self, we knew it but he never flaunted the fact he was a staggie, Im not sure about this whole situation TBH if he was out and talking the way he did, IMO the guys a fanny, if its out of proportion then who knows.

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