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Ryan Christie


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I personally find this Celtic / ICT love in pretty repulsive, seeing Ryan in the various tabloids this morning decked out in a Celtic top giving it the the thumbs up was really disrespectful no matter which way some try to cover it up

Both clubs have handled this transfer badly, surely a better way would have been for him to have signed a pre contract that made him switch at the end of the season sparing us the pics of him decked out in the hoops of hate

Getting him loaned back is like a kick in the teeth in my opinion

Unfair singling out Ryan though as there appears to be an unhealthy problem within the ICT fanbase where a large number seem to support two SPFL clubs

Regardless  I wish him the best when he eventually heads down the A9 whenever that is, providing he is given the chance at Celtic I've no doubt he will hopefully use it as a stepping stone to the English Premiership






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My goodness - a "dream come true"; "buzzing"; "incredible feeling"; "over the moon and just desperate to get it finished".  Could Christie have been any more disrespectful to Caley?  No wonder we struggle for fans.  Why support a club that its own players don't.

Lets be fair to the lad, he is a young man who has just joined what is without doubt the biggest team in Scotland, earned a tidy increase in salary and a good chance of playing in the Champions League next season, he is going to sound excited, he may well have said 'obviously grateful to ICT for the break' etc etc, but this may not have be reported that's all. He played a major part in our best ever season, one that we may not repeat for some time, and now another side has offered him a massive break. In the end it's the way football is.

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I had mixed feelings on this transfer when Stokes was being mentioned as part of the deal was mentioned, however without Stokes, and considering the poor calibre of playing being loaned in on the same day, I'm really disappointed with the whole situation. 

It was always going to be impossible for us to replace the quality players we have lost, but are recruitment policy of late deserves the criticism it has been receiving. More or less every team in the SPL has been signing better quality players than we have. We're a small club but we should be able to bring in players who have proven themselves at some level, even if not in the SPL. The loanee's we have brought in on the last day seem to be panic transfers. While I'd love for them to prove me wrong it's highly unlikely that they are going to go from under 21 football to being prolific in the SPL before their loan deals run out.

Another frustrating part of this deal is that it's almost as if Hughes was trying to force the issue with his comments in the press. He said that a deal by which Ryan is loaned back would suitable for us, and what do you know, a week or two later exactly that happens. I wonder, if Hughes hadn't made those comments, if Celtic would have come in with a bid. If Ryan Christie had been playing for say, Dundee United, as he was for us this and last season, he would have been sold for over a million. Say what you want, based not only on his potential but his currently ability, Ryan Christie is worth more than double what we sold him for. I seriously hope there's some incentive clauses in the transfer deal. 

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Sucking up to the fans of your new club is just part of the job. Everyone on here used to love it when Butcher talked up Inverness in the media.

Hopefully Ryan keeps his head down and goes on to fulfil his potential on the big stage.

Then again, a 20 year old, living in Glasgow, on £7k a week, with new found fame - it's easy to see how so many talented youngsters careers have gone off the rails at the Old Firm. 



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I personally find this Celtic / ICT love in pretty repulsive, seeing Ryan in the various tabloids this morning decked out in a Celtic top giving it the the thumbs up was really disrespectful no matter which way some try to cover it up

Both clubs have handled this transfer badly, surely a better way would have been for him to have signed a pre contract that made him switch at the end of the season sparing us the pics of him decked out in the hoops of hate

Getting him loaned back is like a kick in the teeth in my opinion

Unfair singling out Ryan though as there appears to be an unhealthy problem within the ICT fanbase where a large number seem to support two SPFL clubs

Regardless  I wish him the best when he eventually heads down the A9 whenever that is, providing he is given the chance at Celtic I've no doubt he will hopefully use it as a stepping stone to the English Premiership


We had much the same scenario down here when Man Utd bought Wilfred Zaha and loaned him back to Palace for half a season.....most of us thought the transfer was inevitable, but actually were happy to see him back for a while and indeed he helped Palace  get promoted......in the same way Ryan could be instrumental in getting us enough points in this half of the season to help us stay up.

I appreciate the sentiment against Celtic in Scotland seems stronger than the equivalent view of Man U (by other EPL fans) these days, and I'm sure for many there's also a slightly irritating feeling that after last seasons 'punching above our weight' we've been somewhat slapped down by forces we don't fully understand.


Edited by Eagle4Caley
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I personally find this Celtic / ICT love in pretty repulsive, seeing Ryan in the various tabloids this morning decked out in a Celtic top giving it the the thumbs up was really disrespectful no matter which way some try to cover it up






What was the lad meant to do put on the Celtic top which he would have been requested to do so by his new employers and sit with a glum face to please the likes of yourself? 

