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Russell Duncan & Grant Munro leaving


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Sheez, Renegade, give Tel a break! You've been forecasting his doom ever since he's joined, despite the incredible success he's had. He's got the vast majority of decisions right, hence why he amazingly got ICT promoted with a load of youths and almost got us into the top six, with such a low budget and inexperienced players. And he's done that by going with his players.

I wish too that Russell had got another year but I'm not going to turn against Butcher for making a decision he thinks is right. Doesn't stop me wishing Duncan all the best though.

Caley Mad In Berks: I think McBain and Golabek's time had come. I'm sure, rather than warming the bench, these post-35 players would prefer a last day on the pitch.

Tokely's career might be extended by moving to centre-back but possibly both of them have another couple of seasons. It'll be sad but so was Christie or Stewart leaving. It's not fair to either ICT or the players to have them play past their best. I don't think Duncan had reached that point however. Nevertheless, onwards and upwards...

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As much as I agree with it being a great loss Russell leaving, and yeah maybe him and butcher don't see eye to eye. However we have lost players before either sold or free transfers who have been key players and we have filled the void quickly and moved on. He hasn't played much this season prob due to personality clash and that's sad and annoying, but to say that it's the worst decision by butcher and that it could be the beginning of the end if his time as ICT manager is quite frankly ridiculous.

IMO he has never been a top player but a good one. I think people are overreacting if he's not gonna play we can't keep him- simple as that. He isnt the player that's going to make the difference in every game cos as you all know he has played some shockers !

It's just frustrating to hear overreaction to one player who has been a good servant to the club but in no way holds it together. We will sign a replacement and move on. - simples .

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Agree completely with most of the sentiments on here: I'm really sad about this decision. Russell Duncan has certainly been our most committed, and imo also our most effective, central midfielder since Ian Black's departure and I've always been mystified at Terry Butcher's reluctance to play him. He's made an exceptional contribution to the club over the last decade and the continuity offered by having players like him, Tokely and Munro at the heart of the club has been one of the reasons I've been proud to be an ICT supporter.

I'm not going to condemn Terry Butcher outright for this though, because if he can find a stable midfield partnership and the team continues to do well next season then he can claim he's made the right decision. I do hope, however, that he gives Russell the chance to say goodbye to the supporters by giving him an appearance in at least one home and one away game (hopefully the Hamilton one) before the end of the season: to deprive him of even that would be very harsh.

Edited by alternative maryhill
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Roy is ancient, well 37 years ancient this November, as is Golly.

Russell Duncan - Date of Birth: 15.09.80 makes him still 30 years old, just a loon.

Rossco - Date of Birth: 08.03.79, he is just over 32, maturing nicely.

Still plenty of life left in Russells legs and Rossco will fit in at Centre back, Roy is superfit, but Golly must be on his last legs surely.

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I will miss Russelldhinio, the General who commends the midfield, not my words TBs.

I genuinely wish the man well and I will always have an interest to see how Russelldhinio is getting on at his future clubs.

If Russell is selected then I hope he leaves with all guns blazing on the pitch and shows TB what a huge error hes made.

Whos gonna be the first to start the 'stand up for Russell Duncan' chant at ICT? I'm well up for that.

There is always going to be some conflict between keeping the veteran players that we have come to love, respect, admire and the manager wishing to get in what he believes to be the best players that can bring the greatest success to the club, if Russell was a few years younger then he definitely would be kept, good luck Russell, you haven't left yet so looking forward to seeing you at the next ICT home game.

ps chin up Mr D.

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Good luck to Russell in the future, a great servant to the club. I am sure Terry Butcher knows what he is doing, we have no idea of what plans he has to replace Russell but his judgement has proved to be good in the past.

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A really sad day for ICT and another baffling decision. It appears unless you are one of Butchers favourites you don't stand a chance. To add insult to injury I'm sure this will mean another contract for Duff who isn't fit too tie RD's boots & no doubt we'll sign that donkey McCann.

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Very poor decision in my opinion, unless Butcher has a replacement lined up. Duff certainly isn't as good as Russell Duncan. It's no coincidence that our run to the First Division title began just after Russell had been put back in the starting line-up and I always thought we had a bit more grit and determination when he was in the team.

I agree that we have survived before by selling/releasing players and signing new ones, but with the state of the game right now, it won't be as easy to find replacements.

But good luck to Russell Duncan, wherever he ends up. He has been a fantastic servant to the club. Am I right in thinking that he is due a testimonial?

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Although I think Duff is a talented utility player, he's not a defensive mid, hence why I think we got the best reactions when Duncan and Duff teamed up. I'd be disappointed if it was one or the other. Proctor or Cox are more similar players than Duff.

Not sure Duncan will go to RC. Guess it depends on how settled he is in the area. Could see an ambitious First Division club going for him, like Dundee or Hamilton.

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i dont seem to have much luck

07/08 got Rankin on the back of top, sold in january

08/09 got barrowman on the back of top after dons game, turned out to be rubbish

09/10 sponsored stratfords boots, never played after first half dozen games

10/11 sponsored duncans boots, now not getting a new contract

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very disappointed at this news. Thought he had another couple of years here. Just hope Terry has something good lined up. Can't believe he plays Odhiambo and is letting Russell go. Hopefully odhiambo will be leaving also. Hope Russell gets a game at TCS before end of season. Wish Russell nothing but the best - I am sure someone will snap him up.

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He better have someone good into replace him and no Brian Kerr or some unheard off does not count. I'm pritty sure stats will show that most of our wins this season have come with Russell being in the starting 11.

I understand that Butcher wants to build his own team but chucking one of our most consistent performers of the last 2 seasons is not the answer.

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This is a poor decision IMO. Russel Duncan = hard work, commitment, reliability and experience. He's being thrown on the scrapheap at 30 after 10 years outstanding service. It's a disgrace. This isn't just an abomination on sentimental grounds, it makes no footballing sense. We're replacing a rock with an unknown quantitiy. It sends out the message that the club is not a meritocracy and has no respect for the aforementioned qualities. We would rather give a short-term loan contract to an unknown english championship rookie than retain a reliable, experienced stalwart who loves the club and the fans. It's a joke.

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im absolutely gutted that russell is leaving and i also feel that we are always better when he is in the team. But i'm going to go with terry on this one. i remember around about this time two years ago when the list of players being released/re-signed was announced and vigurs had been told he would be released the uproar it created on this forum. that seems to have worked out just fine..

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Well, unless Butcher has something amazing lined up

Maybe he's found another Dan Stratford?

LOL.....for my money.....Best Post of the week!!

Edited by SMEE
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