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Announcement re Managerial Situation


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Acrimony like this is rarely because  a person decides to move on or better him/herself. Everybody has the right to do that.


In this case it's simply about the way it has been engineered by Mr. Butcher and Hibs and the way it has progressed--especially sitting in the stand as reported and in the Boardroom prior to the game if I read reports correctly? No one could have faulted him for being in the CaleyThistle dugout throughout the match since he was still the ICT's Manager. If the HIbs fans missed that little play then they had better remember it for the future because a leopard does not change it's spots  To me that is unforgivable and showed both cowardice and disloyalty and contempt for the team that has brought HIM to prominence also. This is a two-way street and is not just about how great HE was--as someone said above, this was a team effort.


And I remain unconvinced that this was not in the works for  many weeks, not just in the flurry of the last few days. This is all too sudden and fast to be believable because the Board at Hibs must have been thinking about this change of Manager for a long time and surely could be expected to have made some moves to test the way the Managerial winds were blowing before Mr. Fenlon resigned or would have been fired. How? By making a few private telephone calls ........


And let us not forget that he had signed a contract and is very lucky that Mr Cameron allowed him to set it aside. Of by suing him for breach of contract if he resigned without a very good reason to support such an action. If he had sued Mr Butcher then I can't help but wonder how that would have affected the view of Butcher's character in football quarters going forward into the future. I sincerely hope that the compensation the club received is well over the 100,000 pounds suggested because this is just unethical nonsense.

With you on the 'in the works for many weeks' Pimple, no way did this happen suddenly. Fenlon resigned on the Friday and the BBC sport team were stating at 4.30 on the Saturday that Butcher was the man. We were kept dangling for 10 days knowing fine he was taking the **** but the nerve of the man to sit with the Hibs hierarchy while still on our payroll playing against us will never be forgiven by many, myself included.

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For the first time in my life I might actually support Ross County when the play Hibs in the Scottish Cup later this month. While we're getting through to the next round Hibs will hopefully come a cropper.

Steady! I think supporting Ross County is taking things a bit to far.

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Agree with bdu98196 in the success TB and MM brought to Caley but very disappointed on the way their departure has been dealt with especially Butchers alleged neutral appearance in Hibs main stand on Sat ....may have redeemed himself if he had made some kind of acknowledement to the Loyal ICT fans who have been there in good times and bad...At least Mo saw it out to the end .

I wish the team and whoever takes over great success for future .[/quote

Agree totally. I don't think some of the folk not there on Saturday understand how awful his behaviour was. It leaves a very sour taste tbh and shows TB wasn't the man we thought he was. However I thank him for what he has done and we all have great memories. Excited to sed who comes in now!


Terry and Mon did well for us nd I had respect for both

did not aprecieate the way it ended "as a netureal" in his last game as ICT manager


saw tv interviews tonight and at least Terry was not disrespectful to ITC in his comments


as for our x chairman say it as it was spot on

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You need a recipe to bake a cake but useles unless you have the ingredients....and ICT have the ingredients.

Lets put the icing on the cake with a cup win !!!!

Only if your just a simple cook. If your a master baker you create the cake without the recipe and using what ingredients are available.

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David Sutherland said, on tv tonight, exactly what we have all been thinking. It was not appropriate for the then current ICT Manager to be taking his wages from ICT whilst sitting in the Hibs Main Stand at the game Hibs v ICT, saying he was "neutral". ICT will continue to flourish without TB and MM and, although I thank them for their input over the past years, will support each and every Manager/Coach in the future, come what may. Onwards and upwards as others have said - despite the Cup Semi Final being played at Easter Road at 12.15 on a Sunday - who said there was not a Central Belt bias? Oh dear, another early start down the A.9, maybe in snow and ice.

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One clue about whether Butcher and Hibs had colluded previously and privately over this is in the timing. If Butcher was offered and agreed to the Hibs job sometime in the last month, then what would be the best way of accomplishing it? Well of course the international break, when you have 2 weeks to settle in, is ideal. So with that in mind, you hatch a plan to approach ICT the week before the break, with the objective of getting your man in place at the start of the break. It worked like clockwork, and you have to ask how much Malpas was party to this, given his relationship to Butcher. And now Marsella as well? It does look like, in retrospect, a carefully planned coup, one hatched in the previous weeks, and goes a long way to explaining Terry's joviality in the Hibs hospitality area, when many ICT fans were deludedly thinking there was still a chance he could stay. He, of course, was buzzing because it all worked out as planned. And now, we're just a 'little club' who should be grateful to the great man and his Boy Wonder for patronising us on his incredible career path. History rewritten as the myth is burnished. The whole thing is too neat for coincidence. Kind of makes you want to gag.

