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A fair point

Council Juice

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Never thought i'd be saying this but i found myself completely agreeing with the Celtic fans who protested at the ?25 ticket prices for their Killie game at Rugby park. Old Firm fans back their team to the hilt and spend ridiculoads of dosh (well it's all dole money like but thats not the point) on supporting their team both at home and abroad and when Bayern Munich and Werder Bremen are only charging ?15 along with AC Milan and Lazio then it really hits home that if these games, both with fairly recent European champions can charge half what Killie the not so great do then its ridiculous. It's small wonder that the Bundesliga is the best attended league in Europe. Mind you Italian football isnt but they're all too busy fighting.

I did laugh a little as the same fans with the banners would have had to pay the charge to get in to protest. Little self defeating if ya ask me. A well the bairns will be going hungry this week, What after the buckie, tennents special, and a puckut af Selk Cut (fags)

I also agreed with Jim Traynor saying that Celtic fans should get a life and a little song about a tattie famine being over isnt really worth making a fuss about as it really does more to mock the Celtics affiliation with their "homeland" what with them being an Irish team an all that.

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The fact is that clubs like ourselves and Kilmarnock have to charge these sort of prices in order to balance the books. Clubs have tried in the past to experiment to see whether substantially reduced admission prices would attract proportionately more fans but it seems they do not.

I seem to recall that when Boyle first took over at Motherwell they persisted with this sort of experiment for some time and that was one of the reasons they ended up in Administration. That and paying ludicrously lavish wages to the likes of John Spencer.

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I seem to have some kind of genetic disorder which results in my brain switching off as soon as a Rangers or Celtic fans starts speaking about football. I don't give a flying hoot if they don't like ticket prices, or they don't like songs they sing to each other, or if that wee dude that manages them gets upset because the press never showed enough of one of their players getting a smack around the napper.

All their problems are of their own making and maybe when they start to look inwards for the answers instead of just pointing the finger at everyone else they will get somewhere towards addressing them. Only then might I actually start to give a toss about what opinions they have.

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Hearts and Hibs generally charge more than the old firm and have vastly inferior facilities. Albeit you can see the whole pitch (unlike parkheid). Ibrox is supposed an 'A' grade Uefa approved stadia or 5 star so probably can justify higher prices.

My point is how can teams in a diddy league like the SPL justify ?25 prices? In Sweden a league of standard not to disimilar to our own you can get a ticket for ?7 odds, Holland similar standard ?10 odds even for Ajax v Feyenoord.

We're running on a par with lower end Premiership teams in terms of price. This is not ICT, Killie or the OF, this is the whole lot.

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The cost is justified by those daft enuff to pay the entry fees to games. If ppl voted wi thier feet they would have no option but to lower the price. This is an area where i admire the french, if they dont like the price of bread or whatever....they protest en mass and stop buying, forcing things to change. We tend to mump and moan then allow ourselves to be walked over

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I saw Feyenoord about 6 years ago and it was dearer than the SPL. So was Tenerife when they were in La Liga.

Saw Barca quite cheaply though, but it's like the Yankees or the Blue Jays, your seat is up in the gods and all the other seats are bought well in advance by the members.

I'd like to hear what the diddy teams at the bottom of the Premiership are charging - the ones at the top are FAR more than the SPL.

I take the point about Italy and Germany but I think it's mostly a bit of a myth and you have to go well away from the Eurozone to get cheap football.

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The cost is justified by those daft enuff to pay the entry fees to games. If ppl voted wi thier feet they would have no option but to lower the price. This is an area where i admire the french, if they dont like the price of bread or whatever....they protest en mass and stop buying, forcing things to change. We tend to mump and moan then allow ourselves to be walked over

What standard should we expect at TFC with a reduced admission and would we be happy with it?

Or shut the **** up!

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