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Ill give Brewster a chance


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After our dreadful performance against Dundee United I am going to give Brewster a chance to turn things around. I am still not convinced by his ability but am prepared to give him some time. he needs to sort out the defence for a start and fitness as we fall apart near the end of games. Finally I really hope we dont lose to Arbroath but if we play like we did today i wouldn't fancy us to beat anyone.

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Guest TinCanFan

I'm going to give him a chance too but I'd rather he didn't come back at all.  I do feel though that things may get worse before it gets better.  I hope I'm wrong.

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After our dreadful performance against Dundee United I am going to give Brewster a chance to turn things around

Well there's a surprise ! NOT 

I wonder how many more will be eating their words after todays performance ?

i must admit though it came sooner than expected , would that be because Brew scored twice today for the Dons  :crazy07:

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... and made the third, and missed a couple too. It smacks of a conspiracy - the old fell doesn't score in two years then scores in consecutive games, the second just after he's had a verbal kicking on here.

If telling him he's sh!te and that we don't want him inspires him to score goals and/or persuade a team to play well, then I think I'll carry on. If this approach continues to work, 'Brewster, GTF' should become a regular matchday chant  :001: Ah well, I can dream...

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Ah but was the play all centred about hit it to Brewster today for Aberdeen  :018: I doubt it, He'l have got his chances and taken them, something we lacked today, we may aswell have had Rory out playing. :crazy07:

If Brewster can turn this team around without focusing on himself as the centre attraction, then after today I'll give him a chance cos we cant get any ******* worse than that!

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we may aswell have had Rory out playing

You wot?!? At least their keeper had some saves to make today, and if Caff had been expecting the pace Niculae put on that cross it'd have been a belting goal. We squandered some chances, as we often do, but you can't blame today's result on anything but the defence.

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we may aswell have had Rory out playing

You wot?!?

Have a day off  :016:  this smiley  :crazy07: which you didnt include in that quote was as good as  :sillywave: in the context I wrote that.

4ize were you playing a part as michael fraser's reflexes this afternoon  :sillywave:

CD - Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick  :019: :019: :019: Its not looking good is it  :rotflmao:

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the fact is were in such  a state at the moment brewster can only do us some good!.4 straight defeats is utter pish and i hope he starts by kicking some *** in the dressing room and playing himself up front with nicolae.our only hope is we get some much needed confidence boosting on tuesday and move on from there.

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You might want to put a bit more iron into your irony - otherwise you're just left with... y?

Either your putting a spin on that or maybe we just have a complete misunderstanding. Either way....actually, look, Its not you its me...We'l move on and get back on topic because its not worth whatever its being spun into :003:

Brwster ill give a chance, mix of emotions this week....has a lot to prove, but were stuck with him, can only make the best of a bad appointment, and rather than get on his back even more and more hey chance to prove himself and stick 2 fingers up at all the doubters including myself.

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Denial - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance

Just tick off the boxes as you go along folks  :004:

CaleyD, like most of the nay-sayers on the topic of Brew's return you are positioning yourself so you can say "I told you so" if/when he doesn't give us the return we want come the turn of the year.

One or two of you have said, "I'll delightedly eat humble pie if we are mid-table by the time Santa visits", no you won't, you'll be quietly moderating on the topics (Cup, Transfers, League etc)...with no mention of this disgusting personal abuse of Craig Brewster.

This is a pathetic episode for Caley Thistle Fans.

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He's already had more than one chance from Mee and he fecked it. Nice that the rest of you are so forgiving though!

Haven't noticed any "disgusting personal abuse" Wanderer, (apart from the guy who got banned), maybe you're just too sensitive!

And the only thing thats pathetic is that we're being forced to have him back!

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this disgusting personal abuse of Craig Brewster

You make it sound like there's been widespread character assassination going on here. Emotions have been running high but, unless I'm missing something most of the criticisms have been either performance-related or to do with the manner in which he left the club (and targeted players). I can't think of many which haven't been grounded in fact - the moderators would have been forced to remove any that weren't. 'Brewster is a nob-head' or 'Wanderer likes sheep and not just for dinner' would be examples of personal abuse. 'We played crap under Brewster' is a valid opinion, surely?

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Denial - Anger - Bargaining - Depression - Acceptance

Just tick off the boxes as you go along folks  :004:

CaleyD, like most of the nay-sayers on the topic of Brew's return you are positioning yourself so you can say "I told you so" if/when he doesn't give us the return we want come the turn of the year.

One or two of you have said, "I'll delightedly eat humble pie if we are mid-table by the time Santa visits", no you won't, you'll be quietly moderating on the topics (Cup, Transfers, League etc)...with no mention of this disgusting personal abuse of Craig Brewster.

This is a pathetic episode for Caley Thistle Fans.

Well said wanderer
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The guy who got banned did so after one post, wishing he was dead or something? That was going way too far obviously, and so you're getting on your high horse with everyone accusing us all of disgusting personal abuse for ONE post? A simple yes or no will suffice  :015:

And being called a Judas is neither disgusting or abusive, it is unfortunately TRUE!

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Well more than one person on here has called him a "Judas", so that's pretty abusive in my book.

Well, it's not nice but it's a term used to describe someone who you feel has betrayed you. Does betrayal have a legal definition? I don't know. Am I going to spend the next hour researching betrayal down the years? Am I feck.

So you admit there has been 'disgusting personal abuse'? A simple 'yes' or 'no' will suffice

How about a maybe?  :016:

Back to topic, eh? Bless...

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Wanderer, I haven't dished out any abuse at Brewster, personal or otherwise. 

My disgust lies firmly at the feet of those who's actions I believe put the club in the situation it now finds itself.  I didn't think Brewster was the right person for the job, and I still don't, but the team will still get my support.

If Brewster turns things around then I will quite happily give credit where it is due.  If he doesn't then I will give criticism where it is due.  But you can be sure of one thing, regardless of the outcome, I WILL NOT forgive the board for the way we (the fans) have been treated and the manner in which they have made this appointment.

Their are problems at ICT and they run far far deeper than the man leading the team - the sooner some people wake up and realise that the better.

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Guest sophia

Mee wrote "we're being forced to have him back!".

With respect Mee, you've already said you're not coming back so you're not really a "we" anymore.

I'm one of many who has it in their heart to forgive and welcome Craig back to the Highlands.

Forgiveness is a grown up gift.

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You're right about the forgiveness thing Sophia, but I'm finding it a lot easier to use that grown up gift towards the method of Brew's departure than I ever will towards the method the board adopted in this 'selection' process.

My opposition to his appointment has nothing to do with his leaving to join the Arabs but with his one-directional tactics that I am sure will drag us back down to Div 1.

He may prove us wrong and I hope he does, but whether he does or doesn't the actions of the board during the past week will never be forgotten or forgiven.

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