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I personally find this Celtic / ICT love in pretty repulsive, seeing Ryan in the various tabloids this morning decked out in a Celtic top giving it the the thumbs up was really disrespectful no matter which way some try to cover it up






What was the lad meant to do put on the Celtic top which he would have been requested to do so by his new employers and sit with a glum face to please the likes of yourself? 

He should have refrained wearing the top until after this loan deal whether that be in January or the summer

All he has now done is alienate himself to a section of the ICT support


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I personally find this Celtic / ICT love in pretty repulsive, seeing Ryan in the various tabloids this morning decked out in a Celtic top giving it the the thumbs up was really disrespectful no matter which way some try to cover it up






What was the lad meant to do put on the Celtic top which he would have been requested to do so by his new employers and sit with a glum face to please the likes of yourself? 

He should have refrained wearing the top until after this loan deal whether that be in January or the summer

All he has now done is alienate himself to a section of the ICT support


He is a Celtic player now, hence the photo shoot. And since when has anybody paid any attention to the drivel that tabloids come out with. Of all people I would have thought you would recognise drivel when you saw it.

Edited by HawkeyeTheGnu
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I personally find this Celtic / ICT love in pretty repulsive, seeing Ryan in the various tabloids this morning decked out in a Celtic top giving it the the thumbs up was really disrespectful no matter which way some try to cover it up






What was the lad meant to do put on the Celtic top which he would have been requested to do so by his new employers and sit with a glum face to please the likes of yourself? 

He should have refrained wearing the top until after this loan deal whether that be in January or the summer

All he has now done is alienate himself to a section of the ICT support


A very small section in my view. Most fans will still be behind Ryan as long as he is still wearing an ICT shirt...

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Don't have any issue with Ryan saying what he did and will support him until he leaves us and then beyond. I'm surprised some people appear to be so offended as he is just saying all the things expected of him when you join a new club. The only thing I am mildly disappointed about is that he is actually a Celtic fan but being from the same generation as him in relation to ICT it is clear to see why he is as I was in exactly the same boat with the other half of the old firm from passed down allegiances, I managed to let loose the shackles of the glory hunting stages of my younger life when I compared the affiliation I had with Rangers with that of ICT. There was no comparison and I didn't need a second team. When I say disappointed it is because someone can grow up so involved with ICT, born and bred and still be a supporter of Celtic...it just highlights the problems we have as a club with fans of the old firm in Inverness. The phrase pissing against the wind comes to mind.

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Good luck to the lad, maybe one day a top four club in England

I remember when my old club Bury lost Colin Bell and Neville Southall   and  my Dad stopped going to the games in protest

It's just part of life,

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Good luck to the lad, maybe one day a top four club in England

I remember when my old club Bury lost Colin Bell and Neville Southall   and  my Dad stopped going to the games in protest

It's just part of life,

Well said Laurence,  and, more to the point, it's just part of football life and has been since the professional game was established a century and a half ago. Smaller teams lose their best players to larger and wealthier rivals. The small team invariably survives and, if lucky, goes on to develop further young talent and the cycle continues.

Those who are having a dig at Ryan would almost certainly do the same as he has done where the fortunate enough and talented enough to find themselves in the same circumstances.

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FFS. Why do I come on here?

Ryan, unfortunately, based on seeing old tweets that were resurfaced by childish Celtic fans, obviously does have some form of allegiance towards Celtic but to suggest him saying all the 'dream come true' type stuff at the press conference is disrespectful is an absolute joke. I hate the Old Firm more than most but if either side gave me a 4 year contract and £7000 a week that for me would still be a dream come true. Getting very well paid to play football for one of the biggest clubs and at one of the biggest stadiums in the UK would be a dream come true for pretty much any young boy. And don't get me started on the 'he shouldn't have worn the shirt' stuff. As if he had a choice?

I hope this Celtic move turns out to be another stepping stone in Ryan's career and I can one day cheer him on in a Scotland shirt and I will wish him all the best when he eventually goes but until then I know he will continue to give 100% for us and continue to be the best player in an ICT shirt. After that he'll become just another wee Celtic mink and we'll develop more talented youngsters (which Celtic seem unable to do despite their budget, scouting network and facilities but thats another argument)

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Ryan Christie does not deserve any criticism whatsoever over the events of the past few days. He has a career to pursue (and a short one at that) - he deserves everything that comes to him on account of his talent and his hard work since the age of ~10. Few make it through development squads because of the dedication required and he needs to move on to fulfil his ambitions. Celtic are his employers now and he has to show loyalty to that club. We are borrowing him for a few months. I have no doubt that, when the time is right, Ryan will thank the club and the support at ICT in the appropriate manner.

