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Oh Dear.....lol


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I suppose it is really....no different than if the goalie saved the kick...by pushing it onto the post, then it going in from the rebound. It just made me think when i saw it at first

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What would happen though if the keeper saved/caught the shot, and then to celebrate, blasted the ball into the net?

In a penalty shoot out, is the rule that play is still live until the ball comes to a stop?

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That's gotta be nonsense really, think about it...

First if the keeper has the ball in his hands then the ball has "come to a stop" so if he threw it (or kicked it) anywhere it would not really matter as it is a shoot out.

If what you say was the case ("is the rule that play is still live until the ball comes to a stop?") then if a keeper saved the kick then someone could net the rebound surely.

There are probably some wierd rules relating to shoot outs however.

Caley D is your man for weird footie rules tho!

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My understanding on this is that the referee must decide if the momentum of the ball has stopped before it crosses the line. In other words if the keeper saved the ball but its momentum kept it moving across the line then it is classed as a goal. Whereas if the keeper saves it and the ball stops dead then a gust of wind catches it and it goes over it is not a goal.

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