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Meeces in the house!


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In the last few days....it has become apparent i have a mouse problem in my house. So, today....i contacted Housing Society, but its gonna take a few days (probably) till pest control guy comes round. So am gonna set a few traps in the meantime. Anyone had this problem before? Anyone got any tips on bait for the traps.(I hear chocolate is good and cheese is a myth)..or maybe even on an alternative to traps. Im wanting rid of them..humanley or not..i dont care!

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Chocolate is brilliant, they can't get enough of it. Set the traps along the run that they have been using. Follow the droppings. Stick a chunk of chocolate on the end of the traps and wait for the snaps. Only use half a bar for the mice and eat the rest yersel, that part won't kill the mice, but it will make you feel a hell of a lot better.

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Thing is tho....am not seeing mouse pooh, runs or anything. Three nights ago is the first sign i had of anything in the 4 years i been here. And then the mouse decides to come watch some TV last night...and appears from the kitchen. I moved the fridge etc and there is no where apparent where it could have come in. I bought a couple of traps and a big bar of Chocolate Caramel until the exterminator gets here. Hopefully, its early days as far as i know, so there wont be an established nest. Or maybe i chased it out the back door last night

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Just went to alert neighbour....she has same problem...but no apparent sign of them. she been hearing them upstair tho, as well as seing from the kitchen. Freaks me out knowing they are here :(

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Have you removed and cleaned the ball and the internal rollers?

Eh....you lost me completley there Don?

:004: Whoooosh.

whoooosh indeed.......av re read the thread...and it still makes no sense. put me out of my misery. am having a blonde moment

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Hoots Mon......you had to be there!!!

I will add some sensible information on the so-called "humane" traps. An ex of mine had a mouse problem, and being the kind who doesn't even like to swat flies she insisted we use humane traps to catch them....which they did. However, the poor critters were in such a state from being trapped, when we took them away to release them and she saw their distress she insisted I put them out of their misery. As well to just do it right from the outset.

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just nip along to the stadium at the next home game, and pick up an ICT pie.

No need for traps - just crumble one into mouse sized portions and scatter them around the house.

If the shock from eating something so unsaviory and indigestable doesn't kill them - e coli certainly will.

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Pause and reflect ,

You have seen only one mouse... so you may not have a rodent problem.

You have taken control by setting traps and calling pest men (They will sort problem if there is one to sort!)

You are much bigger and uglier than a mouse..! (Therefore they are more scared of you than you are of them!)

Chill my friend, all will be well and work out. Their is nothing here to fear !


Edited by kiltarlity
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Fur :angry: what its worth weve had mouse problems in our house also, little blighters chewed their way through our sports bag for Benjos matchday breakfast bar, sounds soft but wouldnt kill them unless we were completely infested.

All life is sacred :blink:

or is it?

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Well....i caught me two meeces last night. At 2;15am and 5:20am. I know this...coz i got up to dispose of the meece and reset the traps. Rather worryingly tho...it was the same trap which caught both meece, the othe 5 had been cleared of bait but failed to go off. I deffo reccomend peanut butter, as it is more likely the mouse will get caught trying to get the peanut butter, than it seems a bit of chocolate, which can just be swiped.

Both mice were caught at the fridge, but still not sure where they are getting in or hiding and still no actuall tell tale sign of mouse problem, like droppings etc (apart from dead meeces).

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What a fuss about a poor wee mouse. I've got a dragon in my house - anyone want to take her off my hands?

:blink: :angry: :lol: Just get a much bigger mouse trap, and hope it works, because if it dont......

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We just get them in the garage, not the hoose. We catch them all throught the winter and hardly any in the summer. The poor wee buggers probably just want a heat. Peanut butter, chocolate sauce etc, but even no bait at all if there's a trace of something on the trap for them to sniff.

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