The issue is not with Ryan, but with the timing of the transfer. I can't help feeling that this move could have been sorted earlier in the window to allow us to re-invest the cash in quality players that we so badly need. I also think Yogi's comments around this issue has been poor - honesty sometimes needs to give way to discretion.

Good luck Ryan and I look forward to seeing you on the world stage at some point either for Scotland or in the Champions League. In the meantime, please bang in a few goals before you go!


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Is Ryan Christie really so good ?

How many goals has he actually scored/ assisted in how many games?

He also seemed very lightweight against Partick & Hamilton recently.

Great left foot and loads potential.....but ?

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Good Luck to Ryan as he moves onwards and upwards. There's a lot of BS in this thread from many posters and how anyone can do anything but wish him well is beyond me ! Like his dad before him, he has played an important part at ICT and we all knew he would move on sooner rather than later, and although many of us hoped it might be to England - where I think he will end up eventually - its not rocket science to figure Celtic might be the first stop given his dad's history and his own fondness for the club since an early age. 

Wearing the shirt and uttering well worn and cliched phrases about being happy to sign for a new club ... disrespectful? Get a f****** grip !!! Its part and parcel of football PR. The lad himself has not been disrespectful to ICT ... but there's a fair few candidates on here being disrespectful to him.  Like Graeme Shinnie I think he will give his all until the loan spell ends and also like GS he should go with our blessing and thanks even though we dont want him to go.   


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Well done to Ryan on getting the contract with Celtic, all the best for the future.  So far the best young player to come through from the youth system lets hope there are more to come!

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Is Ryan Christie really so good ?

How many goals has he actually scored/ assisted in how many games?

He also seemed very lightweight against Partick & Hamilton recently.

Great left foot and loads potential.....but ?

Do you go to games?

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Is Ryan Christie really so good ?

How many goals has he actually scored/ assisted in how many games?

He also seemed very lightweight against Partick & Hamilton recently.

Great left foot and loads potential.....but ?

Do you go to games?

Do you?

There is a player of the year poll on this site for folk who do go to matches, so let's have a look at what they think.  We have had 3 home league games this season and there have been a total of 101 votes for MOTM.  Christie has received just 5 votes for MOTM and 9 votes as runner up.  This compares with Williams with 39 votes for MOTM and 16 as runner up.  Interestingly, one of our much maligned new signings, Mutombo, has12 votes for MOTM and 22 for runner up.

I think this evidence supports that Ten4 has it just about spot on.  Christie is good, but he has only just "emerged" and has only rarely had a game where he has been very good.  Some of the hype about him really is very OTT.

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I'm looking about here, for hidden cameras.....is this a wind-up that everybody, but me, is 'in on'!?
Surely, It's okay to be disappointed at losing a quality player? - but denial is a manifestation of reluctance to accept the disappointment!
It's human nature - there would be Barcelona fans, if Messi were to leave, who would be trying to dampen their chagrin by claiming that, despite his astronomical scoring record, he was 'greedy' and 'took on too many players at times'!

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Is Ryan Christie really so good ?

How many goals has he actually scored/ assisted in how many games?

He also seemed very lightweight against Partick & Hamilton recently.

Great left foot and loads potential.....but ?

Do you go to games?

Do you?

There is a player of the year poll on this site for folk who do go to matches, so let's have a look at what they think.  We have had 3 home league games this season and there have been a total of 101 votes for MOTM.  Christie has received just 5 votes for MOTM and 9 votes as runner up.  This compares with Williams with 39 votes for MOTM and 16 as runner up.  Interestingly, one of our much maligned new signings, Mutombo, has12 votes for MOTM and 22 for runner up.

I think this evidence supports that Ten4 has it just about spot on.  Christie is good, but he has only just "emerged" and has only rarely had a game where he has been very good.  Some of the hype about him really is very OTT.

Agreed as well. He's only played one full season for us. Don't see how he's worth half a million considering McKay was worth 150K and scored a lot more. I think it was just because Hughes kept talking him up after every match as the next Messi

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Eh? Scottish Football Writers' Young Player of the Season 2014/15! Previous winners include: James McFadden, Steven Fletcher, James Forrest and Stuart Armstrong.....indeed, all of the Scottish winners (I think) have played regularly for Scotland. I would argue that these writers have been pretty accurate at spotting talent and Ryan Christie has talent. Anybody think we'll be stronger when he goes in January???

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