Edited by The Long Man
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It all seems to fall into place now .........why TB hadn't accepted his new contract offer, Foran hasn't agreed a new contract either (fully expect he'll be off come January too).......I'm guessing that contact had been made quite some time ago, possibly for TB to take over at the start of next season? However Fenlon walked and the move had to be rushed through? :ponder:

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It all seems to fall into place now .........why TB hadn't accepted his new contract offer, Foran hasn't agreed a new contract either (fully expect he'll be off come January too).......I'm guessing that contact had been made quite some time ago, possibly for TB to take over at the start of next season? However Fenlon walked and the move had to be rushed through? :ponder:


Did you see Fenlon's interview on his departure?  Quite bizarre.  He was enjoying it and had sorted out a lot of problems that had existed when he arrived but just somehow felt it was time to step aside.  Not one single thing that sounded like a half decent reason for going.  It looked as though everything he was saying was almost tongue in cheek.  :ponder:

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It all seems to fall into place now .........why TB hadn't accepted his new contract offer, Foran hasn't agreed a new contract either (fully expect he'll be off come January too).......I'm guessing that contact had been made quite some time ago, possibly for TB to take over at the start of next season? However Fenlon walked and the move had to be rushed through? :ponder:


Did you see Fenlon's interview on his departure?  Quite bizarre.  He was enjoying it and had sorted out a lot of problems that had existed when he arrived but just somehow felt it was time to step aside.  Not one single thing that sounded like a half decent reason for going.  It looked as though everything he was saying was almost tongue in cheek.  :ponder:


Likely he got wind of TB being lined up to take over? So he decided to throw a spanner in the works and chose his time to go, immediately before both teams were due to play each other, to cause maximum effect? :ponder:

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Thanks to Butcher and Malpas. They did well and had some good times. They're history now. Steve Paterson's and Grant Munro's departures felt more to me that the club was losing something more intrinsic than simply success on the football field. A club like ours needs that connection to its local community in order to thrive. Without it there remains simply a team that happens to play in the area but in reality could be located anywhere. Always my worry when League status was attained that this may be only way to gain success. Maybe being naive but there must be a middle ground of signings from outwith the area coupled with more and better opportunities given to promising local players.Kevin MacDonald for me.

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Their first job will be to train everyone at Hibs how to make good use of the fantastic facilities

at Easter Road because it certainly didn't look like they are well used by their display on Sat.

I thought it was very disrespectful how he was rubbing in about how the marvellous set up

they have compared to whats at Caley Thistle helped to persuade him to take the job .

Well you know what they say about a poor workman......

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Interesting to note that our dip in form (St.J and PT) or "blip" as MM put it came straight after our 3-0 home win over Hibs.


Is this where the deal was struck?


Did the players get a whiff?  :ponder:

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If Marsella is going to Hibs, which is likely, is the intel on players he has scouted as an ICT employee belong to ICT or Marsella? It would be yet another kick in the teeth to ICT if all that information gained at ICT expense goes to Hibs.

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Malpas in the press stating that he had already made up his mind to go to Hibs as number 2 mid last week.

What a lovely welcome these two will receive on their return on February 1st 2014.............oh wait a minute, are we not playing in a cup semi final that week-end............at Easter Road of all places...........love it, have a day off, there's a couple of good boys now.............

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Malpas in the press stating that he had already made up his mind to go to Hibs as number 2 mid last week.

What a lovely welcome these two will receive on their return on February 1st 2014.............oh wait a minute, are we not playing in a cup semi final that week-end............at Easter Road of all places...........love it, have a day off, there's a couple of good boys now.............




It's absolutely galling that Malpas stated on Saturday in his interview that he had a decision to make about his Inverness future.  Then on Tuesday evening he stated that it was an easy decision because he had already made up his mind mid last week to follow Butcher to Hibs as his number 2.  


Maurice is not even hiding the fact that he has lied to the club and the fans.  His contempt for us is a disgrace.  To think it ended like this.  Feck em both. 

Edited by CapitalCaley
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I wonder if the players had got wind of what was happening with the ex assistant. Then went out and put on a brilliant performance as a "gerrit upya" Of course maybe its no coincidence that the ex manager wasn't involved when that performance happened. Players had freedom to play without fear of a bawling at.

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I suppose, like everyone else I'm just glad this is over. The longer it dragged on, the more Terry and Maurice's achievements would have been soured by the nature of their departure and they achieved too much at this club for that to happen. I'm glad the club offered Mo the chance to take over the reins and minimise the fallout from Terry's departure and  I know how desperately disappointed Kenny Cameron will be right now, but he and his board have conducted business the way that Caley Thistle always do - the right way and they are to be congratulated on that. Like every Caley Thistle fan, I am now anxious about what comes next but I'm heartened by the statement tonight but I'm at least thankful for this international break as we draw breath.

As Kenny says, we have a fantastic pedigree of appointing bosses and I look forward to seeing who emerges as candidates. In amongst all of this, don't forget the team who have got us this far in our best seaon to date and please get along to the Saints game in numbers to give them your loud, clear and unconditional support. They deserve it.

Davie Balfour

I know you've probably had this before, but, did your uncle ever arrange to have you kidnapped?

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Legally it belongs to ICT, but in reality all the benefit of it will go with Marsella.




I suppose his scouting notes are the intellectual  property of ICT but it depends on his contract. Scouts I suppose are on some sort of retainer.

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